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Paper's Title:
Trace Inequalities for Operators in Hilbert Spaces: a Survey of Recent Results
Sever S. Dragomir1,2
School of Engineering
& Science
Victoria University,
PO Box 14428
Melbourne City, MC 8001,
E-mail: sever.dragomir@vu.edu.au
2DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in the Mathematical and Statistical Sciences,
School of Computer Science & Applied Mathematics,
University of the Witwatersrand,
Private Bag 3, Johannesburg 2050,
South Africa
In this paper we survey some recent trace inequalities for operators in Hilbert spaces that are connected to Schwarz's, Buzano's and Kato's inequalities and the reverses of Schwarz inequality known in the literature as Cassels' inequality and Shisha-Mond's inequality. Applications for some functionals that are naturally associated to some of these inequalities and for functions of operators defined by power series are given. Further, various trace inequalities for convex functions are presented including refinements of Jensen inequality and several reverses of Jensen's inequality. Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities and the trace version of Slater's inequality are given. Some Lipschitz type inequalities are also surveyed. Examples for fundamental functions such as the power, logarithmic, resolvent and exponential functions are provided as well.
Paper's Title:
Inequalities for Functions of Selfadjoint Operators on Hilbert Spaces:
a Survey of Recent Results
Sever S. Dragomir1,2
College of Engineering
& Science
Victoria University, PO Box 14428
Melbourne City, MC 8001,
E-mail: sever.dragomir@vu.edu.au
2DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in the Mathematical and Statistical Sciences,
School of Computer Science & Applied Mathematics,
University of the Witwatersrand,
Private Bag 3, Johannesburg 2050,
South Africa
The main aim of this survey is to present recent results concerning inequalities for continuous functions of selfadjoint operators on complex Hilbert spaces. It is intended for use by both researchers in various fields of Linear Operator Theory and Mathematical Inequalities, domains which have grown exponentially in the last decade, as well as by postgraduate students and scientists applying inequalities in their specific areas.
Paper's Title:
Inequalities for Discrete F-Divergence Measures: A Survey of Recent Results
Sever S. Dragomir1,2
1Mathematics, School of Engineering
& Science
Victoria University, PO Box 14428
Melbourne City, MC 8001,
E-mail: sever.dragomir@vu.edu.au
2DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in the Mathematical and Statistical Sciences,
School of Computer Science & Applied Mathematics,
University of the Witwatersrand,
Private Bag 3, Johannesburg 2050,
South Africa
In this paper we survey some recent results obtained by the author in providing various bounds for the celebrated f-divergence measure for various classes of functions f. Several techniques including inequalities of Jensen and Slater types for convex functions are employed. Bounds in terms of Kullback-Leibler Distance, Hellinger Discrimination and Varation distance are provided. Approximations of the f-divergence measure by the use of the celebrated Ostrowski and Trapezoid inequalities are obtained. More accurate approximation formulae that make use of Taylor's expansion with integral remainder are also surveyed. A comprehensive list of recent papers by several authors related this important concept in information theory is also included as an appendix to the main text.
Paper's Title:
Ostrowski Type Inequalities for Lebesgue Integral: a Survey of Recent Results
Sever S. Dragomir1,2
1Mathematics, School of Engineering
& Science
Victoria University, PO Box 14428
Melbourne City, MC 8001,
E-mail: sever.dragomir@vu.edu.au
2DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in the Mathematical and Statistical Sciences,
School of Computer Science & Applied Mathematics,
University of the Witwatersrand,
Private Bag 3, Johannesburg 2050,
South Africa
The main aim of this survey is to present recent results concerning Ostrowski type inequalities for the Lebesgue integral of various classes of complex and real-valued functions. The survey is intended for use by both researchers in various fields of Classical and Modern Analysis and Mathematical Inequalities and their Applications, domains which have grown exponentially in the last decade, as well as by postgraduate students and scientists applying inequalities in their specific areas.
Paper's Title:
The Drazin-star and Star-Drazin Solutions to Quaternion Matrix Equations
Ivan I. Kyrchei, Dijana Mosić, Predrag Stanimirović
Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems
of Mechanics and Mathematics
of NAS of Ukraine, L'viv, 79060,
Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics,
University of Niš, P.O.
Box 224, 18000, Niš, Serbia.
E-mail: dijana@pmf.ni.ac.rs
Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics,
University of Niš, P.O.
Box 224, 18000, Niš, Serbia.
E-mail: pecko@pmf.ni.ac.rs
The notions of the Drazin-star and star-Drazin matrices are expanded to quaternion matrices in this paper. Their determinantal representations are developed in both cases in terms of noncommutative row-column determinants of quaternion matrices and for minors of appropriate complex matrices. We study all possible two-sided quaternion matrix equations with their one-sided partial cases whose uniquely determined solutions are based on the Drazin-star and star-Drazin matrices. Solutions of these equations are represented by Cramer's rules in both cases for quaternion and complex matrix equations. A numerical example is presented to illustrate our results.
Paper's Title:
Generalized Efficient Solutions to One Class of Vector Optimization Problems in Banach Space
Peter I. Kogut, Rosanna Manzo, and Igor V. Nechay
Department of Differential Equations,
Dnipropetrovsk National University,
Naukova str., 13,
49050 Dnipropetrovsk,
Dipartimento di Ingegneria
Dell’informazione e Matematica Applicata,
Universitŕ di Salerno,
Don Melillo,
84084 Fisciano
Department of Technical Cybernetics,
Dnipropetrovsk Technical University,
Acad. Lazarjan str., 2,
In this paper, we study vector optimization problems in Banach spaces for essentially nonlinear operator equations with additional control and state constraints. We assume that an objective mapping possesses a weakened property of lower semicontinuity and make no assumptions on the interior of the ordering cone. Using the penalization approach we derive both sufficient and necessary conditions for the existence of efficient solutions of the above problems. We also prove the existence of the so-called generalized efficient solutions via the scalarization of some penalized vector optimization problem.
Paper's Title:
Long Time Behavior for a Viscoelastic Problem with a Positive Definite Kernel
Nasser-eddine Tatar
King Fahd
University of Petroleum and Mineral, Department of Mathematical Sciences,
Dhahran, 31261 Saudi Arabia
We study the asymptotic behavior of solutions for an integro-differential problem which arises in the theory of viscoelasticity. It is proved that solutions go to rest in an exponential manner under new assumptions on the relaxation function in the memory term. In particular, we consider a new family of kernels which are not necessarily decreasing.
Paper's Title:
Hardy Type Inequalities via Convexity - The Journey so Far
James A.
Oguntuase and Lars-Erik Persson
Department of Mathematics,
University of Agriculture,
P. M. B. 2240, Abeokuta, Nigeria.
Department of
Mathematics, Luleĺ University of Technology,
SE-971 87, Luleĺ , Sweden.
larserik@sm.luth.se .
It is nowadays well-known that Hardy's inequality (like many other inequalities) follows directly from Jensen's inequality. Most of the development of Hardy type inequalities has not used this simple fact, which obviously was unknown by Hardy himself and many others. Here we report on some results obtained in this way mostly after 2002 by mainly using this fundamental idea.
Paper's Title:
Some New Mappings Related to Weighted Mean Inequalities
Xiu-Fen Ma
College of Mathematical and Computer,
Chongqing Normal University Foreign Trade and Business College,
No.9 of Xuefu Road, Hechuan District 401520,
Chongqing City,
The People's Republic of China.
E-mail: maxiufen86@163.com
In this paper, we define four mappings related to weighted mean inequalities, investigate their properties, and obtain some new refinements of weighted mean inequalities.
Paper's Title:
Topological Aspects of Scalarization in Vector Optimization Problems.
Peter I. Kogut, Rosanna Manzo and Igor V. Nechay
Department of Differential Equations,
Dnipropetrovsk National University, Naukova
49010 Dnipropetrovsk,
Universitŕ di Salerno,
Department of Technical Cybernetics,
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione e Matematica Applicata,
Via Ponte don Melillo, 84084 Fisciano (SA),
Dnipropetrovsk Technical University,
Acad. Lazarjan
STR., 2,
49010 Dnipropetrovsk,
In this paper, we study vector optimization problems in partially ordered Banach spaces. We suppose that the objective mapping possesses a weakened property of lower semicontinuity and make no assumptions on the interior of the ordering cone. We derive sufficient conditions for existence of efficient solutions of the above problems and discuss the role of topological properties of the objective space. We discuss the scalarization of vector optimization problems when the objective functions are vector-valued mappings with a weakened property of lower semicontinuity. We also prove the existence of the so-called generalized efficient solutions via the scalarization process. All principal notions and assertions are illustrated by numerous examples.
Paper's Title:
On Convergence Theorems of an Implicit Iterative Process with Errors for a
Finite Family of Asymptotically quasi I-nonexpansive Mappings
Farrukh Mukhamedov and Mansoor Saburov
Department of Computational & Theoretical
Faculty of Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia,
P.O. Box, 141, 25710, Kuantan,
In this paper we prove the weak and strong convergence of the implicit iterative process with errors to a common fixed point of a finite family {Tj}Ni=1 of asymptotically quasi Ij-nonexpansive mappings as well as a family of {Ij}Nj=1 of asymptotically quasi nonexpansive mappings in the framework of Banach spaces. The obtained results improve and generalize the corresponding results in the existing literature.
Paper's Title:
A New Adomian Approach to Solving Integral Equations of Fredholm and Volterra Second Kind
Ouedraogo Seny, Nebie Abdoul Wassiha, Youssouf Pare, Blaise Some
Departement de mathematiques,
Universite Joseph Ki-Zerbo,
Burkina Faso.
E-mail: oseny@yahoo.fr,
In order to simplify the resolution of Fredholm and Volterra's second type integral equations, we propose a new approach based on the Adomian Decompositional Method (ADM). We test the new approach on several examples with success.
Paper's Title:
Some Nonlinear Gronwall-Bellman Type Retarded Integral Inequalities with Power and Their Applications
Ammar Boudeliou
Department of Mathematics, University of Constantine 1
Brothers Mentouri,
BP, 325, Ain El Bey Street, 25017,
E-mail: ammar_boudeliou@umc.edu.dz
In this paper, we investigate a certain class of nonlinear Gronwall-Bellman type integral inequalities with power in more general cases involving retarded term and more general nonlinearities. Our results generalize some known integral inequalities and other results obtained very recently. The inequalities given here can be used to estimate the bound on the solutions of retarded integral equation of Volterra type and integro-differential equations (IDE) with power. Two examples are given to show the validity of our established theorems.
Paper's Title:
On Some Nonlinear Retarded Integrodifferential Inequalities in Two and n Independent Variables and their Applications
Bitat Dalila and Khellaf Hassane
Department of Mathematics, Laboratory of
Applied Mathematics and Modeling,
University of Constantine,
PO Box 325, Ain El Bey Road, Constantine 25017,
E-mail: bitat.dalila@umc.edu.dz
URL: https://www.umc.edu.dz
In this paper, we establish some new nonlinear retarded integrodifferential inequalities in two and n independent variables. Some applications are given as illustration.
Paper's Title:
Stability of a Mixed Additive, Quadratic and Cubic Functional Equation In Quasi-Banach Spaces
A. Najati and F. Moradlou
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences,
University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil,
Faculty of Mathematical Sciences,
University of Tabriz, Tabriz,
In this paper we establish the general solution of a mixed additive,
quadratic and cubic functional equation and investigate the
Hyers--Ulam--Rassias stability of this equation in quasi-Banach
spaces. The concept of Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability originated from
Th. M. Rassias' stability theorem that appeared in his paper: On the
stability of the linear mapping in Banach spaces, Proc. Amer. Math.
Soc. 72 (1978), 297--300.
Paper's Title:
Existence, Global Regularity and Uniqueness of Solutions of the Navier-Stokes Equations in Space Dimension 3 when the Initial Data are Regular
Moulay D. Tidriri
Email: mtctyasa@gmail.com
The existence, regularity, and uniqueness of global solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations in are given for when the initial velocity for all integers q ≥ 0 and div u0 = 0.
Paper's Title:
Sharp Inequalities Between Hölder and Stolarsky Means of Two Positive Numbers
M. Bustos Gonzalez and A. I. Stan
The University of Iowa,
Department of Mathematics,
14 MacLean Hall,
Iowa City, Iowa,
The Ohio State University at Marion,
Department of Mathematics,
1465 Mount Vernon Avenue,
Marion, Ohio,
E-mail: stan.7@osu.edu
Given any index of the Stolarsky means, we find the greatest and least indexes of the H\"older means, such that for any two positive numbers, the Stolarsky mean with the given index is bounded from below and above by the Hölder means with those indexes, of the two positive numbers. Finally, we present a geometric application of this inequality involving the Fermat-Torricelli point of a triangle.
Paper's Title:
Applications of Relations and Relators in the
Extensions of Stability Theorems for Homogeneous and Additive Functions
Árpád Száz
Institute of Mathematics, University of Debrecen,
H-4010 Debrecen,
Pf. 12,
By working out an appropriate technique of relations and relators and extending the ideas of the direct methods of Z. Gajda and R. Ger, we prove some generalizations of the stability theorems of D. H. Hyers, T. Aoki, Th. M. Rassias and P. Găvruţă in terms of the existence and unicity of 2-homogeneous and additive approximate selections of generalized subadditive relations of semigroups to vector relator spaces. Thus, we obtain generalizations not only of the selection theorems of Z. Gajda and R. Ger, but also those of the present author.
Paper's Title:
A New Hardy-Hilbert's Type Inequality for Double Series and its Applications
Mingzhe Gao
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Normal College Jishou University,
Jishou Hunan, 416000,
People's Republic of China
In this paper, it is shown that a new Hardy-Hilbert’s type
inequality for double series can be established by introducing a parameter and the weight function of the form where c is Euler
constant and And
the coefficient is proved to be the
best possible. And as the mathematics aesthetics, several important constants and appear simultaneously in the coefficient and the weight
function when In particular, for
case some new Hilbert’s
type inequalities are obtained. As applications, some extensions of Hardy-Littlewood’s inequality are given.
Paper's Title:
Sharp Lp Improving Results for Singular Measures on Cn+1
E. Ferreyra, M. Urciuolo
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba-Conicet,
Ciudad Universitaria, 5000 Córdoba,
For j=1,...,n, let Ωj be open sets of the complex plane and let φj be holomorphic functions on Ωj such that φj'' does not vanish identically on Ωj. We consider φ(z1,...,zn) =φ1(z1) +...+φn(zn). We characterize the pairs (p,q) such that the convolution operator with the surface measure supported on a compact subset of the graph of φ is p-q bounded.
Paper's Title:
On Certain Classes of Harmonic Univalent Functions Based on Salagean Operator
G. Murugusundaramoorthy, Thomas Rosy, and B. A. Stephen
Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics,
Department of Mathematics, Vellore Institute of Technology,
Deemed University, Vellore - 632014, India.
Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics,
Department of Mathematics, Madras Christian College,
Chennai - 600059, India.
We define and investigate a class of complex-valued harmonic univalent functions of the form f = h + g using Salagean operator where h and g are analytic in the unit disc U = { z : |z| < 1 }. A necessary and sufficient coefficient conditions are given for functions in these classes. Furthermore, distortion theorems, inclusion relations, extreme points, convolution conditions and convex combinations for this family of harmonic functions are obtained.
Paper's Title:
General Extension of Hardy-Hilbert's Inequality (I)
W. T. Sulaiman
College of Computer Science and Mathematics, University of Mosul,
A generalization for Hardy-Hilbert's inequality that extends the recent
results of Yang and Debnath
[6], is given.
Paper's Title:
On a Generalized Biharmonic Equation in Plane Polars with Applications to Functionally Graded Materials
Ciro D'Apice
Department of Information Engineering and Applied Mathematics (DIIMA),
University of Salerno, 84084 Fisciano (SA),
Salerno, Italy.
In this paper we consider a generalized biharmonic
equation modelling a two-dimensional inhomogeneous
elastic state in the curvilinear rectangle where denote plane polar
coordinates. Such an arch--like region is maintained in equilibrium under
self--equilibrated traction applied on the edge while the other three
edges and are traction free. Our
aim is to derive some explicit spatial exponential decay bounds for the
specific Airy stress function and its derivatives. Two types of smoothly
varying inhomogeneity are considered: (i) the elastic moduli vary
smoothly with the polar angle, (ii) they vary smoothly
with the polar distance. Such types of smoothly varying inhomogeneous elastic
materials provide a model for technological important functionally graded
materials. The results of the present paper prove how the spatial decay rate
varies with the constitutive profile.
Paper's Title:
Regular Variation on Time Scales and Dynamic Equations
Pavel Řehák
Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Žižkova 22, CZ61662 Brno,
Czech Republic
The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, we want to initiate a study
of regular variation on time scales by introducing this concept in such a
way that it
unifies and extends well studied continuous and discrete cases.
Some basic properties of regularly varying functions on time scales will be
established as well.
Second, we give conditions under which certain solutions of linear second
dynamic equations are regularly varying.
Open problems and possible directions for a future research are discussed,
Paper's Title:
Some Generalizations of Steffensen's Inequality
W. T. Sulaiman
College of Computer Science and Mathematics Abstract:
Some generalization of Steffensen's inequalities are given. Paper's Title:
Some fixed point results in partial S-metric spaces Author(s):
M. M. Rezaee, S. Sedghi, A. Mukheimer, K. Abodayeh, and Z. D. Mitrovic Department of Mathematics, Qaemshahr
Branch, Department of Mathematics, Qaemshahr
Branch, Department of Mathematics and General
Sciences, Department of Mathematics and General
Sciences, Nonlinear Analysis Research Group, Abstract:
We introduce in this article a new class of generalized metric spaces, called
partial S-metric spaces. In addition, we also give some interesting results on
fixed points in the partial S-metric spaces and some applications. Paper's Title:
On a Subclass of Uniformly Convex Functions Defined by the Dziok-Srivastava Operator
M. K. Aouf and G. Murugusundaramoorthy
Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science,
School of Science and Humanities, VIT University Abstract:
Making use of the Dziok-Srivastava operator, we define a new subclass Tlm([α1];α,β) of uniformly convex function with
negative coefficients. In this paper, we obtain coefficient estimates,
distortion theorems, locate extreme points and obtain radii of
close-to-convexity, starlikeness and convexity for functions belonging to the
class Tlm([α1];α,β) . We
consider integral operators associated with functions belonging to the class
Hlm([α1];α,β) defined via the Dziok-Srivastava
operator. We also obtain several results for the modified Hadamard products of
functions belonging to the class Tlm([α1];α,β)
and we obtain properties associated with generalized fractional calculus
operators. Paper's Title:
On Oscillation of
Second-Order Delay Dynamic Equations on Time Scales
S. H. Saker
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Abstract:
Some new oscillation criteria for second-order linear delay dynamic equation
on a time scale T are established. Our results improve the
recent results for delay dynamic equations and in the special case when
T=R, the results include the oscillation results established by Hille [1948,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 64 (1948), 234-252] and Erbe [Canad. Math. Bull. 16
(1973), 49-56.] for differential equations. When T=Z the
results include and improve some oscillation criteria for difference
equations. When T=hZ, h>0, T=qN and T=N2, i.e., for generalized second order delay difference equations our
results are essentially new and can be applied on different types of time
scales. An example is considered to illustrate the main results. Paper's Title:
Fixed Point Theorems for a Finite Family of Asymptotically Nonexpansive Mappings Author(s):
E. Prempeh
Department of Mathematics, Abstract:
be a real reflexive Banach space with a uniformly Gâteaux differentiable norm,
be a nonempty bounded closed convex subset of
i=1,2,...,r be a finite family of asymptotically nonexpansive mappings
such that for each
be a nonempty set of common fixed points of
and define
University of Mosul , Iraq
57: Paper Source
PDF document
Islamic Azad University, Qaemshahr,
E-mail: Rezaee.mohammad.m@gmail.com
Islamic Azad University, Qaemshahr,
E-mail: sedghi.gh@qaemiau.ac.ir
Prince Sultan University, Riyadh,
E-mail: mukheimer@psu.edu.sa
Prince Sultan University, Riyadh,
E-mail: kamal@psu.edu.sa
Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics,
Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City,
E-mail: zoran.mitrovic@tdtu.edu.vn
56: Paper Source
PDF document
Mansoura University 35516,
Vellore - 632014,
55: Paper Source
PDF document
Mansoura University, Mansoura, 35516,
54: Paper Source
PDF document
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology,
Kumasi, Ghana
associated with , converges strongly to a fixed point of provided possesses uniform normal structure. Furthermore we prove that the iterative process:
, converges strongly to a fixed point of
Paper's Title:
On Zeros of Diagonally Quasiconvex Multifunctions
Zoran D. Mitrović
Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
University of Banja Luka,
78000 Banja Luka, Patre 5
Bosnia and Herzegovina
In this paper, we extended the notion of diagonally quasiconvexity
for multifunctions and established several existence results for
zeros of diagonally quasiconvex multifunctions. As applications we
obtain the results of fixed points, coincidence points and best
approximations for multifunctions. Using our result we also prove
the existence of solutions to the variational-like inequality
problem and generalized vector equilibrium problem. The results
of this paper generalize some known results in the literature.
Paper's Title:
MSplit Equality for Monotone Inclusion Problem and Fixed Point Problem in
Real Banach Spaces
1,2Christian Chibueze Okeke, 3Abdumalik Usman Bello, 1Chinedu Izuchukwu, and 1Oluwatosin Temitope Mewomo
of Mathematics,
Statistics and Computer Science,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban,
South Africa.
E-mail: okekec@ukzn.ac.za
E-mail: izuchukwuc@ukzn.ac.za
E-mail: mewomoo@ukzn.ac.za
Center of Excellence in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (CoE-Mass)
South Africa.
Dutsin-Ma, Katsina State,
In this paper a new iterative algorithm for approximating a common solution of split equality monotone inclusion problem and split equality fixed point problem is introduced. Using our algorithm, we state and prove a strong convergence theorem for approximating an element in the intersection of the set of solutions of a split equality monotone inclusion problem and the set of solutions of a split equality fixed point problem for right Bregman strongly nonexpansive mappings in the setting of p-uniformly convex Banach spaces which are also uniformly smooth. We also give some applications.
Paper's Title:
Refinement Inequalities Among Symmetric Divergence Measures
Inder Jeet Taneja
Departamento de Matemática,
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 88.040-900
Florianópolis, Sc, Brazil
URL: http://www.mtm.ufsc.br/~taneja
There are three classical divergence measures in the literature
on information theory and statistics, namely, Jeffryes-Kullback-Leiber’s
J-divergence, Sibson-Burbea-Rao’s Jensen- Shannon divegernce and
Taneja’s arithemtic - geometric mean divergence. These bear an
interesting relationship among each other and are based on logarithmic
expressions. The divergence measures like Hellinger discrimination,
symmetric χ2−divergence, and triangular discrimination
are not based on logarithmic expressions. These six divergence measures are
symmetric with respect to probability distributions. In this paper some
interesting inequalities among these symmetric divergence measures are studied.
Refinements of these inequalities are also given. Some inequalities due to
Dragomir et al. [6]
are also improved.
Paper's Title:
Approximation of an AQCQ-Functional Equation and its Applications
Choonkil Park and Jung Rye Lee
Department of Mathematics,
Research Institute for Natural Sciences,
Hanyang University, Seoul 133-791,
Department of Mathematics,
Daejin University,
Kyeonggi 487-711,
This paper is a survey on the generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of an AQCQ-functional equation in several spaces. Its content is divided into the following sections:
1. Introduction and preliminaries.
2. Generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of an AQCQ-functional equation in Banach spaces: direct method.
3. Generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of an AQCQ-functional equation in Banach spaces: fixed point method.
4. Generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of an AQCQ-functional equation in random Banach spaces: direct method.
5. Generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of an AQCQ-functional equation in random Banach spaces: fixed point method.
6. Generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of an AQCQ-functional equation in non-Archi-medean Banach spaces: direct method.
7. Generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of an AQCQ-functional equation in non-Archi-medean Banach spaces: fixed point method.
Paper's Title:
Oblique Projectors from the Simpson Discrete Fourier Transformation Matrix
P. Singh and V. Singh
School of Mathematics, Computer Science
and Statistics,
University of Kwazulu-Natal,
Private Bag X54001, Durban 4001,
South Africa.
E-mail: singhp@ukzn.ac.za,
In this paper we examine the projectors of the Simpson Discrete Fourier Transform matrix of dimension two modulus four and show how they decompose the complex vector space into a direct sum of oblique eigenspaces. These projection operators are used to define a Simpson Discrete Fractional Fourier Transform (SDFRFT).
Paper's Title:
Szegö Limits and Haar Wavelet Basis
M. N. N. Namboodiri and S. Remadevi
Dept. of Mathematics, Cochin University
of Science and Technology,
Cochin-21, Kerala,
Dept. of Mathematics, College of
Cherthala, Kerala,
This paper deals with Szegö type limits for multiplication operators on L2 (R) with respect to Haar orthonormal basis. Similar studies have been carried out by Morrison for multiplication operators Tf using Walsh System and Legendre polynomials [14]. Unlike the Walsh and Fourier basis functions, the Haar basis functions are local in nature. It is observed that Szegö type limit exist for a class of multiplication operators Tf , f∈ L∞ (R) with respect to Haar (wavelet) system with appropriate ordering. More general classes of orderings of Haar system are identified for which the Szegö type limit exist for certain classes of multiplication operators. Some illustrative examples are also provided.
Paper's Title:
Hermite-Hadamard Type Inequalities for MN-Convex Functions
Sever S. Dragomir1,2
College of Engineering
& Science
Victoria University, PO Box 14428
Melbourne City, MC 8001,
E-mail: sever.dragomir@vu.edu.au
2DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in the Mathematical and Statistical Sciences,
School of Computer Science & Applied Mathematics,
University of the Witwatersrand,
Private Bag 3, Johannesburg 2050,
South Africa
The present work endeavours to briefly present some of the fundamental results connected to the Hermite-Hadamard inequality for special classes of convex functions such as AG, AH, GA, GG, GH, HA, HG and HH -convex functions in which the author have been involved during the last five years. For simplicity, we call these classes of functions such as MN-convex functions, where M and N stand for any of the Arithmetic (A), Geometric (G) or Harmonic (H) weighted means of positive real numbers. The survey is intended for use by both researchers in various fields of Approximation Theory and Mathematical Inequalities, domains which have grown exponentially in the last decade, as well as by postgraduate students and scientists applying inequalities in their specific areas.
Paper's Title:
Positive Periodic Solutions for
Second-Order Differential Equations with Generalized Neutral Operator
Wing-Sum Cheung, Jingli Ren and Weiwei Han
Department of Mathematics,
The University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Department of Mathematics, Zhengzhou University
Zhengzhou 450001,
P.R. China
By some analysis of the neutral operator and an application of the fixed-point index theorem, we obtain sufficient conditions for the existence, multiplicity and nonexistence of periodic solutions to a second-order differential equation with the prescribed neutral operator, which improve and extend some recent results of Lu-Ge, Wu-Wang, and Zhang. An example is given to illustrate our results. Moreover, the analysis of the generalized neutral operator will be helpful for other types of differential equations.
Paper's Title:
A new approach to the study of fixed point for simulation functions with application in G-metric spaces
Komi Afassinou and Ojen Kumar Narain
Department of Mathematical Sciences,
University of Zululand,
South Africa.
E-mail: komia@aims.ac.za
School of Mathematics, Statistics and
Computer Science,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban,
South Africa.
E-mail: naraino@ukzn.ac.za
The purpose of this work is to generalize the fixed point results of Kumar et al. [11] by introducing the concept of (α,β)-Z-contraction mapping, Suzuki generalized (α,β)-Z-contraction mapping, (α,β)-admissible mapping and triangular (α,β)-admissible mapping in the frame work of G-metric spaces. Fixed point theorems for these class of mappings are established in the frame work of a complete G-metric spaces and we establish a generalization of the fixed point result of Kumar et al. [11] and a host of others in the literature. Finally, we apply our fixed point result to solve an integral equation.
Paper's Title:
Riemann-Stieltjes Integrals and Some Ostrowski Type Inequalities
W. G. Alshanti
Department of General Studies,
Jubail University College,
E-mail: shantiw@ucj.edu.sa
In this article, we investigate new integral inequalities of Ostrowski's type of various functional aspects. For mapping's second derivative, we assume two cases, namely, L1 and L∞ spaces. Moreover, for first derivative, we investigate two different characteristics, namely, bounded variation and locally Lipchitz continuity. Applications to special means and composite quadrature rules are also carried out.
Paper's Title:
Some Convergence Results for Jungck-Am Iterative Process In Hyperbolic Spaces
Akindele Adebayo Mebawondu and Oluwatosin Temitope Mewomo
School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban,
South Africa.
In this paper, we introduce a new three steps iterative process called Jungck-AM iterative process and show that the proposed iterative process can be used to approximate fixed points of Jungck-contractive type mappings and Jungck-Suzuki type mappings. In addition, we establish some strong and Δ-convergence results for the approximation of fixed points of Jungck-Suzuki type mappings in the frame work of uniformly convex hyperbolic space. Furthermore, we show that the newly proposed iterative process has a better rate of convergence compare to the Jungck-Noor, Jungck-SP, Jungck-CR and some existing iterative processes in the literature. Finally, stability, data dependency results for Jungck-AM iterative process is established and we present an analytical proof and numerical examples to validate our claim.
Paper's Title:
A Self Adaptive Method for Solving Split Bilevel Variational Inequalities Problem in Hilbert Spaces
Francis Akutsah1, Ojen Kumar Narain2, Funmilayo Abibat Kasali3 Olawale Kazeem Oyewole4 and Akindele Adebayo Mebawondu5
of Mathematics,
Statistics and Computer Science,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban,
South Africa.
E-mail: 216040405@stu.ukzn.ac.za,
of Mathematics,
Statistics and Computer Science,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban,
South Africa.
E-mail: naraino@ukzn.ac.za
3Mountain Top University,
Prayer City, Ogun State,
E-mail: fkasali@mtu.edu.ng
Institute of Technology.
E-mail: 217079141@stu.ukzn.ac.za,
of Mathematics,
Statistics and Computer Science,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban,
South Africa.
DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (CoE-MaSS),
South Africa.
Mountain Top University,
Prayer City, Ogun State,
E-mail: dele@aims.ac.za
In this work, we study the split bilevel variational inequality problem in two real Hilbert spaces. We propose a new modified inertial projection and contraction method for solving the aforementioned problem when one of the operators is pseudomonotone and Lipschitz continuous while the other operator is α-strongly monotone. The use of the weakly sequential continuity condition on the Pseudomonotone operator is removed in this work. A Strong convergence theorem of the proposed method is proved under some mild conditions. In addition, some numerical experiments are presented to show the efficiency and implementation of our method in comparison with other methods in the literature in the framework of infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces. The results obtained in this paper extend, generalize and improve several.
Paper's Title:
Oscillation Criteria for Second Order Delay Difference Equations via Canonical Transformations and Some New Monotonic Properties
R. Deepalakhmi, S. Saravanan, J. R. Graef, and E. Thandapani
Department of Interdisciplinary Studies
Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University
Madras School of Economics,
Department of Mathematics,
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga,
Chattanooga,TN 37403,
Ramanujan Institute for Advanced Study in
University of Madras,
Chennai - 600 005,
This paper is concerned with second-order linear noncanonical delay difference equations of the form
Δ(μ(t)Δ y(t))+ p(t)y(φ(t))=0.
The authors prove new oscillation criteria by first transforming the equation into canonical form and then obtaining some new monotonic properties of the positive solutions of the transformed equation. By using a comparison with first-order delay difference equations and a generalization of a technique developed by Koplatadze, they obtain their main results. Examples illustrating the improvement over known results in the literature are presented.
Paper's Title:
A Note On The Global Behavior Of A Nonlinear System of Difference Equations
Norman H. Josephy, Mihaela Predescu and Samuel W. Woolford
Department of Mathematical Sciences,
Bentley University,
Waltham, MA 02452,
This paper deals with the global asymptotic stability character of solutions of a discrete time deterministic model proposed by Wikan and Eide in Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 66, 2004, 1685-1704. A stochastic extension of this model is proposed and discussed. Computer simulations suggest that the dynamics of the stochastic model includes a mixture of the dynamics observed in the deterministic model.
Paper's Title:
New Implicit Kirk-Type Schemes for General Class of Quasi-Contractive Operators in Generalized Convex Metric Spaces
K. Rauf, O. T. Wahab and A. Ali
Department of Mathematics,
University of Ilorin, Ilorin,
E-mail: krauf@unilorin.edu.ng
Department of Statistics and Mathematical
Kwara State University, Malete,
Department of Mathematics,
Mirpur University of Science and Technology, Mirpur,
In this paper, we introduce some new implicit Kirk-type iterative schemes in generalized convex metric spaces in order to approximate fixed points for general class of quasi-contractive type operators. The strong convergence, T-stability, equivalency, data dependence and convergence rate of these results were explored. The iterative schemes are faster and better, in term of speed of convergence, than their corresponding results in the literature. These results also improve and generalize several existing iterative schemes in the literature and they provide analogues of the corresponding results of other spaces, namely: normed spaces, CAT(0) spaces and so on.
Paper's Title:
Convergence and Stability Results for New Three Step Iteration Process
in Modular Spaces
Naresh Kumar and Renu Chugh
Department of Mathematics,
M.D. University,
Rohtak-124001, Haryana,
E-mail: nks280@gmail.com
E-mail: chugh.r1@gmail.com
The aim of this paper is to introduce a new iteration process (5) for ρ-contraction mappings in Modular spaces. We obtain some analytical proof for convergence and stability of our iteration process (5). We show that our iteration process (5) gives faster convergence results than the leading AK iteration process (4) for contraction mappings. Moreover, a numerical example (using the Matlab Software) is presented to compare the rate of convergence for existing iteration processes with our new iteration process (5).
Paper's Title:
On Statistically Φ-Convergence
Department of Mathematics,
Gadjah Mada
Yogyakarta 55281,
E-mail: supama@ugm.ac.id
The idea of statistical convergence was introduced by Antoni Zygmund in 1935. Based on in the idea of Zygmund, Henry Fast and Hugo Steinhaus independently introduced a concept of statistical convergence as a generalization of an ordinary convergence in the same year 1951. In this paper, by using the Orlicz function, we introduce a concept of statistical Φ-convergence, as a generalization of the statistical convergence. Further, we observe some basic properties and some topological properties of the statistical Φ-convergent sequences
Paper's Title:
On a Class of Uniformly Convex Functions Defined by Convolution with Fixed Coefficient
T. N. Shanmugam, S. Sivasubramanian, and G. Murugusundaramoorthy
Department of Mathematics,
College of Engineering,
Anna University,
Chennai - 600 025,
Department of Mathematics,
University College of Engineering,
Anna University-Chennai,
Saram-604 703,
School of Sciences and Humanities,
VIT University, Vellore-632 014,
We define a new subclass of uniformly convex functions with negative and fixed second coefficients defined by convolution. The main object of this paper is to obtain coefficient estimates distortion bounds, closure theorems and extreme points for functions belong to this new class . The results are generalized to families with fixed finitely many coefficients.
Paper's Title:
Some Remarks on a Result of Bougoffa
James A. Oguntuase, Lars-Erik Persson and Josip E. Pečarič
Department of
Mathematics,University of Agriculture,
P M B 2240, Abeokuta, Nigeria
Department of Mathematics,
Luleĺ University of Technology,
SE-971 87, Luleĺ , Sweden
Faculty of Textile Technology, University of Zagreb,
Pierottijeva 6, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Some new generalizations of the result of
L. Bougoffa [J. Inequal. Pure Appl. Math. 7 (2) (2006), Art. 60]
are derived and discussed.
Paper's Title:
Some Properties of Cosine Series with Coefficients from Class of General Monotone Sequences Order r
Corina Karim, Moch. Aruman Imron
Department of Mathematics,
Universitas Brawijaya,
E-mail: co_mathub@ub.ac.id
The coefficient of sine series from general monotone class has been generalized by Bogdan Szal to the new class which is called class of general monotone order r. This coefficient class is more general than class of general monotone introduced by Tikhonov. By special case, we study properties of cosine series with coefficient of sine series from the class of general monotone order r.
Paper's Title:
Differentiability of
Distance Functions in p-Normed Spaces
M. S. Moslehian, A. Niknam, S. Shadkam Torbati
Department of Pure Mathematics,
Centre of Excellence in Analysis on Algebraic Structures (CEAAS),,
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad,
P. O. Box
1159, Mashhad,
The farthest point mapping in a p-normed space X is studied in virtue of the Gateaux derivative and the Frechet derivative. Let M be a closed bounded subset of X having the uniformly p-Gateaux differentiable norm. Under certain conditions, it is shown that every maximizing sequence is convergent, moreover, if M is a uniquely remotal set then the farthest point mapping is continuous and so M is singleton. In addition, a Hahn--Banach type theorem in $p$-normed spaces is proved.
Paper's Title:
Renormalized Solutions for Nonlinear Parabolic Equation with Lower Order Terms
A. Aberqi1, J. Bennouna1, M. Mekkour1 and H. Redwane2
1Université Sidi Mohammed Ben
Département de Mathématiques,
Laboratoire LAMA, Faculté des Sciences Dhar-Mahrez,
B.P 1796 Atlas Fés,
2Faculté des Sciences
Juridiques, Economiques et Sociales,
Université Hassan 1, B.P. 784. Settat,
In this paper, we study the existence of renormalized solutions for the nonlinear parabolic problem: ,where the right side belongs to L1(Ω×(0,T)) and b(u) is unbounded function of u, the term div(a(x,t,u,∇u)) is a Leray--Lions operator and the function φ is a nonlinear lower order and satisfy only the growth condition.
Paper's Title:
Some Double λ-Convergent Sequence Spaces Over n-Normed Spaces
Kuldip Raj, Renu Anand and Seema Jamwal
School of Mathematics,
Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University Katra-182320,
Jammu and Kashmir,
E-mail: kuldipraj68@gmail.com, renuanand71@gmail.com, seemajamwal8@gmail.com
In this paper we introduce some double generalized λ-convergent sequence spaces over n-normed spaces defined by Musielak-Orlicz function M = (Mk,l). We also made an attempt to study some topological and algebraic properties of these sequence spaces.
Paper's Title:
Positive Solution For Discrete Three-Point Boundary Value
Wing-Sum Cheung And Jingli Ren
Department of Mathematics,
The University of Hong Kong,
Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Institute of Systems Science,
Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Beijing 100080, P.R. China
This paper is concerned with the existence of positive solution to the discrete three-point boundary value problem
where , and f is allowed to change sign. By constructing available operators, we shall apply the method of lower solution and the method of topology degree to obtain positive solution of the above problem for on a suitable interval. The associated Green’s function is first given.
Paper's Title:
Meromorphic P-Valent Functions With Positive And Fixed Second Coefficients
B.A. Frasin and G. Murugusundaramoorthy
Department of Mathematics,
Al Al-Bayt University,
P.O. Box: 130095,
Mafraq, Jordan.
URL: http://www.geocities.com/bafrasin/techie.html
Department of Mathematics,
Vellore Institute of Technology,
Deemed University,
Vellore - 632014,
We introduce the classes and of meromorphic univalent functions ith positive and fixed second coefficients. The aim of the present paper is to obtain coefficient inequalities and closure theorems for these classes. Furthermore, the radii of convexity and starlikeness for functions the classes and are determined.
Paper's Title:
New Refinements of Hölder's Inequality
Xiu-Fen Ma
College of Mathematical and Computer,
Chongqing Normal University Foreign Trade and Business College,
No.9 of Xuefu Road, Hechuan District 401520,
Chongqing City,
The People's Republic of China.
E-mail: maxiufen86@163.com
In this paper, we define two mappings, investigate their properties, obtain some new refinements of Hölder's inequality.
Paper's Title:
A Multivalued Version of the
Radon-Nikodym Theorem, via the Single-valued Gould Integral
Domenico Candeloro1, Anca Croitoru2, Alina Gavriluţ2, Anna Rita Sambucini1
1Dept. of Mathematics and Computer
University of Perugia,
1, Via Vanvitelli -- 06123, Perugia,
E-mail: domenico.candeloro@unipg.it,
2Faculty of Mathematics,
Al. I. Cuza University,
700506 Iaşi,
E-mail: croitoru@uaic.ro,
In this paper we consider a Gould type integral of real functions with respect to a compact and convex valued not necessarily additive measure. In particular we will introduce the concept of integrable multimeasure and, thanks to this notion, we will establish an exact Radon-Nikodym theorem relative to a fuzzy multisubmeasure which is new also in the finite dimensional case. Some results concerning the Gould integral are also obtained.
Paper's Title:
A New Method with Regularization for Solving Split Variational Inequality Problems in Real Hilbert Spaces
Francis Akutsah1 and Ojen Kumar Narain2
of Mathematics,
Statistics and Computer Science,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban,
South Africa.
E-mail: 216040405@stu.ukzn.ac.za,
of Mathematics,
Statistics and Computer Science,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban,
South Africa.
E-mail: naraino@ukzn.ac.za
In this paper, we introduce a new inertial extrapolation method with regularization for approximating solutions of split variational inequality problems in the frame work of real Hilbert spaces. We prove that the proposed method converges strongly to a minimum-norm solution of the problem without using the conventional two cases approach. In addition, we present some numerical experiments to show the efficiency and applicability of the proposed method. The results obtained in this paper extend, generalize and improve several results in this direction.
Paper's Title:
A Simple New Proof of Fan-Taussky-Todd Inequalities
Zhi-Hua Zhang and Zhen-Gang Xiao
Zixing Educational Research Section,
Chenzhou City, Hunan 423400, P. R. China.
Zhi-hua Zhang
Url: http://www.hnzxslzx.com/zzhweb/
Department Of Mathematics, Hunan Institute Of Science And Technology,
Yueyang City, Hunan 423400, P. R. China.
Zhen-gang Xiao
In this paper we present simple new proofs of the inequalities:
which holds for all real numbers a0 = 0, a1, · · · , an, an+1 = 0 and the coefficients
2(1 - cos(π/(n + 1))) and 2(1 + cos(π/(n + 1))) are the best possible; and
which holds for all real numbers a0 = 0, a1, · · · , an and the coefficients
2(1-cos(π/(2n + 1))) and 2(1 + cos(π/(2n + 1))) are the best possible.
Paper's Title:
On the Generalized Inverse over Integral Domains
Yaoming Yu and Guorong Wang
College of Education, Shanghai Normal University
Shanghai 200234
People's Republic of China.
In this paper, we study further the generalized inverse
of a matrix A over an integral domain. We give
firstly some necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence
of the generalized inverse , an explicit expression
for the elements of the generalized inverse and an
explicit expression for the generalized inverse ,
which reduces to the {1} inverse. Secondly, we verify that the
group inverse, the Drazin inverse, the Moore-Penrose inverse and the
weighted Moore-Penrose inverse are identical with the generalized
inverse for an appropriate matrix G,
respectively, and then we unify the conditions for the existence and
the expression for the elements of the weighted Moore-Penrose
inverse, the Moore-Penrose inverse, the Drazin inverse and the group
inverse over an integral domain. Thirdly, as a simple application,
we give the relation between some rank equation and the existence of
the generalized inverse , and a method to compute the
generalized inverse . Finally, we give an example of
evaluating the elements of without calculating
Paper's Title:
Asymptotic Analysis of Positive Decreasing Solutions of a Class of Systems of Second Order Nonlinear Differential Equations in the Framework of Regular Variation
Jaroslav Jaroš, Kusano Takaŝi, Tomoyuki Tanigawa
Department of Mathematical Analysis and
Numerical Mathematics,
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics,
Comenius Universiy, 842 48 Bratislava,
E-mail: ksntksjm4@gmail.com
Professor Emeritus at: Hiroshima
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science,
Higashi-Hiroshima 739-8526,
E-mail: jaros@fmph.uniba.sk
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of
Kumamoto University, Kumamoto 860-8555,
The system of nonlinear differential equations
is under consideration, where αi
and βi are positive constants and
pi(t) and qi(t) are continuous regularly varying functions
on [a,∞). Two kinds of criteria are established for
the existence of strongly decreasing regularly varying solutions with negative
indices of (A) with precise asymptotic behavior at infinity. Fixed point
techniques and basic theory of regular variation are utilized for this purpose.
Paper's Title:
Rational Expressions of Arithmetic and Geometric Means for the Sequence
npn ∈ N and the Geometric Progression
M. Kinegawa, S. Miyamoto and Y. Nishizawa
Faculty of Education, Saitama University,
Shimo-okubo 255, Sakura-ku, Saitama-city, Saitama,
E-mail: m.kinegawa.645@ms.saitama-u.ac.jp
Faculty of Education, Saitama University,
Shimo-okubo 255, Sakura-ku, Saitama-city, Saitama,
E-mail: s.miyamoto.245@ms.saitama-u.ac.jp
Faculty of Education, Saitama University,
Shimo-okubo 255, Sakura-ku, Saitama-city, Saitama,
In this paper, we consider the arithmetic and geometric means for the sequence npn ∈ N and the geometric progression. We obtain the results associated with the rational expressions of the means.
Paper's Title:
Extension of Factorization Theorems of Maurey to s-positively Homogeneous Operators
Abdelmoumen Tiaiba
Department of Physics,
University of M'sila,
E-mail: tiaiba05@yahoo.fr
In the present work, we prove that the class of s-positively homogeneous operators is a Banach space. As application, we give the generalization of some Maurey factorization theorems to T which is a s-positively homogeneous operator from X a Banach space into Lp. Where we establish necessary and sufficient conditions to proof that T factors through Lq. After this we give extend result of dual factorization theorem to same class of operators above.
Paper's Title:
Li-Yorke and Expansivity for Composition Operators on Lorentz Space
Rajat Singh and Romesh Kumar
Department of Mathematics,
University of Jammu,
Jammu 180006,
E-mail: rajat.singh.rs634@gmail.com
Department of Mathematics,
University of Jammu,
Jammu 180006,
E-mail: romeshmath@gmail.com
In this paper, we investigate Li-Yorke composition operators and some of its variations on Lorentz spaces. Further, we also study expansive composition operators on these spaces. The work of the paper is essentially based on the work in [3], [6], [8] and [15].
Paper's Title:
A Subclass of Meromorphically Multivalent Functions with Applications to Generalized Hypergeometric Functions
M. K. Aouf
Mathematics Department,
Faculty of Science,
Mansoura University 35516,
In this paper a new subclass of meromorphically multivalent functions, which
is defined by means of a Hadamard product (or convolution) involving some
suitably normalized meromorphically p-valent functions. The main object of
the present paper is to investigate the various important properties and
characteristics of this subclass of meromorphically multivalent functions.
We also derive many interesting results for the Hadamard products of
functions belonging to this subclass. Also we consider several applications
of our main results to generalized hypergeomtric functions.
Paper's Title:
the Convergence in Law of Iterates of Random-Valued Functions
Karol Baron
Śląski, Instytut MatematykiAbstract:
Given a probability space (Ω, A, P) a separable and complete metric space X with the σ-algebra B of all its Borel subsets and a B A -measurable f : X * Ω → X we consider its iterates fn, n N, defined on X * ΩN by f1(x,ω) = f(x,ω1) and fn+1(x,ω)=f(fn(x,ω),ωn+1), provide a simple criterion for the convergence in law of fn(x,·)) n N, to a random variable independent of x X , and apply this criterion to linear functional equations in a single variable.
Paper's Title:
Inclusion and Neighborhood
Properties for Certain Subclasses of Analytic Functions Associated with
Convolution Structure
M. K. Aouf
Mathematics Department,
Faculty of Science,
Mansoura University 35516,
In this paper we introduce and investigate two new subclasses of multivalently analytic functions of complex order defined by using the familiar convolution structure of analytic functions. In this paper we obtain the coefficient estimates and the consequent inclusion relationships involving the neighborhoods of the p-valently analytic functions.
Paper's Title:
Birkhoff-James orthogonality and Best Approximant in L1(X)
Mecheri Hacene and Rebiai Belgacem
Department of Mathematics and
LAMIS laboratory, University of Tebessa,
E-mail: mecherih2000@yahoo.fr
Department of Mathematics and
LAMIS laboratory, University of Tebessa,
E-mail: brebiai@gmail.com
Let X be a complex Banach space and let (X,ρ) be a positive measure space. The Birkhoff-James orthogonality is a generalization of Hilbert space orthogonality to Banach spaces. We use this notion of orthogonality to establish a new characterization of Birkhoff-James orthogonality of bounded linear operators in L1(X,ρ) also implies best approximation has been proved.
Paper's Title:
Semigroup of Linear Operator In Bicomplex Scalars
Stanzin Kunga, Amjad Ali and Aditi Sharma
Department of Mathematics,
University of Jammu,
Jammu And Kashmir,
E-mail: stanzinkunga19@gmail.com
Department of Mathematics,
University of Jammu,
Jammu And Kashmir,
Department of Mathematics,
University of Jammu,
Jammu And Kashmir,
E-mail: aditi.sharmaro@gmail.com
In this paper, we have studied the generators of C0-semigroups of bicomplex linear operators on BC-Banach modules. This work is based on [5].
Paper's Title:
Norm Estimates for the Difference between Bochner’s Integral and the Convex Combination of Function’s Values
P. Cerone, Y.J. Cho, S.S. Dragomir, J.K. Kim, and S.S. Kim
School of
Computer Science and Mathematics,
Victoria University of Technology,
Po Box 14428, Mcmc 8001, Victoria, Australia.
Department of
Mathematics Education, College of Education,
Gyeongsang National University, Chinju 660-701, Korea
School of
Computer Science and Mathematics,
Victoria University of Technology,
Po Box 14428, Mcmc 8001, Victoria, Australia.
Department of
Mathematics, Kyungnam University,
Masan,, Kyungnam 631-701, Korea
Department of
Mathematics, Dongeui University,
Pusan 614-714, Korea
Norm estimates are developed between the Bochner integral of a vector-valued function in Banach spaces having the Radon-Nikodym property and the convex combination of function values taken on a division of the interval [a, b].
Paper's Title:
Solution of the Hyers-Ulam Stability Problem for Quadratic Type Functional Equations in Several Variables
John Michael Rassias
Pedagogical Department, E.E., National and Capodistrian University of Athens,
Section of Mathematics and Informatics,
4, Agamemnonos Str., Aghia Paraskevi,
Athens 15342,
URL: http://www.primedu.uoa.gr/~jrassias/
In 1940 (and 1968) S. M. Ulam proposed the well-known Ulam stability problem. In 1941 D. H. Hyers solved the Hyers-Ulam problem for linear mappings. In 1951 D. G. Bourgin has been the second author treating the Ulam problem for additive mappings. In 1978 according to P. M. Gruber this kind of stability problems is of particular interest in probability theory and in the case of functional equations of different types. In 1982-2004 we established the Hyers-Ulam stability for the Ulam problem for different mappings. In this article we solve the Hyers-Ulam problem for quadratic type functional equations in several variables. These stability results can be applied in stochastic analysis, financial and actuarial mathematics, as well as in psychology and sociology.
Paper's Title:
Strongly Nonlinear Variational Parabolic Problems in Weighted Sobolev Spaces
L. Aharouch, E. Azroul and M. Rhoudaf
Dép. Math. Faculté des Sciences Dhar-Mahraz
B.P 1796 Atlas Fés,
In this paper , we study the existence of a weak solutions for the
initial-boundary value problems of the strongly nonlinear degenerated parabolic
A is a Leray-lions operator acted from
Lp(0,T,W01,p(Ώ,w)) into its dual. g(x,t,u,∇ u)
is a nonlinear term with critical growth condition with respect to ∇ u
and no growth with respect to u.
The source term f is assumed to belong to Lp'(0,T,W-1,p'(Ώ,w*)).
+A(u)+g(x,t,u,∇ u)=f
Paper's Title:
Approximation of Common Fixed Points of a Finite Family of Asymptotically Demicontractive Mappings in Banach Spaces
Yuchao Tang, Yong Cai, Liqun Hu and Liwei Liu
Department of Mathematics, NanChang University,
Nanchang 330031, P.R. China
Department of Mathematics, Xi'an Jiaotong University,
Xi'an 710049, P.R.
By virtue of new analytic techniques, we analyze and
several strong convergence theorems for the approximation of
common fixed points of asymptotically demicontractive mappings
via the multistep iterative sequence with errors in Banach
spaces. Our results improve and extend the corresponding ones
announced by Osilike , Osilike and Aniagbosor, Igbokwe, Cho et
al., Moore and Nnoli, Hu and all the others.
Paper's Title:
A Self-adaptive Subgradient Extragradient Algorithm for Variational Inequality Problems and Fixed Point Problems in Banach Spaces
F. U. Ogbuisi
School of Mathematics, Statistics and
Computer Science,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban,
South Africa.
Department of Mathematics,
University of Nigeria, Nsukka,
E-mail: ferdinard.ogbuisi@unn.edu.ng
In this paper, we propose and analyze a type of subgradient extragradient algorithm for the approximation of a solution of variational inequality problem which is also a common fixed point of an infinite family of relatively nonexpansive mappings in 2-uniformly convex Banach spaces which are uniformly smooth. By using the generalized projection operator, we prove a strong convergence theorem which does not require the prior knowledge of the Lipschitz constant of cost operator. We further applied our result to constrained convex minimization problem, convex feasibility problem and infinite family of equilibrium problems. Our results improve and complement related results in 2-uniformly convex and uniformly smooth Banach spaces and Hilbert spaces.
Paper's Title:
Linear System of Singularly Perturbed Initial Value Problems with Robin Initial Conditions
S. Dinesh, G. E. Chatzarakis, S. L. Panetsos and S. Sivamani
Department of Mathematics,
Saranathan College of Engineering,
Tamil Nadu,
Department of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering Educators,
School of Pedagogical and Technological Education,
Marousi 15122, Athens,
On the interval (0,1], this paper considers an initial value problem for a system of n singularly perturbed differential equations with Robin initial conditions. On a piecewise uniform Shishkin mesh, a computational approach based on a classical finite difference scheme is proposed. This approach is shown to be first-order convergent in the maximum norm uniformly in the perturbation parameters. The theory is illustrated by a numerical example.
Paper's Title:
A New Iterative Approximation of a Split Fixed Point Constraint Equilibrium Problem
Musa Adewale Olona1, Adhir Maharaj2 and Ojen Kumar Narain3
of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban,
South Africa.
E-mail: 219095783@stu.ukzn.ac.za
of Mathematics,
Durban University of Technology, Durban,
South Africa.
E-mail: adhirm@dut.ac.za
of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban,
South Africa.
E-mail: naraino@ukzn.ac.za
The purpose of this paper is to introduce an iterative algorithm for approximating an element in the solution set of the common split feasibility problem for fixed points of demimetric mappings and equilibrium problem for monotone mapping in real Hilbert spaces. Motivated by self-adaptive step size method, we incorporate the inertial technique to accelerate the convergence of the proposed method and establish a strong convergence of the sequence generated by the proposed algorithm. Finally, we present a numerical example to illustrate the significant performance of our method. Our results extend and improve some existing results in the literature.
Paper's Title:
Coincidences and Fixed Points of Hybrid Maps in Symmetric Spaces
S. L. Singh and Bhagwati Prasad
Vedic MRI, 21 Govind Nagar,
Department of Mathematics, Gurukula Kangri University,
Rishikesh 249201
Hardwar 249404,
The purpose of this paper is to obtain a new coincidence theorem for a
single-valued and two multivalued operators in symmetric spaces. We derive
fixed point theorems and discuss some special cases and applications.
Paper's Title:
Results Concerning Fixed Point for Soft Weakly Contraction In Soft Metric Spaces
Abid Khan, Santosh Kumar Sharma, Anurag Choubey, Girraj Kumar Verma, Umashankar Sharma, Ramakant Bhardwaj
Department of Mathematics,
AUMP, Gwalior,
Department of Mathematics,
AUMP, Gwalior,
Department of Computer Science,
Technocrats Institute of Technology,
Bhopal, MP,
Department of Mathematics,
AUMP, Gwalior,
Department of Physics,
RJIT BSF Tekanpur, MP,
School of Applied Science
The basic objective of the proposed research work is to make people acquainted with the concept of soft metric space by generalizing the notions of soft (ψ,φ)-weakly contractive mappings in soft metric space, as well as to look at specific fundamental and topological parts of the underlying spaces. A compatible example is given to explain the idea of said space structure. The theory is very useful in decision making problems and secure transmission as fixed point provides exact output. The fixed-point theorems on subsets of Rm that are useful in game theoretic settings.
Paper's Title:
On Vector Variational Inequality Problem in Terms of Bifunctions
C. S. Lalitha and Monika Mehta
Department of Mathematics, Rajdhani College,
Department of Mathematics, Satyawati College,
University of Delhi, Raja Garden,
Delhi 110015, India
University Of Delhi, Ashok Vihar,
Phase-III, Delhi 110052, India
In this paper, we consider a generalized vector variational
inequality problem expressed in terms of a bifunction and establish
existence theorems for this problem by using the concepts of cone
convexity and cone strong quasiconvexity and employing the
celebrated Fan's Lemma. We also give two types of gap functions for this problem.
Paper's Title:
A Nonlinear Proximal Alternating Directions Method for Structured Variational Inequalities
M. Li
Department of Management Science and Engineering, School of Economics and Management
Southeast University, Nanjing, 210096,
In this paper, we present a nonlinear proximal alternating directions method (NPADM) for solving a class of structured variational inequalities (SVI). By choosing suitable Bregman functions, we generalize the proximal alternating directions method proposed by He, et al.. The convergence of the method is proved under quite mild assumptions and flexible parameter conditions.
Paper's Title:
A Note on Schur's Lemma in Banach Function Spaces
R. E. Castillo, H. Rafeiro and E. M. Rojas
Universidad Nacional de Colombia,
Departamento de Matematicas, Bogota,
E-mail: recastillo@unal.edu.co
United Arab Emirates University,
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Al Ain,
United Arab Emirates.
E-mail: rafeiro@uaeu.ac.ae
Universidad Nacional de Colombia,
Departamento de Matematicas, Bogota,
E-mail: emrojass@unal.edu.co
In this small note, in a self contained presentation, we show the validity of Schur's type lemma in the framework of Banach function spaces.
Paper's Title:
Generalized Composition Operators On Besov Spaces
Vishal Sharma, Sanjay Kumar and Stanzin Dolkar
Department of Mathematics,
Central University of Jammu,
Jammu and Kashmir,
E-mail: sharmavishal911@gmail.com
Department of Mathematics,
Central University of Jammu,
Jammu and Kashmir,
E-mail: sanjaykmath@gmail.com
Department of Mathematics,
Central University of Jammu,
Jammu and Kashmir,
E-mail: stanzin.math@cujammu.ac.in
In this paper, we characterize boundedness, compactness and find the essential norm estimates for generalized composition operators between Besov spaces and Sp spaces.
Paper's Title:
A Gradient Estimate for Riemannian Manifolds
Rene Erlin Castillo, Hector Camilo Chaparro
Department of Mathematics,
Universidad Nacional de Colombia,
Program of Mathematics,
Universidad de Cartagena,
Cartagena de Indias,
In this paper we introduce the Kato class and the non-linear Kato class, on a Riemannian manifold of dimension n. We also obtain a gradient estimate for the non-linear Kato class.
Paper's Title:
Some Approximation for the linear combinations of modified Beta operators
Naokant Deo
Department of Applied Mathematics
Delhi College of Engineering
Bawana Road, Delhi - 110042,
In this paper, we propose a sequence of new positive linear operators βn to study the ordinary approximation of unbounded functions by using some properties of the Steklov means.
Paper's Title:
Oscillations of First Order Linear Delay Difference Equations
G. E. Chatzarakis and I. P. Stavroulakis
Department of Mathematics, University of Ioannina,
451 10, Greece
Consider the first order linear delay difference equation of
the form where
a sequence of nonnegative real numbers, k is a positive integer and denotes
the forward difference operator New
oscillation criteria are established when the well-known oscillation conditions
not satisfied. The results obtained essentially improve known results in the
Paper's Title:
On the Hohov Convolution Of The Class Sp(α,β)
T. N. Shanmugam and S. Sivasubramanian
Department of Mathematics,
Anna University,
Chennai 600025,
Tamilnadu, India.
Department of Mathematics,
Easwari Engineering College,
Tamilnadu, India,
Let F(a,b;c;z) be the Gaussian hypergeometric function and Ia,b;c(f)=zF(a,b;c;z)*f(z) be the Hohlov operator defined on the class A of all normalized analytic functions. We determine conditions on the parameters a,b,c such that Ia,b;c(f) will be in the class of parabolic starlike functions Sp(α,β). Our results extend several earlier results.
Paper's Title:
The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral on Time Scales
D. Mozyrska, E. Pawłuszewicz, D. Torres
Faculty Of Computer Science,
Białystok University Of Technology,
15-351 Białystok,
Department Of Mathematics,
University Of Aveiro,
3810-193 Aveiro,
Department Of Mathematics,
University Of Aveiro,
3810-193 Aveiro,
We study the process of integration on time scales in the sense of Riemann-Stieltjes. Analogues of the classical properties are proved for a generic time scale, and examples are given
Paper's Title:
Analysis of a Dynamic Elasto-viscoplastic Frictionless Antiplan Contact Problem with Normal Compliance
A. Ourahmoun1, B. Bouderah2, T. Serrar3
1,2Applied Mathematics
M'sila University, 28000,
E-mail: ourahmounabbes@yahoo.fr
3Applied Mathematics
Setif 1 University, 19000,
We consider a mathematical model which describes the dynamic evolution of a thermo elasto viscoplastic contact problem between a body and a rigid foundation. The mechanical and thermal properties of the obstacle coating material near its surface. A variational formulation of this dynamic contact phenomenon is derived in the context of general models of thermo elasto viscoplastic materials. The displacements and temperatures of the bodies in contact are governed by the coupled system consisting of a variational inequality and a parabolic differential equation. The proof is based on a classical existence and uniqueness result on parabolic inequalities,differential equations and fixed point arguments.
Paper's Title:
Algorithms for Nonlinear Problems Involving Strictly Pseudocontractive Mappings
Mathew Olajiire Aibinu1, Surendra Colin Thakur2, Sibusiso Moyo3
1Institute for Systems Science
& KZN E-Skill CoLab,
Durban University of Technology,
Durban 4000,
South Africa.
Centre of Excellence in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (CoE-MaSS),
South Africa.
E-mail: moaibinu@yahoo.com
2 KZN E-Skill CoLab,
Durban University of Technology,
Durban 4000,
South Africa.
E-mail: thakur@dut.ac.za
3Institute for Systems Science & Office of the DVC Research,
Innovation & Engagement Milena Court,
Durban University of Technology,
Durban 4000,
South Africa.
E-mail: dvcrie@dut.ac.za
The puzzles in approximating a fixed point of nonlinear problems involving the class of strictly pseudocontractive mappings are conquered in this paper through viscosity implicit rules. Using generalized contraction mappings, a new viscosity iterative algorithm which is implicit in nature is proposed and analysed in Banach spaces for the class of strictly pseudocontractive mappings. The computations and analysis which are used in the proposed scheme are easy to follow and this gives rooms for a broad application of the scheme. It is obtained that the proposed iterative algorithm converges strongly to a fixed point of a μ-strictly pseudocontractive mapping which also solves a variational inequality problem. The result is also shown to hold for finite family of strictly pseudocontractive mappings. A numerical example is given to show the skillfulness of the proposed scheme and its implementation.
Paper's Title:
The successive approximations method and error estimation in terms of at most the first derivative for delay ordinary differential equations
Alexandru Mihai Bica
Department of Mathematics,
University of Oradea,
Str. Armatei Romane no.5,
410087, Oradea,
We present here a numerical method for first order delay ordinary differential
equations, which use the Banach's fixed point theorem, the sequence of
successive approximations and the trapezoidal quadrature rule. The error
estimation of the method uses a recent result of P. Cerone and S.S. Dragomir
about the remainder of the trapezoidal quadrature rule for Lipchitzian
functions and for functions with continuous first derivative.
Paper's Title:
An Easy and Efficient Way for Solving A class of Singular Two Point Boundary Value Problems
Muhammed I. Syam, Muhammed N. Anwar and Basem S. Attili
Mathematical Sciences Department
United Arab Emirates University, P. O. Box 17551
Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates
We will consider an efficient and easy way for solving a certain
class of singular two point boundary value problems. We will
employ the least squares method which proved to be efficient for
this type of problems. Enough examples that were considered by
others will be solved with comparison with the results presented
Paper's Title:
Weakly Compact Composition Operators on Real Lipschitz Spaces of Complex-valued Functions on Compact Metric Spaces with Lipschitz Involutions
D. Alimohammadi and H. Alihoseini
Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Science,
Arak University
P. O. Box,38156-8-8349,
E-mail: d-alimohammadi@araku.ac.ir
URL: http://www.araku.ac.ir
We first show that a bounded linear operator T on a real Banach space E is weakly compact if and only if the complex linear operator T on the complex Banach space EC is weakly compact, where EC is a suitable complexification of E and iT' is the complex linear operator on EC associated with T. Next we show that every weakly compact composition operator on real Lipschitz spaces of complex-valued functions on compact metric spaces with Lipschitz involutions is compact.
Paper's Title:
Iterative Algorithm for Split Generalized Mixed Equilibrium Problem Involving Relaxed Monotone Mappings in Real Hilbert Spaces
1U.A. Osisiogu, F.L. Adum, and 2C. Izuchukwu
1Department of Mathematics and
Computer Science,
Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki,
E-mail: uosisiogu@gmail.com,
2School of Mathematics,
Statistics and Computer Science,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban,
South Africa.
E-mail: izuchukwuc@ukzn.ac.za,
The main purpose of this paper is to introduce a certain class of split generalized mixed equilibrium problem involving relaxed monotone mappings. To solve our proposed problem, we introduce an iterative algorithm and obtain its strong convergence to a solution of the split generalized mixed equilibrium problems in Hilbert spaces. As special cases of the proposed problem, we studied the proximal split feasibility problem and variational inclusion problem.
Paper's Title:
Mass Transportation Approach For Parabolic P-Biharmonic Equations
A. Soglo, K. W. Houedanou, J. Adetola
Institut de Mathematiques et de Sciences
Physiques (IMSP)
Universite d'Abomey-Calavi,
Rep. of Benin
E-mail: ambroiso.soglo@gmail.com
Departement de Mathematiques
Faculte des Sciences et Techniques (FAST)
Universite d'Abomey-Calavi,
Rep. of Benin
E-mail: khouedanou@yahoo.fr
Universite Nationale des Sciences, Technologie, Ingenierie et
Mathematiques (UNSTIM,
Rep. of Benin
E-mail: adetolajamal58@yahoo.com
In this paper, we propose a mass transportation method to solving a parabolic p-biharmonic equations, which generalized the Cahn-Hilliard (CH) equations in RN, N∈N*. By using a time-step optimal approximation in the appropriate Wasserstein space, we define an approximate weak solution which converges to the exact solution of the problem. We also show that the solution under certain conditions may be unique. Therefore, we study the asymptotic behavior of the solution of the parabolic p-biharmonic problem.
Paper's Title:
On the Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions of Third Order Nonlinear Differential Equations
Ivan Mojsej and Alena Tartaľová
Institute of Mathematics,
Faculty of Science, P. J. Šafárik University,
Jesenná 5, 041 54 Košice,
Slovak Republic
Department of Applied Mathematics and Business Informatics,
Faculty of Economics,
Technical University,
Nemcovej 32, 040 01 Košice,
Slovak Republic
This paper is concerned with the asymptotic behavior of solutions of nonlinear differential equations of the
third order with quasiderivatives. Mainly, we present the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence
of nonoscillatory solutions with specified asymptotic behavior as Paper's Title:
Good and Special Weakly Picard Operators for the Stancu Operators with Modified Coefficients Author(s):
Loredana-Florentina Galea and Alexandru-Mihai Bica
The Agora University of Oradea,
University of Oradea,
loredana.galea@univagora.ro Abstract:
In this paper some properties of good and special weakly Picard operators for the Stancu operators with modified
coefficients are obtained. In the study of the sequence of iterates of these operators, we obtain the property of
dual monotone iteration.
Paper's Title:
Weak solutions of non coercive stochastic Navier-Stokes equations in R2
Wilhelm Stannat and Satoshi Yokoyama Technische Universität Berlin, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences,
stannat@math.tu-berlin.de E-mail:
satoshi2@ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp Abstract:
We prove existence of weak solutions of stochastic Navier-Stokes equations in R2 which do not satisfy the coercivity condition.
The equations are formally derived from the critical point of some
variational problem defined on the space of volume preserving
diffeomorphisms in R2.
Since the domain of our equation is unbounded,
it is more difficult to get tightness of approximating
sequences of solutions in comparison with the case of a bounded domain.
Our approach is based on uniform a priori estimates
on the enstrophy of weak solutions of the stochastic 2D-Navier-Stokes
equations with periodic boundary conditions, where the periodicity is growing
to infinity combined with a suitable spatial cutoff-technique. Paper's Title:
On the Hyers-Ulam Stability of Homomorphisms and Lie Derivations Author(s):
Javad Izadi and Bahmann
Yousefi Department of Mathematics, Payame Noor
University, Abstract:
Let A be a Lie Banach*-algebra. For each elements (a, b) and (c, d) in A2:= A
* A, by definitions
(a, b) (c, d)= (ac, bd),
A2 can be considered as a Banach*-algebra. This Banach*-algebra is called a Lie Banach*-algebra whenever it is equipped with the following definitions of Lie product:
for all a, b, c, d in A. Also, if A is a Lie Banach*-algebra, then D: A2→A2 satisfying
D ([ (a, b), (c, d)])= [ D (a, b), (c, d)]+ [(a, b), D (c, d)]
for all $a, b, c, d∈A, is a Lie derivation on A2. Furthermore, if A is a Lie Banach*-algebra, then D is called a Lie* derivation on
A2 whenever D is a Lie derivation with D (a, b)*= D (a*, b*) for all a, b∈A. In this paper, we investigate the Hyers-Ulam stability of Lie Banach*-algebra homomorphisms and Lie* derivations on the Banach*-algebra
A2. Paper's Title:
On Positive Entire Solutions of Second Order Quasilinear Elliptic Equations
Zuodong Yang and Honghui Yin
Institute of Mathematics, School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Abstract:
In this paper, our main purpose is to establish the existence
theorem of positive entire solutions of second order quasilinear
elliptic equations under new conditions. The main results of the
present paper are new and extend the previously known results. Paper's Title:
A Study of the Effect of Density Dependence in a Matrix Population Model Author(s):
N. Carter and M. Predescu Department of Mathematical Sciences, Abstract:
We study the behavior of solutions of a three dimensional discrete time nonlinear matrix population model. We prove results concerning the existence of equilibrium points, boundedness, permanence of solutions, and global stability in special cases of interest. Moreover, numerical simulations are used to compare the dynamics of two main forms of the density dependence function (rational and exponential).
Paper's Title:
Compactly Supported Interpolatory Orthogonal Multiwavelet Packets
Yang Shouzhi
Department of Mathematics, Abstract:
Compactly supported interpolatory orthogonal multiwavelet packets
are introduced. Precisely, if both the multiscaling function and
the corresponding multiwavelet have the same interpolatory
property, then the multiwavelet packets are also interpolatory
orthogonal. Thus, the coefficients of decomposition or synthesis
of multiwavelet packets can be realized by sampling instead of inner
products. This multiwavelet packets provide a finer decomposition
of multiwavelet packets space and give a better localization.
Paper's Title:
Existence of Bounded Solutions for a Class of
Strongly Nonlinear Elliptic Equations in Orlicz-Sobolev Spaces
Abdelmoujib Benkirane and Ahmed Youssfi
Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Sciences
Dhar El Mahraz Abstract:
We prove, in the setting of Orlicz-Sobolev spaces, the existence of
bounded solutions for some strongly nonlinear elliptic equations
with operator of the principal part having degenerate coercivity and
lower order terms not satisfying the sign condition. The data have a
suitable summability and no Δ2-condition is needed for the
considered N-functions.
Paper's Title:
On Admissible Mapping via Simulation Function Author(s):
Anantachai Padcharoen and Pakeeta Sukprasert Department of Mathematics, Abstract:
In this paper, we present some fixed point results in complete metric spaces by using generalized admissible mapping embedded in the simulation function. Its applications, Our results used to study the existence problem of nonlinear Hammerstein integral equations. Paper's Title:
Locally Bicomplex Convex Module and Their Applications Author(s):
Stanzin Kunga and Aditi Sharma Department of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Abstract:
Let X be a locally BC convex module and L(X) be the family of all continuous bicomplex linear operators on
X. In this paper, we study some concepts of D-valued seminorms on
locally BC convex module. Further, we study the bicomplex version of Co and
(Co,1) semigroup. The work of this paper is inspired by the work in
[2] and
[6]. Paper's Title:
On Infinite Unions and Intersections of Sets in a Metric Space Author(s):
Spiros Konstantogiannis Ronin Institute, Abstract:
The aim of this paper is to examine infinite unions and intersections of sets in a general metric space, with a view to explaining when an infinite intersection of open sets is an open set and when an infinite union of closed sets is a closed set. Paper's Title:
Oscillation and Boundedness of Solutions to First and Second Order Forced Dynamic Equations with Mixed Nonlinearities
Ravi P. Agarwal and Martin Bohner
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Florida Institute of Technology
Department of Economics and Finance, Missouri University of Science and Technology Abstract:
Some oscillation and boundedness criteria for solutions to certain
first and second order forced dynamic equations
with mixed nonlinearities are established. The main tool in the proofs
is an inequality due to Hardy, Littlewood and Pólya.
The obtained results can be applied to differential equations,
difference equations and q-difference equations. The results
are illustrated with numerous examples.
Paper's Title:
Approximation of Derivatives in a Singularly Perturbed Second Order Ordinary Differential Equation with Discontinuous Terms Arising in Chemical Reactor Theory
R. Mythili Priyadharshini and N. Ramanujam
Department of Mathematics, Bharathidasan University, Abstract:
In this paper, a singularly perturbed second order ordinary differential
equation with a discontinuous convection coefficient arising in chemical reactor
theory is considered. A robust-layer-resolving numerical method is suggested. An
ε-uniform global error estimate for the numerical
solution and also to the numerical derivative are established.
Numerical results are provided to illustrate the theoretical
Paper's Title:
Generalized Weighted Trapezoid and Gr
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Piata Tineretului no. 8,
410526, Oradea,
Str. Universitatii No. 1,
410087, Oradea,
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Strasse des 17. Juni 136, 10623 Berlin,
The University of Tokyo,
Komaba, Tokyo 153-8914,
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P.O. Box: 19395-3697, Tehran,
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|(a, b)|= |a|+ |b|,
(a, b)*= (a*, b*),
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Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210097,
Department of Mathematics, Huaiyin Teachers College,
Jiangsu Huaian 223001,
School of Mathematics and Computer Sciences,
Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210097,
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Waltham, MA 02452,
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Shantou, Po Box 515063,
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University Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdallah
PB 1796 Fez-Atlas, Fez
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Faculty of Science and Technology,
Rambhai Barni Rajabhat University,
Chanthaburi 22000,
E-mail: anantachai.p@rbru.ac.th
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Faculty of Science and Technology
Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi (RMUTT),
Thanyaburi, Pathumthani 12110,
E-mail: pakeeta_s@rmutt.ac.th
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University of Jammu,
Jammu And Kashmir,
E-mail: stanzinkunga19@gmail.com
University of Jammu,
Jammu And Kashmir,
E-mail: aditi.sharmaro@gmail.com
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United States.
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Rolla, MO 65401,
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Tiruchirappalli - 620 024, Tamilnadu, India.
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Eze Raymond Nwaeze
Department of Mathematics,
Tuskegee University,
Tuskegee, AL 36088,
E-mail: enwaeze@mytu.tuskegee.edu
In this work, we obtain some new generalized weighted trapezoid and Grüss type inequalities on time scales for parameter functions. Our results give a broader generalization of the results due to Pachpatte in [14]. In addition, the continuous and discrete cases are also considered from which, other results are obtained.
Paper's Title:
Simplicial (co)-homology of Band Semigroup
Yasser Farhat
Academic Support Department,
Abu Dhabi Polytechnic,
P.O. Box 111499, Abu Dhabi,
E-mail: yasser.farhat@adpoly.ac.ae, farhat.yasser.1@gmail.com
We consider the Banach algebra l1(S), with convolution, where S is a band semigroup. We prove directly, without using the cyclic cohomology, that the simplicial cohomology groups Hn(l1(S), l1(S)*) vanish for all n≥1. This proceeds in three steps. In each step, we introduce a bounded linear map. By iteration in each step, we achieve our goal.
Paper's Title:
Trapping of Water Waves By Underwater Ridges
1A. M. Marin, 1R. D. Ortiz and 2J. A. Rodriguez-Ceballos.
1Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales
Universidad de Cartagena
Sede Piedra de Bolivar, Avenida del Consulado
Cartagena de Indias, Bolivar,
2Instituto Tecnológico de
Morelia Facultad de Ciencias Fisico Matematicas
Universidad Michoacana
1500, Col. Lomas de Santiaguito Edificio Be ,
Ciudad Universitaria,
58120 Morelia, Michoacan,
URL: www.unicartagena.edu.co.
As is well-known, underwater ridges and
submerged horizontal cylinders can serve as waveguides for surface water waves.
For large values of the wavenumber in the direction of the ridge, there is only
one trapped wave (this was proved in Bonnet & Joly (1993, SIAM J. Appl. Math.
53, pp 1507-1550)).
We construct the asymptotics of these trapped waves and their frequencies at
high frequency by means of reducing the initial problem to a pair of boundary
integral equations and then by applying the method of Zhevandrov & Merzon (2003,
AMS Transl. (2) 208, pp 235-284), in order to solve
Paper's Title:
A New Property of General Means of Order p with an Application to the Theory of Economic Growth
Olivier de La Grandville
Department of Management Science and Engineering,
Huang Engineering Center, Stanford University,
475 Via Ortega, Stanford, California 94305
The purpose of this note is to demonstrate a new property of the general mean of order p of m ordered positive numbers . If p < 0 and if , the elasticity of with respect to xm, defined by , tends towards zero, and therefore . This property is then applied to optimal growth theory.
Paper's Title:
Finite and Infinite Order
Solutions of a Class of Higher Order Linear Differential Equations
Saada Hamouda
Department of Mathematics,
Laboratory of Pure and Applied Mathematics,
University of Mostaganem, B. P 227 Mostaganem,
In this paper, we investigate the growth of solutions of higher order linear differential equations where most of the coefficients have the same order and type with each other.
Paper's Title:
Iterative Approximation of Zeros of Accretive Type Maps, with Applications
Charles Ejike Chidume, Chinedu Godwin Ezea, and Emmanuel Ezzaka Otubo
African University of Science and
Technology, Abuja,
E-mail: cchidume@aust.edu.ng
E-mail: chinedu.ezea@gmail.com
E-mail: mrzzaka@yahoo.com
Department of Mathematics,
Nnamdi Azikiwe University,
E-mail: chinedu.ezea@gmail.com
Ebonyi State University,
E-mail: mrzzaka@yahoo.com
Let E be a reflexive real Banach space with uniformly Gâteaux differentiable norm. Let J:E→ E* be the normalized duality map on E and let A:E*→ E be a map such that AJ is an accretive and uniformly continuous map. Suppose that (AJ)-1(0) in nonempty. Then, an iterative sequence is constructed and proved to converge strongly to some u* in (AJ)-1(0). Application of our theorem in the case that E is a real Hilbert space yields a sequence which converges strongly to a zero of A. Finally, non-trivial examples of maps A for which AJ is accretive are presented..
Paper's Title:
Local Boundedness of Weak Solutions for Singular Parabolic Systems of p-Laplacian Type
Corina Karim, Marjono
Department of Mathematics,
Universitas Brawijaya,
E-mail: co_mathub@ub.ac.id,
We study the local boundedness of weak solutions for evolutional p-Laplacian systems in the singular case. The initial data is belonging to Lebesgue space L∞ (0,T;W(1,p) (Ω,Rn )). We use intrinsic scaling method to treat the boundedness of weak solutions. The main result is to make the local boundedness of weak solution for the systems well-worked in the intrinsic scaling.
Paper's Title:
Euler-Maclaurin Formulas for Functions of Bounded Variation
G. De Marco, M. De Zotti, C. Mariconda
Dipartimento di Matematica Tullio Levi-Civita,
Universita degli Studi di Padova
Via Trieste 63, Padova 35121,
E-mail: carlo.mariconda@unipd.it
URL: http://www.math.unipd.it
The first-order Euler-Maclaurin formula relates the sum of the values of a smooth function on an interval of integers with its integral on the same interval on R. We formulate here the analogue for functions that are just of bounded variation.
Paper's Title:
Positive Periodic Time-Scale Solutions for Functional Dynamic Equations
Douglas R. Anderson and Joan Hoffacker
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Concordia College
Moorhead, MN 56562 USA
URL: http://www.cord.edu/faculty/andersod/
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Clemson University
Clemson, SC 29634 USA
URL: http://www.math.clemson.edu/facstaff/johoff.htm
Using Krasnoselskii's fixed point theorem, we establish the existence of positive periodic solutions
to two pairs of related nonautonomous functional delta dynamic equations on periodic time scales, and then extend the discussion to higher-dimensional equations. Two pairs of corresponding nabla equations
are also provided in an analogous manner.
Paper's Title:
Iterative Approximation of Common Fixed Points of a Finite Family of Asymptotically Hemi-contractive Type Mappings
Jui-Chi Huang
Center for General Education,
Northern Taiwan Institute of Science and Technology,
Peito, Taipei,
Taiwan, 11202, R.O.C.
In this paper, we prove that the sequence of
the modified Ishikawa-Xu,
Ishikawa-Liu, Mann-Xu and Mann-Liu iterative types of a finite family of
asymptotically hemi-contractive type mappings converges strongly to a common
fixed point of the family in a real p-uniformly convex Banach space with
p>1. Our results improve and extend some recent results.
Paper's Title:
Inequalities for
S. S. Dragomir
School of Engineering and Science
Victoria University, PO 14428
Melbourne City MC,
Victoria 8001,
URL: http://www.staff.vu.edu.au/RGMIA/dragomir/
Some recent inequalities for the Čebyšev functional of two functions of selfadjoint linear operators in Hilbert spaces, under suitable assumptions for the involved functions and operators, are surveyed.
Paper's Title:
Convergence Speed of Some Random Implicit-Kirk-type Iterations for Contractive-type Random Operators
H. Akewe, K.S. Eke
Department of Mathematics,
Covenant University,
Canaanland, KM 10, Idiroko Road, P. M. B. 1023, Ota, Ogun State,
E-mail: hudson.akewe@covenantuniversity.edu.ng,
The main aim of this paper is to introduce a stochastic version of multistep type iterative scheme called a modified random implicit-Kirk multistep iterative scheme and prove strong convergence and stability results for a class of generalized contractive-type random operators. The rate of convergence of the random iterative schemes are also examined through an example. The results show that our new random implicit kirk multistep scheme perform better than other implicit iterative schemes in terms of convergence and thus have good potentials for further applications in equilibrium problems in computer science, physics and economics.
Paper's Title:
A kind of Function Series and Its Applications
Yang Tianze
Mechanical Engineering,
Shandong University, Xinglongshan Campus,
Jinan, Shandong,
E-mail: qdyangtianze@163.com
A kind of new function series is obtained in this paper. Their theorems and proofs are shown, and some applications are given. We give the expansion form of general integral and the series expansion form of function and the general expansion form of derivative. Using them in the mathematics,we get some unexpected result.
Paper's Title:
Using Direct and Fixed Point Technique of Cubic Functional Equation and its Hyers-Ulam Stability
Ramanuja Rao Kotti, Rajnesh Krishnan Mudaliar, Kaushal Neelam Devi, Shailendra Vikash Narayan
Fiji National University,
Department of Mathematics & Statistics,
P.O. Box 5529, Lautoka,
E-mail: ramanuja.kotti@fnu.ac.fj
URL: https://www.fnu.ac.fj
In this present work, we introduce a new type of finite dimensional cubic functional equation of the form
where Φ≥4 is an integer, and derive its general solution. The main purpose of this work is to investigate the Hyers-Ulam stability results for the above mentioned functional equation in Fuzzy Banach spaces by means of direct and fixed point methods.
Paper's Title:
Generalized Stieltjes Transform and its Fractional Integrals for Integrable Boehmian
Deshna Loonker and P. K. Banerji
Department Of Mathematics, Faculty Of Science,
J. N. V. University Jodhpur,
342 005,
This paper investigates generalized Stieltjes transform for integrable Boehmian and further, generalized Stieltjes transform of fractional integrals are defined for integrable Boehmian.
Paper's Title:
Fekete-Szegö Problem for Univalent Functions with Respect to k-Symmetric
K. Al-Shaqsi and M. Darus
School of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology,
University Kebangsaan Malaysia,
Bangi 43600 Selangor D. Ehsan,
In the present investigation, sharp upper bounds of |a3- μa22|
for functions f(z) = z + a2z2 + a2z3 + ... belonging to certain subclasses
of starlike and convex functions with respect to k-symmetric points are
obtained. Also certain applications of the main results for subclasses of
functions defined by convolution with a normalized analytic function are
given. In particular, Fekete- Szeg
Paper's Title:
Fixed Points and Stability
of the Cauchy Functional Equation
Choonkil Park and Themistocles M. Rassias
Department of Mathematics, Hanyang University,
Seoul 133-791,
Republic of Korea
Department of Mathematics,
National Technical University of Athens,
Zografou Campus, 15780 Athens,
Using fixed point methods, we prove the generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of homomorphisms in Banach algebras and of derivations on Banach algebras for the Cauchy functional equation.
Paper's Title:
A Coincidence Theorem for Two Kakutani Maps
Mircea Balaj
Department of Mathematics,
University of Oradea,
410087, Oradea,
In this paper we prove the following theorem: Let X be a nonempty compact convex set in a locally convex Hausdorff topological vector space, D be the set of its extremal points and F,T: X―◦X two Kakutani maps; if for each nonempty finite subset A of D and for any x ∈ coA, F (x) ∩ coA ≠ Ř, then F and T have a coincidence point. The proof of this theorem is given first in the case when X is a simplex, then when X is a polytope and finally in the general case. Several reformulations of this result are given in the last part of the paper.
Paper's Title:
Bartle Integration in Lie Algebras
Andreas Boukas and Philip Feinsilver
Centro Vito Volterra,
Universita di Roma Tor Vergata,
via Columbia 2, 00133 Roma,
Department of Mathematics,
Southern Illinois University,
Carbondale, Illinois 62901,
E-mail: pfeinsil@math.siu.edu
Using Bartle's bilinear vector integral we define stochastic integrals of bounded operator valued functions with respect to Stieltjes measures associated with the generators of the Heisenberg and Finite Difference Lie algebras. Our definition also covers the Square of White Noise and sl/2 Lie algebras.
Paper's Title:
Topological Aspects of Discrete Switch Dynamical Systems
Faiz Imam and Sharan Gopal
Department of Mathematics,
BITS - Pilani, Hyderabad Campus,
E-mail: mefaizy@gmail.com
Department of Mathematics,
BITS - Pilani, Hyderabad Campus,
E-mail: sharanraghu@gmail.com
Paper's Title:
Solving Fixed Point Problems and Variational Inclusions Using Viscosity Approximations
P. Patel, R. Shukla
Department of Mathematics, School of
Advanced Sciences, VIT-AP University\\
Amaravati, 522237, Andhra Pradesh,
Department of Mathematical Sciences &
Computing, Walter Sisulu University,
Mthatha 5117,
South Africa.
E-mail: rshukla@wsu.ac.za
This paper proposes a new algorithm to find a common element of the fixed point set of a finite family of demimetric mappings and the set of solutions of a general split variational inclusion problem in Hilbert spaces. The algorithm is based on the viscosity approximation method, which is a powerful tool for solving fixed point problems and variational inclusion problems. Under some conditions, we prove that the sequence generated by the algorithm converges strongly to this common solution.
Paper's Title:
Error Inequalities for Weighted Integration Formulae and Applications
Nenad Ujević and Ivan Lekić
Department of Mathematics
University of Split
Teslina 12/III, 21000 Split
Weighted integration formulae are derived. Error inequalities for the
weighted integration formulae are obtained. Applications to some special
functions are also given.
Paper's Title:
Some Operator Order Inequalities for Continuous Functions of Selfadjoint Operators in Hilbert Spaces
S. S. Dragomir1,2 and Charles E. M. Pearce3
1Mathematics, School of Engineering & Science,
Victoria University,
PO Box 14428,
Melbourne City, MC 8001,
2School of Computational & Applied Mathematics,
University of
the Witwatersrand,
Private Bag 3, Johannesburg 2050,
South Africa.
URL: http://rgmia.org/dragomir
of Mathematical Sciences,
The University of Adelaide,
Various bounds in the operator order for the following operator transform
where A is a selfadjoint operator in the Hilbert space H with the
spectrum Sp( A) ⊆ [ m,M]
and f:[m,M] -> C is a continuous function on [m,M]
are given. Applications for the power and logarithmic functions are provided as
Paper's Title:
Strong Convergence Theorem for a Common Fixed Point of an
Infinite Family of J-nonexpansive Maps with Applications
Charlse Ejike Chidume, Otubo Emmanuel Ezzaka and Chinedu Godwin Ezea
African University of Science and
Ebonyi State University,
E-mail: mrzzaka@yahoo.com
Nnamdi Azikiwe University,
E-mail: chinedu.ezea@gmail.com
Let E be a uniformly convex and uniformly smooth real Banach space with dual space E*. Let {Ti}∞i=1 be a family of J-nonexpansive maps, where, for each i,~Ti maps E to 2E*. A new class of maps, J-nonexpansive maps from E to E*, an analogue of nonexpansive self maps of E, is introduced. Assuming that the set of common J-fixed points of {Ti}∞i=1 is nonempty, an iterative scheme is constructed and proved to converge strongly to a point x* in ∩∞n=1FJTi. This result is then applied, in the case that E is a real Hilbert space to obtain a strong convergence theorem for approximation of a common fixed point for an infinite family of nonexpansive maps, assuming existences. The theorem obtained is compared with some important results in the literature. Finally, the technique of proof is also of independent interest.
Paper's Title:
Oscillatory Behavior of Second-Order Non-Canonical
Retarded Difference Equations
G.E. Chatzarakis1, N. Indrajith2, E. Thandapani3 and K.S. Vidhyaa4
of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Educators,
School of Pedagogical and Technological Education,
Marousi 15122, Athens,
E-mail: gea.xatz@aspete.gr,
of Mathematics,
Presidency College, Chennai - 600 005,
E-mail: indrajithna@gmail.com
Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics,
University of Madras,
Chennai - 600 005,
E-mail: ethandapani@yahoo.co.in
Department of Mathematics,Abstract:
Using monotonic properties of nonoscillatory solutions, we obtain new oscillatory criteria for the second-order non-canonical difference equation with retarded argument
Our oscillation results improve and extend the earlier ones. Examples illustrating the results are provided.
Paper's Title:
A Strengthened Hardy-Hilbert's Type Inequality
Weihong Wang and Bicheng Yang
Department of Mathematics, Guangdong Education Institute,
Guangzhou, Guangdong 520303,
People's Republic Of China
URL: http://www1.gdei.edu.cn/yangbicheng/index.html
By using the improved Euler-Maclaurin's summation formula and
estimating the weight coefficient, we give a new strengthened
version of the more accurate Hardy-Hilbert's type inequality. As
applications, a strengthened version of the equivalent form is
Paper's Title:
Certain Inequalities for P_Valent Meromorphic Functions with Alternating Coefficients Based on Integral Operator
A. Ebadian, S. Shams and Sh. Najafzadeh
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science
Urmia University, Urmia,
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science
Maragheh University, Maragheh,
In this paper we introduce the class
of functions
and multivalent in the
a linear operator.
Coefficient inequalities, distortion bounds, weighted mean and
arithmetic mean of functions for this class have been obtained.
Paper's Title:
Some Generalized Difference Sequence Spaces Defined by Orlicz Functions
Ramzi S. N. Alsaedi and Ahmad H. A. Bataineh
Department of Mathematics, King Abdul Aziz University,
Jeddah P.O.Box 80203,
Saudia Arabia
Department of Mathematics, Al al-Bayt University,
Mafraq 25113,
In this paper, we define the sequence spaces: [V,M,p,u,Δ ],[V,M,p,u,Δ]0 and
[V,M,p,u,Δ]∞, where for any sequence x=(xn),
the difference sequence Δx is given by Δx=(Δxn)
= (xn-xn-1) . We also study some properties and theorems of
these spaces. These are generalizations of those defined and studied by
Savas and Savas and some others before.
Paper's Title:
Asymptotic Inequalities for the Maximum Modulus of the Derivative of a Polynomial
Clément Frappier
Département de Mathématiques et de Génie industriel École Polytechnique de
C.P.~6079, succ. Centre-ville Montréal (Québec),
Let be an algebraic polynomial of degree ≤n, and let ∥p∥= max {|p(z)|:|z| = 1}. We study the asymptotic behavior of the best possible constant φn,k (R), for k = 0 and k=1, in the inequality ∥p'(Rz)∥ + φn,k (R) |ak| ≤ nRn-1 ∥p∥, R → ∞.
Paper's Title:
Ulam Stability of Reciprocal Difference and Adjoint Functional Equations
K. Ravi, J. M. Rassias and B. V. Senthil Kumar
Department of Mathematics,
Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur - 635601,
Pedagogical Department E. E.,
Section of Mathematics and Informatics,
National and Capodistrian University of Athens,
4, Agamemnonos Str., Aghia Paraskevi,
Athens, Attikis 15342,
Department of Mathematics,
C.Abdul Hakeem College of Engineering and
Technology, Melvisharam - 632 509, India
In this paper, the reciprocal difference functional equation (or RDF equation) and the reciprocal adjoint functional equation (or RAF equation) are introduced. Then the pertinent Ulam stability problem for these functional equations is solved, together with the extended Ulam (or Rassias) stability problem and the generalized Ulam (or Ulam-Gavruta-Rassias) stability problem for the same equations.
Paper's Title:
Some New Generalizations of Jensen's Inequality with Related Results and Applications
Steven G. From
Department of Mathematics
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Omaha, Nebraska 68182-0243.
E-mail: sfrom@unomaha.edu
In this paper, some new generalizations of Jensen's inequality are presented. In particular, upper and lower bounds for the Jensen gap are given and compared analytically and numerically to previously published bounds for both the discrete and continuous Jensen's inequality cases. The new bounds compare favorably to previously proposed bounds. A new method based on a series of locally linear interpolations is given and is the basis for most of the bounds given in this paper. The wide applicability of this method will be demonstrated. As by-products of this method, we shall obtain some new Hermite-Hadamard inequalities for functions which are 3-convex or 3-concave. The new method works to obtain bounds for the Jensen gap for non-convex functions as well, provided one or two derivatives of the nonlinear function are continuous. The mean residual life function of applied probability and reliability theory plays a prominent role in construction of bounds for the Jensen gap. We also present an exact integral representation for the Jensen gap in the continuous case. We briefly discuss some inequalities for other types of convexity, such as convexity in the geometric mean, and briefly discuss applications to reliability theory.
Paper's Title:
A Majorization Problem for the Subclass of p-Valently Analytic Functions of Complex Order
Sezgin Akbulut
Department of Mathematics, Science and Art Faculty,
Atatürk University, 25240 Erzurum, Turkey
The main purpose of this paper is to investigate a majorization problem for the class . Relevant connections of the main result obtained in this paper with those given by earlier workers on the subject are also pointed out.
Paper's Title:
On Pseudo Almost
Periodic Solutions to Some Neutral Functional-Differential
Toka Diagana and Eduardo Hernández
Department of Mathematics, Howard University
2441 6th Street NW,
Washington DC 20059,
Departamento de Matemática, I.C.M.C. Universidade de Săo Paulo,
Caixa Postal
668, 13560-970, Săo Carlos SP,
This paper discusses the existence and uniqueness of pseudo almost periodic solutions to a class of partial neutral functional-differential equations. Under some suitable assumptions, existence and uniqueness results are obtained. An example is given to illustrate abstract results.
Paper's Title:
Ulam Stability of Functional Equations
Stefan Czerwik and Krzysztof Król
Institute of Mathematics
Silesian University of Technology
Kaszubska 23,
44-100 Gliwice,
In this survey paper we present some of the main results on Ulam-Hyers-Rassias stability for important functional equations.
Paper's Title:
On the Generalized Stability and
Asymptotic Behavior of Quadratic Mappings
Hark-Mahn Kim, Sang-Baek Lee and Eunyoung Son
Department of Mathematics
Chungnam National University
Republic of Korea
We extend the stability of quadratic mappings to the stability of general quadratic mappings with several variables, and then obtain an improved asymptotic property of quadratic mappings on restricted domains.
Paper's Title:
On Weighted Toeplitz Operators
S. C. Arora and Ritu Kathuria
Department of Mathematics,
University of Delhi,
Delhi 110007,
Department of Mathematics,
Motilal Nehru College, University of Delhi,
Delhi 110021,
A weighted Toeplitz operator on H2(β) is defined as Tφf=P(φf) where P is the projection from L2(β) onto H2(β) and the symbol φ ∈ L2(β) for a given sequence β=‹βn›n∈ Z of positive numbers. In this paper, a matrix characterization of a weighted multiplication operator on L2β is given and it is used to deduce the same for a weighted Toeplitz operator. The eigenvalues of some weighted Toeplitz operators are also determined.
Paper's Title:
On Interpolation of L2 functions
Anis Rezgui
Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Sciences,
Taibah University, Al Madina Al Munawara,
Mathematics Department,
University of Carthage, Tunis,
E-mail: anis.rezguii@gmail.com
In this paper we are interested in polynomial interpolation of irregular functions namely those elements of L2(R,μ) for μ a given probability measure. This is of course doesn't make any sense unless for L2 functions that, at least, admit a continuous version. To characterize those functions we have, first, constructed, in an abstract fashion, a chain of Sobolev like subspaces of a given Hilbert space H0. Then we have proved that the chain of Sobolev like subspaces controls the existence of a continuous version for L2 functions and gives a pointwise polynomial approximation with a quite accurate error estimation.
Paper's Title:
Introducing the Dorfmanian: A Powerful Tool for the Calculus Of Variations
Olivier de La Grandville
Department of Management Science and Engineering,
Stanford University,
475 Via Ortega, Stanford, CA 94305,
U. S. A.
E-mail: odelagrandville@gmail.com
We show how a modified Hamiltonian proposed by Robert Dorfman [1] to give intuitive sense
to the Pontryagin maximum principle can be extended to easily obtain all
high-order equations of the calculus of variations. This new concept is
particularly efficient to determine the differential equations leading to
the extremals of functionals defined by n-uple integrals, while a
traditional approach would require -- in some cases repeatedly -- an
extension of Green's theorem to n-space.
Our paper is dedicated to the memory of Robert Dorfman (1916 - 2002).
Paper's Title:
p-valent Meromorphic Functions Involving
Hypergeometric and Koebe Functions by Using Differential Operator
S. Najafzadeh, S. R. Kulkarni and G. Murugusundaramoorthy
Department of Mathematics,
Fergusson College, Pune University,
Pune - 411004,
School of Science and Humanities,
Vellore Institute of Technology, Deemed University,
Vellore - 632014,
New classes of multivalent meromorphic functions involving
hypergeometric and Koebe functions are introduced,we find some
properties of these classes e.g. distortion bounds, radii of
starlikeness and convexity, extreme points, Hadamard product and
verify effect of some integral operator on members of these
Paper's Title:
On some Strongly Nonlinear Elliptic Problems
in Lą-data with a Nonlinearity Having a Constant Sign in Orlicz
Spaces via Penalization Methods
E. Azroul, A. Benkirane and M. Rhoudaf
Dep. Math., Faculté des Sciences
B.P 1796 Atlas Fčs,
Departement of Mathematics,
Faculty of Sciences and Techniques of Tangier,
B.P. 416, Tangier,
This paper is concerned with the existence result of the
unilateral problem associated to the equations of the type
in Orlicz spaces, without
assuming the sign condition in the nonlinearity g. The source term f belongs to Lą(Ώ).
Paper's Title:
Strong Convergence Theorems for a Common Zero of an Infinite Family of Gamma-Inverse Strongly Monotone Maps with Applications
Charles Ejike Chidume, Ogonnaya Michael Romanus, and Ukamaka Victoria Nnyaba
African University of Science and
Technology, Abuja,
E-mail: cchidume@aust.edu.ng
E-mail: romanusogonnaya@gmail.com
E-mail: nnyabavictoriau@gmail.com
Let E be a uniformly convex and uniformly smooth real Banach space with
dual space E* and let Ak:E→E*,
k=1, 2, 3 , ...
be a family of inverse strongly monotone maps such that ∩∞k=1
A new iterative algorithm is constructed and proved to converge strongly to a
common zero of the family.
As a consequence of this result, a strong convergence theorem for approximating
a common J-fixed point for an infinite family of
gamma-strictly J-pseudocontractive maps is proved. These results are new and
improve recent results obtained for these classes of nonlinear maps.
Furthermore, the technique of proof is of independent interest.
Paper's Title:
D-Iterative Method for Solving a Delay Differential Equation and a Two-Point Second-Order Boundary Value Problems in Banach Spaces
Francis Akutsah1, Akindele Adebayo Mebawondu2, Oluwatosin Babasola3, Paranjothi Pillay4 and Ojen Kumar Narain5
of Mathematics,
Statistics and Computer Science,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban,
South Africa.
E-mail: 216040405@stu.ukzn.ac.za,
of Mathematics,
Statistics and Computer Science,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban,
South Africa.
DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (CoE-MaSS),
South Africa.
Mountain Top University,
Prayer City, Ogun State,
E-mail: dele@aims.ac.za
of Mathematical Sciences,
University of Bath,
Claverton Down,
Bath, BA2 7AY
E-mail: ob377@bath.ac.uk
of Mathematics,
Statistics and Computer Science,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban,
South Africa.
E-mail: pillaypi@ukzn.ac.za
of Mathematics,
Statistics and Computer Science,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban,
South Africa.
E-mail: naraino@ukzn.ac.za
The purpose of this paper is to re-establish the convergence, stability and data dependence results established by [2] and [3] by removing the strong assumptions imposed on the sequences which were used to obtain their results. In addition, we introduced a modified approach using the D-iterative method to solve a two-point second-order boundary value problem, and also obtain the solution of a delay differential equations using the obtained results in this paper. The results presented in this paper do not only extend and improve the results obtained in [2, 3], it further extends and improve some existing results in the literature.
Paper's Title:
Generalized Triangular and Symmetric Splitting Method for Steady State Probability Vector of Stochastic Matrices
B. Harika, D. Rajaiah, L. P. RajKumar, Malla Reddy Perati
Department of Mathematics,
Kakatiya University
E-mail: hbolledla@gmail.com
Department of Mathematics,
Kakatiya Institute of Technology and Science
E-mail: dr.mh@kitsw.ac.in
Department of Mathematics,
Kakatiya University
E-mail: ladalla@gmail.com
Department of Mathematics,
Kakatiya University
E-mail: mperati@yahoo.com
To find the steady state probability vector of homogenous linear system π Q=0 of stochastic rate matrix Q, generalized triangular and symmetric (GTS) splitting method is presented. Convergence analysis and choice of parameters are given when the regularized matrix A=QT+ε I of the regularized linear system Ax=b is positive definite. Analysis shows that the iterative solution of GTS method converges unconditionally to the unique solution of the regularized linear system. From the numerical results, it is clear that the solution of proposed method converges rapidly when compared to the existing methods.
Paper's Title:
Classes of Meromorphic p-valent Parabolic Starlike Functions with Positive Coefficients
S. Sivaprasad Kumar, V. Ravichandran, and G. Murugusundaramoorthy
Department of Applied Mathematics
Delhi College of Engineering,
Delhi 110042, India
School of Mathematical Sciences
Universiti Sains Malaysia
11800 USM Penang
URL: http://cs.usm.my/~vravi
Department of Mathematics
Vellore Institute of Technology (Deemed University)
Vellore 632 014, India
In the present paper, we consider two general subclasses of meromorphic p-valent starlike functions with positive coefficients and obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for functions to be in these classes. Also we obtain certain other related results as a consequences of our main results.
Paper's Title:
Some Stability Results For Fixed Point Iteration Processes
M. O. Olatinwo, O. O. Owojori, and C. O. Imoru
Department of Mathematics, Obafemi Awolowo University,
In this paper, we present some stability results for both the general Krasnoselskij and the Kirk's iteration processes. The method of Berinde \cite{VBE1} is employed but a more general contractive condition than those of Berinde \cite{VBE1}, Harder and Hicks \cite{HAM}, Rhoades \cite{RHO1} and Osilike \cite{OSI1} is considered.
Paper's Title:
Iterated Order of Fast Growth Solutions of Linear Differential Equations
Benharrat Belaďdi
Department of Mathematics
Laboratory of Pure and Applied Mathematics
University of Mostaganem
B. P. 227 Mostaganem,
In this paper, we investigate the growth of solutions of the differential
f(k) + Ak-1 (z) f(k-1) +...+ A1 (z) f' + A0 (z) f= F (z),
Ao (z), ..., Ak-1 (z)
F (z) 0
are entire functions. Some estimates are given for the iterated order of solutions of the above quation when one of the coefficients As is being dominant in the sense that it has larger growth than Aj (j≠s) and F.
Paper's Title:
Local and Global Existence and Uniqueness Results for Second and Higher Order Impulsive Functional Differential Equations with Infinite Delay
Johnny Henderson and Abdelghani Ouahab
Department of Mathematics, Baylor University,
Waco, Texas 76798-7328
Laboratoire de Mathématiques, Université de Sidi Bel Abbés
BP 89, 22000 Sidi Bel Abbées,
In this paper, we discuss the local and global existence and
uniqueness results for second and higher order impulsive functional
differential equations with infinite delay. We shall rely on a
nonlinear alternative of Leray-Schauder. For the global existence
and uniqueness we apply a recent Frigon and Granas nonlinear
alternative of Leray-Schauder type in Fréchet spaces.
Paper's Title:
A Differential Sandwich Theorem for Analytic Functions Defined by the
Generalized Sălăgean Operator
D. Răducanu and V. O. Nechita
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer
"Transilvania" University Braşov
Str. Iuliu Maniu 50, 500091 Braşov,
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer
"Babeş-Bolyai" University Cluj-Napoca,
Str. M. Kogalniceanu 1, 400084 Cluj-Napoca,
We obtain some subordination and superordination results involving the generalized Sălăgean differential operator for certain normalized analytic functions in the open unit disk. Our results extend corresponding previously known results.
Paper's Title:
On Some Constructive Method of Rational Approximation
Vasiliy A. Prokhorov
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of South Alabama
Mobile, Alabama 36688-0002,
We study a constructive method of rational approximation of analytic functions based on ideas of the theory of Hankel operators. Some properties of the corresponding Hankel operator are investigated. We also consider questions related to the convergence of rational approximants. Analogues of Montessus de Ballore's and Gonchars's theorems on the convergence of rows of Padé approximants are proved.
Paper's Title:
Optimization and Approximation for Polyhedra in Separable Hilbert Spaces
Paolo d'Alessandro
Department of Mathematics,
Third University of Rome,
E-mail: pdalex45@gmail.com
This paper studies infinite dimensional polyhedra, covering the case in which range spaces of operators defining inequality systems are not closed. A rangespace method of linear programming is generalized to infinite dimensions and finite dimensional methods of approximation are introduced.
Paper's Title:
Existence of Solution of Differential and Riemann-Liouville Equation Via Fixed Point Approach in Complex Valued b-Metric Spaces
K. Afassinou, A. A. Mebawondu, H. A. Abass and O. K. Narain
Department of Science Access,
University of Zululand, KwaDlangezwa,
South Africa.
E-mail: komia@aims.ac.za
DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in
Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (CoE-MaSS),
South Africa.
E-mail: dele@aims.ac.za
DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in
Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (CoE-MaSS),
South Africa.
E-mail: hammedabass548@gmail.com
School of Mathematics, Statistics and
Computer Science,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban,
South Africa.
E-mail: naraino@ukzn.ac.za
In this paper, we establish some fixed point and common fixed point results for a new type of generalized contractive mapping using the notion of C-class function in the framework of complex valued b-metric spaces. As an application, we establish the existence and uniqueness of a solution for Riemann-Liouville integral and ordinary differential equation in the framework of a complete complex valued b-metric spaces. The obtained results generalize and improve some fixed point results in the literature.
Paper's Title:
Multivalued Equilibrium Problems with Trifunction
Muhammad Aslam Noor
Etisalat College of Engineering, P.O. Box 980, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
In this paper, we use the auxiliary principle technique to
suggest some new classes of iterative algorithms for solving multivalued
equilibrium problems with trifunction. The convergence of the proposed methods
either requires partially relaxed strongly monotonicity or pseudomonotonicity.
As special cases, we obtain a number of known and new results for solving
various classes of equilibrium and variational inequality problems. Since
multivalued equilibrium problems with trifunction include equilibrium,
variational inequality and complementarity problems as specials cases, our
results continue to hold for these problems.
Paper's Title:
Positive Solutions of Evolution Operator Equations
Radu Precup
Department of Applied Mathematics,
Babes-Bolyai University,
Cluj, Romania
Existence and localization results are derived from Krasnoselskii’s compressionexpansion
fixed point theorem in cones, for operator equations in spaces of continuous functions
from a compact real interval to an abstract space. The main idea, first used in [12], is to handle
two equivalent operator forms of the equation, one of fixed point type giving the operator to
which Krasnoselskii’s theorem applies and an other one of coincidence type which is used to
localize a positive solution in a shell. An application is presented for a boundary value problem
associated to a fourth order partial differential equation on a rectangular domain.
Paper's Title:
The Voronovskaja Type Theorem for the Stancu Bivariate
Ovidiu T. Pop
National College "Mihai Eminescu",
5 Mihai Eminescu Street,
Satu Mare 440014, Romania
Vest University "Vasile Goldis" of
Arad, Branch of Satu Mare,
26 Mihai Viteazul Street
Satu Mare 440030, Romania
In this paper, the Voronovskaja type theorem for the Stancu
bivariate operators is established. As particular cases, we shall
obtain the Voronovskaja type theorem for the Bernstein and Schurer
Paper's Title:
Asymptotic Distribution of Products of Weighted Sums of Dependent
Random Variables
Y. Miao and J. F. Li
of Mathematics
and Information
Henan Normal
of Mathematics
and Information
Henan Normal
University, 453007
In this paper we establish the asymptotic distribution of products of weighted sums of dependent positive random variable, which extends the results of Rempała and Wesołowski (2002).
Paper's Title:
The Superstability of the Pexider Type Trigonometric Functional Equation
Gwang Hui Kim and Young Whan Lee
Department of Mathematics, Kangnam
University Yongin, Gyeonggi, 446-702, Korea.
Department of Computer and Information Security
Daejeon University, Daejeon 300-716, Korea.
The aim of this paper is to investigate the stability
problem for
the Pexider type (hyperbolic) trigonometric functional equation
f(x+y)+f(x+σy)=λg(x)h(y) under the conditions :
|f(x+y)+f(x+σy)- λg(x)h(y)|≤φ(x),
φ(y), and min {φ(x), φ (y)}.
As a consequence, we have generalized the results of stability for
the cosine(d'Alembert), sine, and the Wilson functional equations by J.
Baker, P. Găvruta, R. Badora and R. Ger, Pl.~Kannappan, and G.
H. Kim
Paper's Title:
On an Autocorrection Phenomenon of the Eckhoff Interpolation
A. Poghosyan
Institute of Mathematics, National Academy
of Sciences,
24b Marshal Baghramian ave., Yerevan 0019,
Republic of Armenia
The paper considers the Krylov-Lanczos and the Eckhoff interpolations of a function with a discontinuity at a known point. These interpolations are based on certain corrections associated with jumps in the first derivatives. In the Eckhoff interpolation, approximation of the exact jumps is accomplished by the solution of a system of linear equations. We show that in the regions where the 2-periodic extension of the interpolated function is smooth, the Eckhoff interpolation converges faster compared with the Krylov-Lanczos interpolation. This accelerated convergence is known as the autocorrection phenomenon. The paper presents a theoretical explanation of this phenomenon. Numerical experiments confirm theoretical estimates.
Paper's Title:
A Note on Divergent Fourier Series and λ-Permutations
A. Castillo, J. Chavez and H. Kim
Tufts University,
Department of Mathematics,
Medford, MA 02155,
E-mail: angel.castillo@tufts.edu
Texas Tech University,
Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
Lubbock, TX 79409,
E-mail: josechavez5@my.unt.edu
University of Michigan-Dearborn,
Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
Dearborn, MI 48128,
E-mail: khyejin@umich.edu
We present a continuous function on [-π,π] whose Fourier series diverges and it cannot be rearranged to converge by a λ-permutation.
Paper's Title:
A Comparison Between Two Different Stochastic Epidemic Models with Respect to the Entropy
Farzad Fatehi and Tayebe Waezizadeh
Department of Mathematics,
University of Sussex,
Brighton BN1 9QH,
E-mail: f.fatehi@sussex.ac.uk
Department of Pure Mathematics, Faculty
of Mathematics and Computer,
Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman,
Kerman 76169-14111,
E-mail: waezizadeh@uk.ac.ir
In this paper at first a brief history of mathematical models is presented with the aim to clarify the reliability of stochastic models over deterministic models. Next, the necessary background about random variables and stochastic processes, especially Markov chains and the entropy are introduced. After that, entropy of SIR stochastic models is computed and it is proven that an epidemic will disappear after a long time. Entropy of a stochastic mathematical model determines the average uncertainty about the outcome of that random experiment. At the end, we introduce a chain binomial epidemic model and compute its entropy, which is then compared with the DTMC SIR epidemic model to show which one is nearer to reality.
Paper's Title:
The Conservativeness of Girsanov Transformed for Symmetric Jump-diffusion Process
Mila Kurniawaty and Marjono
Department of Mathematics,
Universitas Brawijaya,
E-mail: mila_n12@ub.ac.id,
We study about the Girsanov transformed for symmetric Markov processes with jumps associated with regular Dirichlet form. We prove the conservativeness of it by dividing the regular Dirichlet form into the "small jump" part and the "big jump" part.
Paper's Title:
Some Properties on a Class of p-valent Functions Involving Generalized Differential Operator
A. T. Yousef, Z. Salleh and T. Al-Hawary
Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Ocean Engineering Technology and Informatics, Universiti Malaysia
21030 Kuala Nerus, Terengganu,
E-mail: abduljabaryousef@gmail.com,
Department of Applied Science,
Ajloun College, Al-Balqa Applied University,
Ajloun 26816,
E-mail: tariq_amh@yahoo.com
This paper aiming to introduce a new differential operator in the open unit disc We then, introduce a new subclass of analytic function Moreover, we discuss coefficient estimates, growth and distortion theorems, and inclusion properties for the functions belonging to the class
Paper's Title:
Improved Oscillation Criteria of Second-Order Advanced Non-canonical Difference Equation
G. E. Chatzarakis1, N. Indrajith2, S. L. Panetsos1, E. Thandapani3
of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Educators
School of Pedagogical and Technological Education,
Marousi 15122, Athens,
E-mail: gea.xatz@aspete.gr,
of Mathematics,
Presidency College, Chennai - 600 005,
E-mail: indrajithna@gmail.com
Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics,
University of Madras Chennai - 600 005,
E-mail: ethandapani@yahoo.co.in
Employing monotonic properties of nonoscillatory solutions, we derive some new oscillation criteria for the second-order advanced non-canonical difference equation
Our results extend and improve the earlier ones. The outcome is illustrated via some particular difference equations.
Paper's Title:
Growth and Approximation of Entire Solutions of Linear Partial Differential Equation in Terms of Bessel Polynomial Approximation Errors in Lp-norm, 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞
Devendra Kumar
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of
Al-Baha University,
P.O.Box-7738 Alaqiq, Al-Baha-65799,
Saudi Arabia.
We deal with entire solutions of some special type linear homogeneous partial differential equations that are represented in convergent series of Bessel polynomials. We determine the growth orders and types of the solutions, in terms of Bessel polynomial approximation errors in both sup norm and Lp-norm, 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞.
Paper's Title:
A general common fixed point theorem for reciprocally continuous mappings satisfying an implicit relation
A. Djoudi and A. Aliouche
Faculty of Science, University of Annaba,
P.O. Box 23000, Annaba,
Department of Mathematics, University of Larbi Ben M'Hidi,
Oum-El-Bouaghi 04000,
A general common fixed point theorem for compatible mappings satisfying an
implicit relation is obtained by replacing the continuity of one mapping
by the reciprocal continuity of two mappings.
Paper's Title:
Uniqueness of Meromorphic Functions that Share Three Values
Abhijit Banerjee
Department of Mathematics
Kalyani Government Engineering College
West Bengal 741235
In the paper dealing with the uniqueness problem of meromorphic functions we prove five theorems one of which will improve a result given by Lahiri \cite{5} and the remaining will supplement some previous results.
Paper's Title:
A New Family of Periodic Functions as Explicit Roots of a Class of Polynomial Equations
M. Artzrouni
Department of Mathematics, University of Pau
64013 Pau Cedex
Pau, France
URL: http://www.univ-pau.fr/~artzroun
For any positive integer n a new family of periodic functions in power series form and
of period n is used to solve in closed form a class of polynomial equations of order
n. The n roots are the values of the appropriate function from that family taken at
0, 1, ... , n-1.
Paper's Title:
On Some Ramanujan's Schläfli Type Modular Equations
K. R. Vasuki
Department of Mathematics, Acharya Institute of Technology, Soldevanahalli,
Chikkabanavara (Post), Hesaragatta Main Road, Bangalore-560 090,
In this paper, we give new proof of
certain Ramanujan-Schläfli modular equations. We also obtain a new modular
equation of degree 23.
Paper's Title:
A New Step Size Rule in Noor's Method for Solving General Variational Inequalities
Abdellah Bnouhachem
School of Management Science and Engineering, Nanjing University,
Nanjing, 210093
P.R. China.
In this paper, we propose a new step size rule in Noor's method
for solving general
variational inequalities. Under suitable conditions, we prove that the
new method is globally convergent. Preliminary numerical
experiments are included to illustrate the advantage and
efficiency of the proposed method.
Paper's Title:
Nontrivial Solutions of Singular Superlinear Three-point
Boundary Value Problems at Resonance
Feng Wang, Fang Zhang
School of Mathematics and Physics,
Changzou University,
Changzhou, 213164,
The singular superlinear second order three-point boundary value problems at resonance
are considered under some conditions concerning the first eigenvalues corresponding to the relevant linear operators, where n ∈ (0,1) is a constant, f is allowed to be singular at both t=0 and t=1. The existence results of nontrivial solutions are given by means of the topological degree theory.
Paper's Title:
The Best Upper Bound for Jensen's Inequality
Vasile Cirtoaje
Department of Automatic Control and Computers
University of Ploiesti
In this paper we give the best upper bound for the weighted Jensen's discrete inequality applied to a convex function f defined on a closed interval I in the case when the bound depends on f, I and weights. In addition, we give a simpler expression of the upper bound, which is better than existing similar one.
Paper's Title:
Some Inequalities Concerning Derivative and Maximum Modulus of Polynomials
N. K. Govil, A. Liman and W. M. Shah
Department of Mathematics & Statistics,
Auburn University, Auburn,
Alabama 36849-5310,
Department of Mathematics,
National Institute of Technology,
Srinagar, Kashmir,
India - 190006
Department of Mathematics,
Kashmir University,
Srinagar, Kashmir,
India - 190006
In this paper, we prove some compact generalizations of some well-known Bernstein type inequalities concerning the maximum modulus of a polynomial and its derivative in terms of maximum modulus of a polynomial on the unit circle. Besides, an inequality for self-inversive polynomials has also been obtained, which in particular gives some known inequalities for this class of polynomials. All the inequalities obtained are sharp.
Paper's Title:
Existence Results for Second Order Impulsive Functional Differential Equations with Infinite Delay
M. Lakrib, A. Oumansour and K. Yadi
Laboratoire de Mathématiques, Université Djillali
Liabées, B.P. 89 Sidi Bel Abbčs 22000, Algérie
Laboratoire de Mathématiques, Université Abou Bekr
Belkaid, B.P. 119 Tlemcen 13000, Algérie
In this paper we study the existence of solutions for second order impulsive functional differential equations with infinite delay. To obtain our results, we apply fixed point methods.
Paper's Title:
Unital Compact Homomorphisms Between Extended Analytic Uniform Algebras
D. Alimohammadi and M. Mayghani
Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Science, Arak University,
PO Box 38156-8-8349, Arak,
Let X and K be compact plane sets with K⊆X. We denote by A(X,K) and A(X) the algebras of all continuous complex-valued functions on X which are analytic on int(K) and int(X), respectively. It is known that A(X,K) and A(X) are natural uniform algebras on X. A(X) and A(X,K) are called analytic uniform algebra and extended analytic uniform algebra on X, respectively. In this paper we study unital homomorphisms between extended analytic uniform algebras and investigate necessary and sufficient conditions for which these homomorphisms to be compact. We also determine the spectrum of unital compact endomorphisms of extended analytic uniform algebras.
Paper's Title:
Some Properties of the Marshall-Olkin and Generalized Cuadras-Augé Families of Copulas
Edward Dobrowolski and Pranesh Kumar
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Northern British Columbia
Prince George, BC,
Canada, V2N 4Z9
E-mail: Pranesh.Kumar@unbc.ca
We investigate some properties of the families of two parameter Marshall-Olkin and Generalized Cuadras-Augé copulas. Some new results are proved for copula parameters, dependence measure and mutual information. A numerical application is discussed.
Paper's Title:
Stability of an Almost Surjective epsilon-Isometry in The Dual of Real Banach Spaces
Minanur Rohman, Ratno Bagus Edy Wibowo, Marjono
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Brawijaya University,
Jl. Veteran Malang 65145,
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Brawijaya University,
Jl. Veteran Malang 65145,
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Brawijaya University,
Jl. Veteran Malang 65145,
In this paper, we study the stability of epsilon-isometry in the dual of real Banach spaces. We prove that the almost surjective epsilon-isometry mapping is stable in dual of each spaces. The proof uses Gâteaux differentiability space (GDS), weak-star exposed points, norm-attaining operator, and some studies about epsilon-isometry that have been done before.
Paper's Title:
A Low Order Least-Squares Nonconforming Finite Element Method for Steady Magnetohydrodynamic Equations
Z. Yu, D. Shi and H. Zhu
College of Science,
University of Technology,
Zhengzhou 450007,
School of Mathematics and Statistics,
Zhengzhou University,
Zhengzhou 450001,
Mathematics Department,
University of Southern Mississippi,
Hattiesburg MS, 39406,
A low order least-squares nonconforming finite element (NFE) method is proposed for magnetohydrodynamic equations with EQ1rot element and zero-order Raviart-Thomas element. Based on the above element's typical interpolations properties, the existence and uniqueness of the approximate solutions are proved and the optimal order error estimates for the corresponding variables are derived.
Paper's Title:
Generalised Models for Torsional Spine Reconnection
Ali Khalaf Hussain Al-Hachami
Department of Mathematics,
College of Education For Pure Sciences,
Wasit University,
E-mail: alhachamia@uowasit.edu.iq
Three-dimensional (3D) null points are available in wealth in the solar corona, and the equivalent is probably going to be valid in other astrophysical situations. On-going outcomes from sun oriented perceptions and from reproductions propose that reconnection at such 3D nulls may assume a significant job in the coronal dynamics. The properties of the torsional spine method of magnetic reconnection at 3D nulls are researched. Kinematic model are created, which incorporate the term ηJ that is spatially localised around the null, stretching out along the spine of the null. The null point is to research the impact of shifting the level of asymmetry of the null point magnetic field on the subsequent reconnection process where past examinations constantly considered a non-nonexclusive radially symmetric null. Specifically we analyse the rate of reconnection of magnetic flux at the spine of null point. Logical arrangements are determined for the enduring kinematic equation, and contrasted and the after effects of torsional spine reconnection models when the current is restricted in which the Maxwell conditions are illuminated. The geometry of the current layers inside which torsional spine reconnection happen is autonomous on the symmetry of the magnetic field. Torsional spine reconnection happens in a thin cylinder around the spine, with circular cross-segment when the fan eigenvalues are extraordinary. The short axis of the circle being along the solid field bearing. Just as it was discovered that the fundamental structure of the method of attractive reconnection considered is unaffected by changing the magnetic field symmetry, that is, the plasma flow is discovered rotational around the spine of null point. The spatiotemporal pinnacle current, and the pinnacle reconnection rate achieved, are found not to rely upon the level of asymmetry.
Paper's Title:
Numerical Approximation by the Method of Lines with Finite-volume Approach of a Solute Transport Equation in Periodic Heterogeneous Porous Medium
D. J. Bambi Pemba and B. Ondami
Université Marien Ngouabi,
Factuté des Sciences et Techniques,
BP 69, Brazzaville,
E-mail: bondami@gmail.com
In this paper we are interested in the numerical approximation of a two-dimensional solute transport equation in heterogeneous porous media having periodic structures. It is a class of problems which has been the subject of various works in the literature, where different methods are proposed for the determination of the so-called homogenized problem. We are interested in this paper, in the direct resolution of the problem, and we use the method of lines with a finite volume approach to discretize this equation. This discretization leads to an ordinary differential equation (ODE) that we discretize by the Euler implicit scheme. Numerical experiments comparing the obtained solution and the homogenized problem solution are presented. They show that the precision and robustness of this method depend on the ratio between, the mesh size and the parameter involved in the periodic homogenization.
Paper's Title:
On General Class of Nonlinear Contractive Maps and their Performance Estimates
Olalekan Taofeek Wahab and Salaudeen Alaro Musa
Department of Mathematics and
Kwara State University, Malete
P. M. B. 1530 Ilorin,
E-mail: taofeek.wahab@kwasu.edu.ng
This paper considers two independent general class of nonlinear contractive maps to study the existence properties of nonlinear operators with prior degenerate. The existence properties are proved in the framework of approximate fixed points with the imposition of the general class of contractive conditions in metrical convex spaces without emphasis on completeness or compactness. For computational purposes, the performance estimates and the sensitivity dependence of these conditions are obtained for the Picard operator. Practical examples are also considered to justify the validity of the conditions. The results ensure no term is lost in the operators with prior degenerate and the conditions are strictly larger class when compare with others in the literature.
Paper's Title:
On the Oscillatory Behavior of Self Adjoint Fractional Extensible Beam Equations
S. Priyadharshini1, G.E. Chatzarakis2, S. L. Panetsos2 and V. Sadhasivam1
Graduate and Research Department of Mathematics,
Thiruvalluvar Government Arts College,
Rasipuram - 637 401, Namakkal Dt., Tamil Nadu,
E-mail: s.priya25april@gmail.com,
of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Educators,
School of Pedagogical and Technological Education(ASPETE),
Marousi 15122, Athens,
E-mail: geaxatz@otenet.gr,
The main objective of this paper is to study the oscillatory behavior of the solutions of self adjoint fractional extensible beam equations by using integral average method. Some new sufficient conditions are established with various boundary conditions over a cylindrical domains. Examples illustrating the results are given.
Paper's Title:
New Coincidence and Fixed Point Theorems for Strictly Contractive Hybrid Maps
S. L. Singh and Amal M. Hashim
21, Govind Nagar, Rishikesh 249201,
Ua, India
Dept. of Math., College of Science,
Univ. of Basarah,
The purpose of this paper is to study the (EA)-property and noncompatible maps
of a hybrid pair of single-valued and multivalued maps in fixed point considerations. Such maps
have the remarkable property that they need not be continuous at their common fixed points. We
use this property to obtain some coincidence and fixed point theorems for strictly contractive
hybrid maps without using their continuity and completeness or compactness of the space.
Paper's Title:
On a Method of Proving the Hyers-Ulam Stability
of Functional Equations on Restricted Domains
Janusz Brzdęk
Department of Mathematics
Pedagogical University Podchor
We show that generalizations of some (classical) results on the Hyers-Ulam stability of functional equations, in several variables, can be very easily derived from a simple result on stability of a functional equation in single variable
Paper's Title:
Ellipses of Minimal Area and of Minimal Eccentricity Circumscribed About a Convex Quadrilateral
Alan Horwitz
Penn State University,
25 Yearsley Mill Rd.,
Media, PA 19063,
First, we fill in key gaps in Steiner's nice characterization of the most nearly circular ellipse which passes through the vertices of a convex quadrilateral, . Steiner proved that there is only one pair of conjugate directions, M1 and M2, that belong to all ellipses of circumscription. Then he proves that if there is an ellipse, E, whose equal conjugate diameters possess the directional constants M1 and M2, then E must be an ellipse of circumscription which has minimal eccentricity. However, Steiner does not show the existence or uniqueness of such an ellipse. We prove that there is a unique ellipse of minimal eccentricity which passes through the vertices of . We also show that there exists an ellipse which passes through the vertices of and whose equal conjugate diameters possess the directional constants M1 and M2. We also show that there exists a unique ellipse of minimal area which passes through the vertices of . Finally, we call a convex quadrilateral, , bielliptic if the unique inscribed and circumscribed ellipses of minimal eccentricity have the same eccentricity. This generalizes the notion of bicentric quadrilaterals. In particular, we show the existence of a bielliptic convex quadrilateral which is not bicentric.
Paper's Title:
Improvement of Jensen's
Inequality for Superquadratic Functions
S. Abramovich, B. Ivanković, and J. Pečarić
Department of Mathematics,
University of Haifa,
Haifa 31905,
Faculty of Transport and
Trafic Engineering,
University of Zagreb,
Vukelićeva 4, 10000,
Faculty of Textile,
University of Zagreb,
Prilaz Baruna Filipovića 30, 10000 Zagreb,
Since 1907, the famous Jensen's inequality has been refined in different manners. In our paper, we refine it applying superquadratic functions and separations of domains for convex functions. There are convex functions which are not superquadratic and superquadratic functions which are not convex. For superquadratic functions which are not convex we get inequalities analogue to inequalities satisfied by convex functions. For superquadratic functions which are convex (including many useful functions) we get refinements of Jensen's inequality and its extensions.
Paper's Title:
Characterization of Caristi Type Mapping Through its Absolute Derivative
M. Muslikh1, A. Kilicman2,3, S. H. Sapar4 and N. Bacho5
1Department of Mathematics,
University of Brawijaya,
Malang 65143, East Java,
E-mail: mslk@ub.ac.id
2Department of Mathematics,
Universiti Putra Malaysia,
43400 UPM, Serdang, Selangor,
E-mail: akilic@upm.edu.my
3Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
Istanbul Gelisim University,
Avcilar, Istanbul,
4Department of Mathematics,
Universiti Putra Malaysia,
43400 UPM, Serdang, Selangor,
E-mail: sitihas@upm.edu.my
5Department of Mathematics,
Universiti Putra Malaysia,
43400 UPM, Serdang, Selangor,
E-mail: norfifah@upm.edu.my
The purpose of this article to characterize the Caristi type mapping by the absolute derivative. The equivalences of the Caristi mapping with contraction mapping is discussed too. In addition, it was shown that the contraction mapping can be tested through its absolute derivative.
Paper's Title:
Composite Variational-Like Inequalities Given By Weakly Relaxed
Syed Shakaib Irfan, Iqbal Ahmad, Zubair Khan and Preeti Shukla
College of Engineering, Qassim University
Buraidah, Al-Qassim,
Saudi Arabia.
E-mail: shakaib@qec.edu.sa
College of Engineering, Qassim University
Buraidah, Al-Qassim,
Saudi Arabia.
E-mail: iqbal@qec.edu.sa
Department of Mathematics,
Integral University Lucknow,
E-mail: zkhan@iul.ac.in
Department of Mathematics,
Integral University Lucknow,
E-mail: shuklapreeti1991@gmail.com
In this article, we introduce a composite variational-like inequalities with weakly relaxed ζ-pseudomonotone multi-valued maping in reflexive Banach spaces. We obtain existence of solutions to the composite variational-like inequalities with weakly relaxed ζ-pseudomon -otone multi-valued maps in reflexive Banach spaces by using KKM theorem. We have also checked the solvability of the composite variational-like inequalities with weakly relaxed ζ-semi-pseudomonotone multi-valued maps in arbitrary Banach spaces using Kakutani-Fan-Glicksberg fixed point theorem.
Paper's Title:
An Efficient Modification of Differential Transform Method for Solving Integral and Integro-differential Equations
S. Al-Ahmad, Ibrahim Mohammed Sulaiman*, and M. Mamat
Faculty of Informatics and Computing,
Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin,
Terengganu, Besut Campus, 22200,
E-mail: Alahmad.shadi@yahoo.com,
In this paper, classes of integral and integro-differential equations are solved using a modified differential transform method. This proposed technique is based on differential transform method (DTM), Laplace transform (LT) procedure and Pad\'{e} approximants (PA). The proposed method which gives a good approximation for the true solution in a large region is referred to modified differential transform method (MDTM). An algorithm was developed to illustrate the flow of the proposed method. Some numerical problems are presented to check the applicability of the proposed scheme and the obtained results from the computations are compared with other existing methods to illustrates its efficiency. Numerical results have shown that the proposed MDTM method is promising compared to other existing methods for solving integral and integro-differential equations.
Paper's Title:
ψ(m,q)-Isometric Mappings on Metric Spaces
Sid Ahmed Ould Beinane, Sidi Hamidou Jah and Sid Ahmed Ould Ahmed Mahmoud
Mathematical Analysis and Applications,
Mathematics Department, College of Science,
Jouf University,
Sakaka P.O.Box 2014,
Saudi Arabia.
E-mail: beinane06@gmail.com
Department of Mathematics, College of
Science Qassim University,
P.O. Box 6640, Buraydah 51452,
Saudi Arabia.
E-mail: jahsiidi@yahoo.fr
Mathematical Analysis and Applications,
Mathematics Department, College of Science, Jouf University,
Sakaka P.O.Box 2014,
Saudi Arabia.
E-mail: sidahmed@ju.edu.sa,
The concept of (m,p)-isometric operators on Banach space was extended to
(m,q)-isometric mappings on general metric spaces in [6].
This paper is devoted to define the concept of
ψ(m, q)-isometric, which is the
extension of A(m, p)-isometric operators on Banach spaces introduced in [10].
Let T,ψ: (E,d) -> (E, d) be two mappings.
For some positive integer m and q ∈ (0,∞).
T is said to be an ψ(m,q)-isometry,
if for all y,z ∈ E,
Paper's Title:
Some Remarks On Quasinearly Subharmonic Functions
Mansour Kalantar
Universite Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier,
118 Route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse,
We prove some basic properties of quasi-nearly subharmonic functions and quasi-nearly subharmonic functions in the narrow sense.
Paper's Title:
A Generalization of a Partial b-metric and Fixed Point Theorems
Pravin Singh and Virath Singh
Department of Mathematics, University of
Private Bag X54001, Durban,
South Africa.
E-mail: singhp@ukzn.ac.za
The purpose of this paper is to introduce the concept of a Partial α, β b-metric as a generalization of a partial b-metric and prove theorems for some contractive type mapping.
Paper's Title:
On the Class of Totally Polynomially Posinormal Operators
E. Shine Lal, T. Prasad, P. Ramya
Department of Mathematics,University
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, 695034.
E-mail: shinelal.e@gmail.com
Department of Mathematics,
University of Calicut,
Malapuram, Kerala 673635,
E-mail: prasadvalapil@gmail.com
Department of Mathematics,
N.S.S College,
Nemmara, Kerala, 678508
E-mail: ramyagcc@gmail.com
In this paper, we proved that if T ∈ B(H) is totally P-posinormal operator with . Moreover, we study spectral continuity and range kernel orthogonality of these class of operators.
Paper's Title:
Analytical and Numerical Solutions of the Inhomogenous Wave Equation
T. Matsuura and S. Saitoh
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
Gunma University, Kiryu 376-8515, Japan
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Engineering,
Gunma University, Kiryu 376-8515, Japan
In this paper, by a new concept and method we give approximate
solutions of the inhomogenous wave equation on multidimensional spaces.
Numerical experiments are conducted as well.
Paper's Title:
Multivalued Hemiequilibrium Problems
Muhammad Aslam Noor
Mathematics Department,
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology,
Sector H-8/1, Islamabad,
In this paper, we introduce and study a new class of equilibrium problems, known
as multivalued hemiequilibrium problems. The auxiliary principle technique is used to suggest
and analyze some new classes of iterative algorithms for solving multivalued hemiequilibrium
problems. The convergence of the proposed methods either requires partially relaxed strongly
monotonicity or pseudomonotonicity. As special cases, we obtain a number of known and new
results for solving various classes of equilibrium and variational inequality problems. Since
multivalued hemiequilibrium problems include hemiequilibrium, hemivariational inequalities,
variational inequalities and complementarity problems as specials cases, our results still hold for
these problems.
Paper's Title:
On the Numerical Solution for Deconvolution Problems with Noise
N. H. Sweilam
Cairo University, Faculty of Science, Mathematics Department,
Giza, Egypt.
In this paper three different stable methods for solving numerically deconvolution problems with noise are studied. The methods examined are the variational regularization method, the dynamical systems method, and the iterative regularized processes. Gravity surveying problem with noise is studied as a model problem. The results obtained by these methods are compared to the exact solution for the model problem. It is found that these three methods are highly stable methods and always converge to the solution even for large size models. The relative higher accuracy is obtained by using the iterative regularized processes.
Paper's Title:
Ellipses Inscribed in Parallelograms
A. Horwitz
Penn State University,
25 Yearsley Mill Rd.
Media, PA 19063
U. S. A.
We prove that there exists a unique ellipse of minimal eccentricity, EI, inscribed in a parallelogram, Đ. We also prove that the smallest nonnegative angle between equal conjugate diameters of $EI equals the smallest nonnegative angle between the diagonals of Đ. We also prove that if EM is the unique ellipse inscribed in a rectangle, R, which is tangent at the midpoints of the sides of R, then EM is the unique ellipse of minimal eccentricity, maximal area, and maximal arc length inscribed in R. Let Đ be any convex quadrilateral. In previous papers, the author proved that there is a unique ellipse of minimal eccentricity, EI, inscribed in Đ, and a unique ellipse, EO, of minimal eccentricity circumscribed about Đ. We defined Đ to be bielliptic if EI and EO have the same eccentricity. In this paper we show that a parallelogram, Đ, is bielliptic if and only if the square of the length of one of the diagonals of Đ equals twice the square of the length of one of the sides of Đ .
Paper's Title:
A Dynamic Contact Problem for an Electro Viscoelastic Body
Denche M. and Ait Kaki L.
Laboratoire Equations Differentielles,
Departement de Mathematiques,
Universite Constantine 1,
Ecole Normale Superieure,
Departement des Sciences Exactes et Informatique,
Plateau Mansourah, Constantine.
We consider a dynamic problem which describes a contact between a piezoelectric body and a conductive foundation. The frictionless contact is modelled with the normal compliance, the electric conditions are supposed almost perfect. We prove the existence of a unique weak solution for almost perfect electric contact.
Paper's Title:
Existence of Positive Solutions for
Nonlinear Fractional Differential Equations
with Multi-point Boundary Conditions
N. Adjeroud
Khenchela University, Department of
Khenchela, 40000,
E-mail: adjnac@gmail.com
This paper is devoted to the existence results of positive solutions for a nonlinear fractional differential equations with multi-point boundary conditions. By means of the Schauder fixed point theorem, some results on the existence are obtained.
Paper's Title:
A New Interpretation of the Number e
Olivier de La Grandville
Faculty of Economics, Goethe University,
Frankfurt, Theodor-Adorno Platz 4,
60323 Frankfurt am Main,
We show that e is the amount that 1 becomes when it is invested during an arbitrary time span of length T, at any continuously compounded interest rates as long as their average is equal to 1/T . A purely mathematical interpretation of e is the amount a unit quantity becomes after any duration T when the average of its instantaneous growth rates is 1/T. This property can be shown to remain valid if T tends to infinity as long as the integral of the growth rates converges to unity.
Paper's Title:
On The Degree of Approximation of Periodic Functions from Lipschitz and Those from Generalized Lipschitz Classes
Xhevat Z. Krasniqi
Faculty of Education,
University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina",
Avenue "Mother Theresa " no. 5, Prishtinë
Republic of Kosovo.
E-mail: xhevat.krasniqi@uni-pr.edu
In this paper we have introduced some new trigonometric polynomials. Using these polynomials, we have proved some theorems which determine the degree of approximation of periodic functions by a product of two special means of their Fourier series and the conjugate Fourier series. Many results proved previously by others are special case of ours.
Paper's Title:
Estimation for Bounded Solutions of Some Nonlinear Integral Inequalities with Delay in Several Variables
Smakdji Mohamed Elhadi, Denche Mouhamed and Khellaf Hassane
Department of Mathematics
University of Frčres Mentouri
PO Box 25000, Ain Elbay,
E-mail: khellafhassane@umc.edu.dz
In this paper, some new nonlinear retarded integral inequalities of Gronwall-Bellman type for functions of two and n-independents variables are investigated. The derived results can be applied in the study of differential-integral equations with time delay. An example is given to illustrate the application of our results.
Paper's Title:
A Stability of the G-type Functional Equation
Gwang Hui Kim
Department of Mathematics, Kangnam University
Suwon 449-702, Korea.
We will investigate the stability in the sense of G
Paper's Title:
The Convergence of Modified Mann-Ishikawa Iterations when Applied to an Asymptotically Pseudocontractive Map
S. Soltuz
Departamento de Matematicas, Universidad de Los Andes, Carrera 1
No. 18A-10, Bogota,
``T. Popoviciu" Institute of Numerical Analysis
We prove that under minimal conditions the modified Mann and Ishikawa iterations converge when dealing with an asymptotically pseudocontractive map. We give an affirmative answer to the open question from C.E. Chidume and H. Zegeye, Approximate fixed point sequences and convergence theorems for asymptotically pseudocontractive mappings, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 278 (2003), 354--366.
Paper's Title:
Positive Solutions for Systems of Three-point Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems
J. Henderson and S. K. Ntouyas
Department of Mathematics, Baylor University
Waco, Texas
76798-7328 USA.
URL: http://www3.baylor.edu/~Johnny_Henderson
Department of Mathematics, University of Ioannina
451 10 Ioannina,
URL: http://www.math.uoi.gr/~sntouyas
Values of λ are determined for which there exist
positive solutions of the system of three-point boundary value problems,
u''(t)+ λa(t)f(v(t))=0, v''(t)+λb(t)g(u(t))=0,
for 0 < t <1, and
satisfying, u(0) = 0, u(1)=α u(η),
v(0) = 0, v(1)=α v(η). A Guo-Krasnosel'skii fixed
point theorem is applied. Paper's Title:
On the product of M-measures in l-groups Author(s):
A. Boccuto, B. Riěcan, and A. R. Sambucini
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica,
Some extension-type theorems and compactness
properties for the Paper's Title:
Lower and Upper Bounds for the Point-Wise Directional Derivative of the Fenchel Duality Map Author(s):
M. Raissouli1,2, M. Ramezani3 1Department
of Mathematics, 2Department
of Mathematics, 3Department
of Mathematics, Abstract:
In this paper, we introduce the point-wise directional derivative
of the Fenchel duality map and we study its properties. The best
lower and upper bounds of this point-wise directional derivative
are also given. We explain how our functional results contain
those related to the positive bounded linear operators. Paper's Title:
On Singular Numbers of Hankel Matrices of Markov Functions Author(s):
Vasily A. Prokhorov Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Abstract:
E ⊂ (01,1) be a compact set and let
μ be a positive Borel measure with support
supp μ=E. Let
In the case when E=[a,b]⊂
(-1,1) and μ satisfies the
condition dμ/dx>0 a.e. on E, we investigate asymptotic behavior of
singular numbers σkn,n of the Hankel
matrix Dn, where kn/n→θ∈[0,1]
as n→∞. Moreover, we obtain
asymptotics of the Kolmogorov, Gelfand and linear k-widths, k=kn,
of the unit ball An,2 of Pn∩L2(Γ)
in the space L2(μ,E),
where Γ={z:|z|=1} and Pn is the class of all
polynomials of the degree at most n. Paper's Title:
Some New Inequalities of Hermite-Hadamard and Fejér Type for Certain Functions with Higher Convexity Author(s):
Steven G. From Department of Mathematics, Abstract:
In this paper, we present some new inequalities of Hermite-Hadamard or Fejér
type for certain functions satisfying some higher convexity conditions on one or
more derivatives. Paper's Title:
The Functional Equation With an Exponential Polynomial Solution and its Stability Author(s):
Young Whan Lee1, Gwang Hui Kim2*, and Jeong Il Kim3 1Department of Computer
Hacking and Information Security, 2Department of Mathematics,
3Department of Statistics, Abstract:
In this paper, we prove that the unique continuous solution of the
functional equation
where pn(x) is a polynomial with degree n and
We also obtain the superstability and stability of the functional equation with the
following forms, respectively:
Paper's Title:
Solving Two Point Boundary Value Problems by Modified Sumudu Transform Homotopy Perturbation Method Author(s):
Asem AL Nemrat and Zarita Zainuddin School of Mathematical Sciences, Abstract:
This paper considers a combined form of the Sumudu transform with the modified homotopy perturbation method (MHPM) to find approximate and analytical solutions for nonlinear two point boundary value problems. This method is called the modified Sumudu transform homotopy perturbation method (MSTHPM). The suggested technique avoids the round-off errors and finds the solution without any restrictive assumptions or discretization. We will introduce an appropriate initial approximation and furthermore, the residual error will be canceled in some points of the interval (RECP). Only a first order approximation of MSTHPM will be required, as compared to STHPM, which needs more iterations for the same cases of study. After comparing figures between approximate, MSTHPM, STHPM and numerical solutions, it is found through the solutions we have obtained that they are highly accurate, indicating that the MSTHPM is very effective, simple and can be used to solve other types of nonlinear boundary value problems (BVPs). Paper's Title:
Inequalities of Gamma Function Appearing in Generalizing Probability Sampling Design Author(s):
Mohammadkheer M. Al-Jararha And Jehad M. Al-Jararha Department of Mathematics, Department of Statistics, Abstract:
In this paper, we investigate the complete monotonicity of some functions involving gamma function. Using the monotonic properties of these functions, we derived some inequalities involving gamma and beta functions. Such inequalities can be used to generalize different probability distribution functions. Also, they can be used to generalize some statistical designs, e.g., the probability proportional to the size without replacement design. Paper's Title:
Existence and Approximation of Traveling Wavefronts for the Diffusive Mackey-Glass Equation Author(s):
C. Ramirez-Carrasco and J. Molina-Garay Facultad de Ciencias Basicas, Abstract:
In this paper, we consider the diffusive Mackey-Glass model with discrete delay. This equation describes the dynamics of the blood cell production. We investigate the existence of traveling wavefronts solutions connecting the two steady states of the model. We develop an alternative proof of the existence of such solutions and we also demonstrate the existence of traveling wavefronts moving at minimum speed. The proposed approach is based on the use technique of upper-lower solutions. Finally, through an iterative procedure, we show numerical simulations that approximate the traveling wavefronts, thus confirming our theoretical results. Paper's Title:
A Review on Minimally Supported Frequency Wavelets Author(s):
K Pallavi1, M C Lineesh1, A Noufal2 1
7: Paper Source
PDF document
via Vanvitelli, 1 I-06123 Perugia,
Katedra Matematiky, Fakulta Prírodných Vied,
Univerzita Mateja Bela,
Tajovského, 40, Sk-97401 Banská Bystrica,
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica,
via Vanvitelli, 1 I-06123 Perugia,
product of l-group-valued M-measures are proved.
7: Paper Source
PDF document
Science Faculty, Taibah University,
P.O. Box 30097, Zip Code 41477, Al Madinah Al Munawwarah,
Saudi Arabia.
Science Faculty, Moulay Ismail University, Meknes,
University of Bojnord, Bojnord,
E-mail: m.ramezani@ub.ac.ir
7: Paper Source
PDF document
University of South Alabama,
Mobile, Alabama 36688-0002,
E-mail: prokhoro@southalabama.edu
7: Paper Source
PDF document
University of Nebraska at Omaha,
Omaha, Nebraska 68182-0243,
E-mail: sfrom@unomaha.edu
An open problem is given also.
Some applications to the logarithmic mean are given.
7: Paper Source
PDF document
College of Engineering, Daejeon University,
Daejeon, 34520,
Korea(Republic of).
E-mail: ywlee@dju.ac.kr
Kangnam University,
Yongin, Gyeonggi, 16979,
Korea(Republic of).
E-mail: ighkim@kangnam.ac.kr
Daejeon University,
Daejeon 34520,
Korea(Republic of).
E-mail: jlkim@dju.ac.kr
7: Paper Source
PDF document
Universiti Sains Malaysia,
11800 Penang,
E-mail: alnemrata@yahoo.com
7: Paper Source
PDF document
Yarmouk University,
Irbid 21163,
E-mail: mohammad.ja@yu.edu.jo
Yarmouk University,
Irbid 21163,
E-mail: jehad@yu.edu.jo
7: Paper Source
PDF document
Universidad Catolica del Maule, Talca,
E-mail: carloshrc1989@gmail.com
7: Paper Source
PDF document
National Institute of Technology Calicut,
Kerala 673601,
2Department of Mathematics,
Cochin University of Science and Technology,
Kerala 682022,
E-mail: noufal@cusat.ac.in
This paper provides a review on Minimally Supported Frequency (MSF) wavelets that includes the construction and characterization of MSF wavelets. The characterization of MSF wavelets induced from an MRA is discussed and the nature of the low-pass filter associated with it is explained. The concept of wavelet set and dimension function is introduced to study this class of wavelets. Along with MSF wavelets, s-elementary wavelets and unimodular wavelets are also considered due to the similarity in definitions. Examples and illustrations are provided for more clarity.
Paper's Title:
A General Fractional Control Scheme for Compound Combination Synchronization Between Different Fractional-Order Identical Chaotic Systems
Soumia Bensimessaoud and Smail Kaouache
Laboratory of Mathematics and their interactions, Abdelhafid Boussouf University Center, Mila, Algeria.
In this paper, we aim to investigate the problem of compound combination synchronization (CCS) between four different fractional-order identical chaotic systems. Based on Laplace transformation and stability theory of linear dynamical systems, a new control law is proposed to assure the achievement of this kind of synchronization. Secondly, this control scheme is applied to realised CCS between four identical unified chaotic systems. Recall, that the proposed control scheme can be applied to wide classes of chaotic and hyperchaotic systems. Numerical simulations are given to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Paper's Title:
Dyadic Riesz Wavelets on Local Fields of Positive Characteristics
Kartik Garg, Raj Kumar, Satyapriya
Department of Mathematics,
University of Delhi,
In this research paper, we introduce a novel theory for the construction of a Riesz wavelet basis in the space L2(K), where K is a local field with positive characteristics. Our approach is two fold: firstly, we derive some essential characterizations of the scaling function associated with the structure of a Riesz MRA on a local field, and secondly, we review existing methods for constructing wavelet frames in L2(K). We also present a well elaborated example for a better comprehension of our theory. Due to mathematical convenience, we limit ourselves to the case of dyadic dilations only.
Paper's Title:
An Algorithm to Compute Gaussian-Type Quadrature Formulae
that Integrate Polynomials and Some Spline Functions Exactly
Allal Guessab
Laboratoire de Mathématiques Appliquées,
Université de Pau, 64000, Pau,
URL: http://www.univ-pau.fr/~aguessab/
It is well-known that for sufficiently smooth integrands on an interval, numerical integration can be performed stably and efficiently via the classical (polynomial) Gauss quadrature formulae. However, for many other sets of integrands these quadrature formulae do not perform well. A very natural way of avoiding this problem is to include a wide class among arbitrary functions (not necessary polynomials) to be integrated exactly. The spline functions are natural candidates for such problems. In this paper, after studying Gaussian type quadrature formulae which are exact for spline functions and which contain boundary terms involving derivatives at both end points, we present a fast algorithm for computing their nodes and weights. It is also shown, taking advantage of the close connection with ordinary Gauss quadrature formula, that the latter are computed, via eigenvalues and eigenvectors of real symmetric tridiagonal matrices. Hence a new class of quadrature formulae can then be computed directly by standard software for ordinary Gauss quadrature formula. Comparative results with classical Gauss quadrature formulae are given to illustrate the numerical performance of the approach.
Paper's Title:
Theory And Differential Lanchester Type Models For Combat.
Differential Systems.
G. Isac and A. Gosselin
Department Of
Mathematics, Royal Military College Of Canada,
P.O. Box 17000, Stn Forces, Kingston,
Ontario, Canada K7k 7b4
In 1914, F.W. Lanchester proposed several mathematical models based on differential equations to describe combat situations [34]. Since then, his work has been extensively modified to represent a variety of competitions including entire wars. Differential Lanchester type models have been studied from many angles by many authors in hundreds of papers and reports. Lanchester type models are used in the planning of optimal strategies, supply and tactics. In this paper, we will show how these models can be studied from a viability theory stand point. We will introduce the notion of winning cone and show that it is a viable cone for these models. In the last part of our paper we will use the viability theory of differential equations to study Lanchester type models from the optimal theory point of view.
Paper's Title:
Logarithmically complete monotonicity properties for the gamma functions
Chao-Ping Chen and Feng Qi
Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics,
Research Institute of Applied Mathematics,
Henan Polytechnic University,
Jiaozuo City, Henan 454010,
Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics,
Research Institute of Applied Mathematics,
Henan Polytechnic University,
Jiaozuo City, Henan 454010,
Some logarithmically completely monotonic functions involving the gamma functions are presented. As a consequence, some known results are proved and refined.
Paper's Title:
Two Classes of Completely Monotonic Functions Involving Gamma and Polygamma Functions
Bai-Ni Guo, Xiao-Ai Li and Feng Qi
School of Mathematics and Informatics,
Henan Polytechnic University,
Jiaozuo City, Henan Province, 454010,
College of Mathematics and Information Science,
Henan Normal University, Xinxiang City,
Henan Province, 453007,
Research Institute of Mathematical Inequality Theory, Abstract:
The function Paper's Title:
Contact With Adhesion between a Deformable Body and a Foundation
B. Teniou and M. Sofonea
Laboratoire de Mathematiques Appliquées et Modélisation,
Laboratoire de Mathématiques et Physiques pour les Systémes, Abstract:
The aim of this work is study a dynamic contact problem between a
deformable body and a foundation where the deformations are supposed
to be small. The contact is with adhesion and normal compliance. The
behavior of this body is modeled by a nonlinear
elastic-visco-plastic law. The evolution of bonding field is
described by a nonlinear differential equation. We derive a
variational formulation of the contact problem and we prove the
existence and uniqueness of its solution. The proof is based on the
construction of three intermediate problems and then we construct a
contraction mapping whose unique fixed point will be the weak
solution of the mechanical problem. Paper's Title:
To a Banach *-algebra in a Semipartial Dynamical System Author(s):
Bahman Tabatabaie Shourijeh and Seyed Mostafa Zebarjad Department of Mathematics,
By a partial dynamical system, we mean a triple containing a C*-algebra A, a discrete group G and a partial action of G on A. There are two C*--algebras associated to a given partial dynamical system. These are nothing but the certain C*-completions of a Banach *-algebra. In constructing such a Banach *-algebra, usually, a tedious limit process is used to apply. In this paper, we prove some theorems in this context without any limit process. Paper's Title:
A Generalization of Viete's Infinite Product and New Mean Iterations Author(s):
Ryo Nishimura Department of Frontier Materials Abstract:
In this paper, we generalize Viéte's infinite product formula by use of Chebyshev polynomials.
Furthermore, the infinite product formula for the lemniscate sine is also generalized.
Finally, we obtain new mean iterations by use of these infinite product formulas. Paper's Title:
Bilinear Regular Operators on Quasi-Normed Functional Spaces Author(s):
D. L. Fernandez and E. B. Silva Universidade Estadual de Campinas -
Unicamp Universidade Estadual de Maringa--UEM Abstract:
Positive and regular bilinear operators on quasi-normed functional spaces are introduced and theorems characterizing compactness of these operators are proved. Relations between bilinear operators and their adjoints in normed functional spaces are also studied. Paper's Title:
The Dynamics of an Ebola Epidemic Model with Quarantine of Infectives Author(s):
Eliab Horub Kweyunga Department of Mathematics, E-mail:
hkweyunga@kab.ac.ug Abstract:
The recurrent outbreaks of ebola in Africa present global health challenges. Ebola is a severe, very fatal disease with case fatality rates of up to 90%. In this paper, a theoretical deterministic model for ebola epidemic with quarantine of infectives is proposed and analyzed. The model exhibits two equilibria; the disease free and endemic equilibrium points. The basic reproduction number, R0, which is the main threshold, is obtained and the stability of the equilibrium points established.
Using parameter values drawn from the 2014 West Africa ebola outbreak, a numerical simulation of the model is carried out. It is found that the dynamics of the model are completely determined by R0 and that a quarantine success rate of at least 70% is sufficient to contain the disease outbreak. Paper's Title:
New Exact Taylor's Expansions without the Remainder: Application to Finance
Moawia Alghalith Economics Dept.,
malghalith@gmail.com Abstract:
We present new exact Taylor's expansions with
fixed coefficients and without the remainder. We apply the method to the
portfolio model. Corrigendum. Paper's Title:
Kinematic Model for Magnetic Null-points in 2 Dimensions Author(s):
Ali Khalaf Hussain Al-Hachami Department of Mathematics,
The adjacent configurations of two-dimensional magnetic null point centers are analyzed by an immediate examination about the null. The configurations are classified as either potential or non-potential. By then the non-potential cases are subdivided into three cases depending upon whether the component of current is less than, equal to or greater than a threshold current. In addition the essential structure of reconnection in 2D is examined. It unfolds that the manner by which the magnetic flux is rebuilt. In this paper, we center on the ramifications of kinematic arrangements; that is, we fathom just Maxwell's conditions and a resistive Ohm's law. Paper's Title:
Countable Ordinal Spaces and Compact Countable Subsets of a Metric Space Author(s):
B. Alvarez-Samaniego, A. Merino Nucleo de Investigadores Cientificos Escuela de Ciencias Fisicas y Matematica Abstract:
We show in detail that every compact countable subset of a metric space is
homeomorphic to a countable ordinal number, which extends a result given by
Mazurkiewicz and Sierpinski for finite-dimensional Euclidean spaces. In order
to achieve this goal, we use Transfinite Induction to construct a specific
homeomorphism. In addition, we prove that for all metric space, the cardinality
of the set of all the equivalence classes, up to homeomorphisms,
of compact countable subsets of this metric space is less than or equal to
aleph-one. We also show that for all cardinal number smaller than or equal to
aleph-one, there exists a metric space with cardinality equals the
aforementioned cardinal number. Paper's Title:
The Effect of Harvesting Activities on Prey-Predator Fishery Model with Holling type II in Toxicant Aquatic Ecosystem Author(s):
Moh Nurul Huda, Fidia Deny Tisna Amijaya, Ika Purnamasari Department of Mathematics, Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Science, Abstract:
This paper discussed prey-predator fishery models, in particular by analysing the effects of toxic substances on aquatic ecosystems. It is assumed in this model, that the prey population is plankton and the predator population is fish.\ Interaction between the two populations uses the Holling type II function. The existence of local and global critical points of the system are shown and their stability properties are analysed. Furthermore, Bionomic equilibrium and optimal control of harvesting are discussed. Finally, numerical simulations have been carried out to show in the interpretation of results. Paper's Title:
A New Relaxed b-metric Type and Fixed Point Results Author(s):
P. Singh, V. Singh and Thokozani Cyprian Martin Jele Department of Mathematics, Abstract:
The purpose of this paper is to introduce a new relaxed
α, β b-metric type by relaxing the triangle inequality. We investigate the effect that this generalization has on fixed point theorems. Paper's Title:
Pointwise Convergence of Fourier-type Series with Exponential Weights
Hee Sun Jung and Ryozi Sakai Department of Mathematics Education,
Sungkyunkwan University, Department of Mathematics, Abstract:
Let R = ( - ∞,∞), and let Q∈C1(R):R→[0,∞)
be an even function. We consider the exponential weights w(x)=e-Q(x),
x∈R. In this paper we obtain a pointwise convergence theorem for the Fourier-type series with respect to the orthonormal
polynomials {pn(w2;x)}. Paper's Title:
Nonlinear System of Mixed Ordered Variational Inclusions Involving XOR Operation Author(s):
Iqbal Ahmad, Abdullah and Syed Shakaib Irfan Department of Mechanical Engineering, Zakir Husain Delhi College, Department of Mathematics, Abstract:
In this work, we introduce and solve an NSMOVI frameworks system involving XOR operation with the help of a proposed iterative algorithm in real ordered positive Hilbert spaces. We discuss the existence of a solution of a considered system of inclusions involving XOR operation by applying the resolvent operator technique with XOR operation and also study the strong convergence of the sequences generated by the considered algorithm. Further, we give a numerical example in support of our considered problem which gives the grantee that all the proposed conditions of our main result are fulfilled. Paper's Title:
An Integration Technique for Evaluating Quadratic Harmonic Sums Author(s):
J. M. Campbell and K.-W. Chen Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Department of Mathematics, University of Taipei, Abstract:
The modified Abel lemma on summation by parts has been applied in many ways recently to determine closed-form evaluations for
infinite series involving generalized harmonic numbers with an upper parameter of two.
We build upon such results using an integration technique that we apply to ``convert'' a given
evaluation for such a series
into an evaluation for a corresponding series involving squared harmonic numbers. Paper's Title:
Fractional Integral Inequalities of Hermite-Hadamard Type for P-convex and Quasi-Convex Stochastic Process Author(s):
Oualid Rholam, Mohammed Barmaki and Driss Gretet National School of Applied Sciences (ENSA), National School of Applied Sciences (ENSA), Abstract:
In this paper we consider the class of P-convex and Quasi-convex stochastic processes on witch we apply a general class of generalized fractional integral operator in order to establish new integral inequalities of Hermite-Hadammard type. then we obtain some results for well known types of fractional integrals. Results obtained in this paper may be starting point as well as a useful source of inspiration for further research in convex analysis. Paper's Title:
Finite Volume Approximation of a Class of 2D Elliptic Equations with Discontinuous and Highly Oscillating Coefficients Author(s):
J. D. Bambi Pemba and B. Ondami Université Marien Ngouabi Abstract:
In this paper, we are interested in the Finite Volume approximation of a second-order two-dimensional elliptic equation in heterogeneous porous medium with a periodic structure. The equation's coefficients are therefore discontinuous and highly oscillating. This class of problems has been extensively studied in the literature, where various methods proposed for determining the so-called homogenized problem. What we are particularly interested in is the direct numerical approximation of the problem, which has received little attention in the literature. We use the cell-centered finite volume approach for this purpose. Error estimates are established, and numerical simulations are conducted for both the isotropic and anisotropic media cases. The obtained solution is compared to the homogenized solution, and the results show that this approach provides an adequate approximation of the exact solution. Paper's Title:
Using an Euler Type Transform for Accelerating Convergence of Series
Nimete Sh. Berisha, Faton M. Berisha*, Murat Sadiku Faculty of Economics, University of
Prishtina, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences,
University of Prishtina, Faculty of Business Administration, Abstract:
In the paper we give a property of an operator of generalised difference,
defined earlier,
linear on a set of sequences,
and use it to establish Euler type transforms
for alternating series.
These transforms accelerate the convergence of series
under the same conditions as the transforms
of non-alternating series.
We also give analysis
of an algorithm
for computing a partial sum of the transformed series
by using a higher order operator of generalised difference,
and prove a theorem stating its order of complexity. Paper's Title:
Pseudomonotonicity and Quasimonotonicity
by Translations versus Monotonicity in Hilbert Spaces Author(s):
George Isac and Dumitru Motreanu Department of
Mathematics, Royal Military College of Canada, P.O. Box 17000 Stn Forces
Département de Mathématiques, Université de Perpignan, 66860
Perpignan, France. Abstract:
Let be a Gâteaux differentiable mapping on
an open convex subset of a
Hilbert space. If there exists a straight line such that is pseudomonotone for any then is monotone. Related results using a
regularity condition are given. Paper's Title:
Inequalities Relating to the Gamma Function Author(s):
Chao-Ping Chen and Feng Qi
Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics,
Research Institute of Applied Mathematics,
Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics,
Research Institute of Applied Mathematics, Abstract:
For , we have . For, , And
equality occurs for x=1. Paper's Title:
Integrability of Sine and Cosine Series Having
Coefficients of a New Class Author(s):
L. Leindler Bolyai Institute,
University of Szeged, Aradi Vértanúk Tere 1, H-6720 Szeged, Hungary Abstract:
Some integrability theorems or only their sufficient part are
generalized such that the coefficients of the sine and cosine series belong to a
new class of sequences being wider than the class of sequences of rest bounded
variation, which itself is a generalization of the monotone decreasing
sequences, but a subclass of the almost monotone decreasing sequences. It is
also verified that the new class of sequences and the class of almost monotone
decreasing sequences are not comparable. Paper's Title:
Monotonicity Properties for Generalized Logarithmic Means
Chao-Ping Chen and Feng Qi
Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics,
Research Institute of Applied Mathematics,
Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics,
Research Institute of Applied Mathematics, Abstract:
In this paper, we consider the monotonicity properties for ratio of two generalized
logarithmic means, and then use it to extend and complement a recently published result of F. Qi
and B.-N. Guo.
Paper's Title:
Two Mappings Related to Steffensen's Inequalities
Liang-Cheng Wang
School of Mathematical Science, Abstract:
In this paper, we define two mappings closely connected with
Steffensen's inequalities, investigate their main properties,
give some refinements for Steffensen's inequalities and obtain new
inequalities. Paper's Title:
A Method for Solving Systems of Nonlinear Equations
J. Shokri
Department of Mathematics, Urmia University,
In this paper, we suggest and analyze a new two-step iterative
method for solving nonlinear equation systems using the combination
of midpoint quadrature rule and Trapezoidal quadrature rule. We
prove that this method has quadratic convergence. Several examples
are given to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed method.
Paper's Title:
A Fixed Point Approach to
the Stability of the Equation Author(s):
Soon-Mo Jung
Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo City,
Henan Province, 454010,
is logarithmically completely monotonic in (0,∞) if and only if c≥1
and its reciprocal is logarithmically completely monotonic in (0,∞) if and only if
c≤0. The function
is completely monotonic in (0,∞) if and only if c≥1 and its
negative is completely monotonic in (0,∞) if and only if c≤0.
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Université Mentouri, Constantine 25000,
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Nagoya Institute of Technology
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Instituto de Matematica
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College of Education For Pure Sciences,
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E-mail: aemerinot@puce.edu.ec
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Seoul 110-745,
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Meijo University, Nagoya 468-8502,
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College of Engineering, Qassim University
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Mathematics Section, College of Science and Technology
University, 339-701 Chochiwon
Republic of Korea.
We will apply a fixed point method for proving the Hyers--Ulam stability of the functional equation .
Paper's Title:
Hyperbolic Barycentric Coordinates
Abraham A. Ungar
Department of Mathematics, North Dakota State University,
Fargo, ND 58105,
URL: http://math.ndsu.nodak.edu/faculty/ungar/
A powerful and novel way to study Einstein's special theory of relativity and its underlying geometry, the hyperbolic geometry of Bolyai and Lobachevsky, by analogies with classical mechanics and its underlying Euclidean geometry is demonstrated. The demonstration sets the stage for the extension of the notion of barycentric coordinates in Euclidean geometry, first conceived by Möbius in 1827, into hyperbolic geometry. As an example for the application of hyperbolic barycentric coordinates, the hyperbolic midpoint of any hyperbolic segment, and the centroid and orthocenter of any hyperbolic triangle are determined.
Paper's Title:
Real Interpolation Methods and Quasilogarithmic Operators
Ming Fan
School of Industrial Technology and Management,
Dalarna University, 781 88 Borlänge, Sweden
URL: http://users.du.se/~fmi
The purpose of this paper is to deal with nonlinear quasilogarithmic operators, which possesses the uniformly bounded commutator property on various interpolation spaces in the sense of Brudnyi-Krugljak associated with the quasi-power parameter spaces. The duality, and the domain and range spaces of these operators are under consideration. Some known inequalities for the Lebesgue integration spaces and the trace classes are carried over to the non-commutative symmetric spaces of measurable operators affiliated with a semi-finite von Neumann algebra.
Paper's Title:
Hyperbolic Models Arising in the Theory of Longitudinal Vibration of Elastic Bars
1I. Fedotov, 1J. Marais, 1,2M. Shatalov and 1H.M. Tenkam
1Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
Tshwane University
Private Bag X6680, Pretoria 0001
South Africa.
2Manufacturing and
Council of Scientific and Industrial
Research (CSIR)
P.O. Box 395, Pretoria, 0001
South Africa.
In this paper a unified approach to the
derivation of families of one
dimensional hyperbolic differential equations and boundary conditions describing
the longitudinal vibration of elastic bars is outlined. The longitudinal and
lateral displacements are expressed in the form of a power series expansion in
the lateral coordinate. Equations of motion and boundary conditions are derived
using Hamilton's variational principle. Most of the well known models in this
field fall within the frames of the proposed theory, including the classical
model, and the more elaborated models proposed by by Rayleigh, Love, Bishop,
Mindlin, Herrmann and McNiven. The exact solution is presented for the
Mindlin-Herrmann case in terms of Green functions. Finally, deductions regarding
the accuracy of the models are made by comparison with the exact
Pochhammer-Chree solution for an isotropic cylinder.
Paper's Title:
Generalizing Polyhedra to Infinite Dimension
Paolo d'Alessandro
Department of Mathematics, Third University of Rome,
Lgo S.L. Murialdo 1, 00146 Rome, Italy.
This paper generalizes polyhedra to infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces as countable intersections of closed semispaces. Highlights are the structure theory that shows that a polyhedron is the sum of compact set (in a suitable topology) plus a closed pointed cone plus a closed subspace, giving the internal representation of polyhedra. In the final part the dual range space technique is extended to the solution of infinite dimensional LP problems.
Paper's Title:
A Note on Mixed Norm Spaces of Analytic Functions
K. Avetisyan
Faculty of Physics, Yerevan State
Alex Manoogian st. 1, Yerevan, 375025,
A direct and elementary proof of an estimate of Littlewood is given together with an application concerning the sharpness and strictness of some inclusions in mixed norm spaces of analytic functions.
Paper's Title:
Positive Solutions to a System of Boundary Value Problems for Higher-Dimensional Dynamic Equations on Time Scales
I. Y. Karaca
Department of Mathematics,
Ege University,
35100 Bornova, Izmir,
In this paper, we consider the system of boundary value problems for higher-dimensional dynamic equations on time scales. We establish criteria for the existence of at least one or two positive solutions. We shall also obtain criteria which lead to nonexistence of positive solutions. Examples applying our results are also given.
Paper's Title:
On the Sendov Conjecture for a Root Close to the Unit Circle
Indraneel G. Kasmalkar
Department of Mathematics,
University of California,
Berkeley, CA 94720
United States of America
E-mail: indraneelk@berkeley.edu
On Sendov's conjecture, T. Chijiwa quantifies the idea stated by V. Vâjâitu and A. Zaharescu (and M. J. Miller independently), namely that if a polynomial with all roots inside the closed unit disk has a root sufficiently close to the unit circle then there is a critical point at a distance of at most one from that root. Chijiwa provides an estimate of exponential order for the required 'closeness' of the root to the unit circle so that such a critical point may exist. In this paper, we will improve this estimate to polynomial order by making major modifications and strengthening inequalities in Chijiwa's proof.
Paper's Title:
Cubic Alternating Harmonic Number Sums
Anthony Sofo
Victoria University,
College of Engineering and Science,
Melbourne City,
We develop new closed form representations of sums of cubic alternating harmonic numbers and reciprocal binomial coefficients. We also identify a new integral representation for the ζ (4) constant.
Paper's Title:
An Existence of the Solution to Neutral Stochastic Functional Differential Equations Under the Holder Condition
Young-Ho Kim
Department of Mathematics,
Changwon National University,
Changwon, Gyeongsangnam-do 51140,
E-mail: iyhkim@changwon.ac.kr
In this paper, we show the existence and uniqueness of solution of the neutral stochastic functional differential equations under weakened H\"{o}lder condition, a weakened linear growth condition, and a contractive condition. Furthermore, in order to obtain the existence of a solution to the equation we used the Picard sequence.
Paper's Title:
Structural and Spectral Properties of k-Quasi Class Q Operators
Valdete Rexhëbeqaj Hamiti and Shqipe Lohaj
Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina",
Prishtine 10000,
E-mail: valdete.rexhebeqaj@uni-pr.edu
Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina",
Prishtine 10000,
E-mail: shqipe.lohaj@uni-pr.edu
An operator is said to be k-quasi class Q if , for all where k is a natural number. In this paper, first we will prove some results for the matrix representation of k-quasi class Q operators. Then, we will give the inclusion of approximate point spectrum of k-quasi class Q operators. Also, we will give the equivalence between Aluthge transformation and *-Aluthge transformation of k-quasi class Q operators.
Paper's Title:
Attempts to Define a Baum--Connes Map Via Localization of Categories for Inverse Semigroups
Bernhard Burgstaller
Departamento de Matematica,
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina,
CEP 88.040-900 Florianopolis-SC,
An induction functor in inverse semigroup equivariant KK-theory is considered, and together with %a restriction functors certain results similar to those known from the Mackey machinery are shown. It is also verified that for any so-called E-continuous inverse semigroup its equivariant KK-theory satisfies the universal property and is a triangulated category.
Paper's Title:
A New Relaxed Complex-valued b-metric Type and Fixed Point Results
P. Singh, V. Singh and T. C. M. Jele
Department of Mathematics, University of
Private Bag X54001, Durban,
South Africa.
E-mail: singhp@ukzn.ac.za
In this paper, we study the existence and uniqueness of fixed point in complex valued b-metric spaces and introduce a new relaxed α, β Complex-valued b-metric type by relaxing the triangle inequality and determine whether the fixed point theorems are applicable in these spaces.
Paper's Title:
Multistage Analytical Approximate Solution of Quasi-Linear Differential- Algebraic System of Index Two
Ibrahim M. Albak, F. A. Abdullah* and Zarita Zainuddin
School of Mathematical Sciences,
Universiti Sains Malaysia,
11800 USM, Penang,
E-mail: ibra13975@gmail.com,
In this paper, a new Multistage Transform Method (MSDTM) has been proposed by utilizing a well-known transformation technique, the Differential Transform Method (DTM), to solve Differential Algebraic Equations (DAEs) with index 2. The advantage of the proposed scheme is that it does not require an index reduction and extends the convergence domain of the solution. Some examples for various types of problems are carried out to show the ability of MSDTM in solving DAEs. The results obtained are in good agreement with the existing literature which demonstrates the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method.
Paper's Title:
Metric Functionals for the Hästö Metric
G. Bettencourt and S. Mendes
Departamento de Matemática,
Universidade da Beira Interior -
Covilhă Portugal,
Centro de Matemática e Aplicaçőes
Universidade da Beira Interior -
Covilhă Portugal.
E-mail: gastao@ubi.pt
ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon - Lisbon Portugal,
Centro de Matemática e Aplicaçőes
Universidade da Beira Interior -
Covilhă Portugal.
E-mail: sergio.mendes@iscte-iul.pt
In 2002, new classes of weighted metrics on Rn were introduced by Peter Hästö. In this article we compute the metric functionals for such classes of metrics.
Paper's Title:
Constraint Qualifications for Multiobjective Programming Problems on Hadamard Manifolds
Arnav Ghosh, Balendu Bhooshan Upadhyay and I.M. Stancu-Minasian
Department of Mathematics,
Indian Institute of Technology Patna,
E-mail: arnav_2021ma09@iitp.ac.in
Department of Mathematics,
Indian Institute of Technology Patna,
E-mail: bhooshan@iitp.ac.in
"Gheorghe Mihoc-Caius Iacob" Institute of
Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics of the Romanian Academy,
E-mail: stancu_minasian@yahoo.com
The study of optimization methods on manifolds has emerged as an immensely significant topic in mathematics due its ubiquitous applicability as well as various computational advantages associated with it. Motivated by this fact, the present article is devoted to the study of a class of constrained multiobjective programming problems (MOPP) in the framework of Hadamard manifolds. We present the generalized Guignard constraint qualification (GGCQ) in the framework of Hadamard manifolds for (MOPP). Employing (GGCQ), we derive Karush-Kuhn-Tucker type necessary optimality criteria for (MOPP). Moreover, we present several other constraint qualifications (CQs) on Hadamard manifolds, namely, Abadie's CQ, generalized Abadie's CQ, Cottle-type CQ, Slater-type CQ, linear CQ, linear objective CQ and Mangasarian-Fromovitz CQ. Further, we establish various relations between these constraint qualifications. In particular, we show that these constraint qualifications, in turn, become sufficient conditions ensuring that (GGCQ) is satisfied.
Paper's Title:
Some Ostrowski Type Inequalities for Two Cos-Integral Transforms of Absolutely Continuous Functions
S. S. Dragomir and G. Sorrentino
Mathematics, College Sport, Health and
Victoria University, PO Box 14428,
Melbourne City, MC 8001,
DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in the
Mathematical and Statistical Sciences,
School of Computer Science & Applied Mathematics,
University of the Witwatersrand,
Private Bag 3, Johannesburg 2050,
South Africa.
E-mail: sever.dragomir@vu.edu.au
URL: http://rgmia.org/dragomir
Mathematics, First Year College,
Victoria University, PO Box 14428,
Melbourne City, MC 8001,
For a Lebesgue integrable function f:[a,b] ⊂[0,π]→C
we consider the cos-integral transforms
We provide in this paper some upper bounds for the quantities
x ∈ [ a,b], in terms of the p-norms of the derivative
f ' for absolutely continuous functions f:[a,b] ⊂[0,π]→C.
Applications for approximating Steklov cos-average functions and Steklov
split cos-average functions are also provided.
Paper's Title:
Two Further Methods for Deriving Four Results Contiguous to Kummer's Second Theorem
I. Kim and J. Kim
Department of Mathematics Education,
Wonkwang University,
Iksan, 570-749,
E-mail: iki@wku.ac.kr
Department of Mathematics Education,
Wonkwang University,
Iksan, 570-749,
E-mail: joohyung@wku.ac.kr
In the theory of generalized hypergeometric function, transformation and summation formulas play a key role. In particular, in one of the Kummer's transformation formulas, Kim, et al. in 2012, have obtained ten contiguous results in the form of a single result with the help of generalization of Gauss's second summation theorem obtained earlier by Lavoie, et al.. In this paper, we aim at presenting four of such results by the technique of contiguous function relations and integral method developed by MacRobert.
Paper's Title:
An alternative proof of monotonicity for the extended mean values
Chao-Ping Chen and Feng Qi
Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics,
Research Institute of Applied Mathematics,
Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics,
Research Institute of Applied Mathematics,
Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo
City, Henan 454000, China
Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo
City, Henan 454000, China
An alternative proof of monotonicity for the extended mean values is given.
Paper's Title:
On the Ulam Stability for Euler-Lagrange Type Quadratic Functional Equations
Matina John Rassias and John Michael Rassias
Statistics and Modelling Science,
University of Strathclyde,
Livingstone Tower,
26 Richmond Str,
Glasgow, Uk, G1 1xh
Pedagogical Department, E. E., National and Capodistrian University of Athens,
Section of Mathematics and Informatics,
4, Agamemnonos Str, Aghia Paraskevi,
Athens 15342, Greece
In 1940 (and 1968) S. M. Ulam proposed the well-known Ulam stability problem.
In 1941 D.H. Hyers solved the Hyers-Ulam problem for linear mappings. In 1951 D. G. Bourgin
has been the second author treating the Ulam problem for additive mappings. In 1978 according
to P.M. Gruber this kind of stability problems is of particular interest in probability theory and in
the case of functional equations of different types. In 1982-2004 we established the Hyers-Ulam
stability for the Ulam problem for different mappings. In 1992-2000 J.M. Rassias investigated
the Ulam stability for Euler-Lagrange mappings. In this article we solve the Ulam problem
for Euler-Lagrange type quadratic functional equations. These stability results can be applied
in mathematical statistics, stochastic analysis, algebra, geometry, as well as in psychology and
Paper's Title:
Existence of Non-spurious Solutions to Discrete Boundary Value Problems
Irena Rachunkova and Christopher C. Tisdell
Department of Mathematics
School of Mathematics
Palacky University
771 46 Olomouc, Czech Republic.
URL: http://phoenix.inf.upol.cz/~rachunekl/mathair/matha-en.htm
The University of New South Wales
Sydney 2052, Australia.
URL: http://www.maths.unsw.edu.au/~cct
This paper investigates discrete boundary value problems (BVPs) involving second-order difference equations and two-point boundary conditions.
General theorems guaranteeing the existence and uniqueness of solutions to the discrete BVP are established. The methods involve a sufficient growth condition to yield an a priori bound on solutions to a certain family of discrete BVPs. The em a priori bounds on solutions to the discrete BVP do not depend on the step-size and thus there are no ``spurious'' solutions. It is shown that solutions of the discrete BVP will converge to solutions of ordinary differential equations.
Paper's Title:
Algebraic Approach to the Fractional Derivatives
Kostadin Trenčevski and Živorad Tomovski
Institute of Mathematics,
St. Cyril and Methodius University,
P.O. Box 162, 1000 Skopje,
In this paper we introduce an alternative definition of the fractional derivatives and also a characteristic class of so called ideal functions, which admit arbitrary fractional derivatives (also integrals). Further some ideal functions are found, which lead to representations of the Bernoulli and Euler numbers Bk and Ek for any real number k, via fractional derivatives of some functions at x=0.
Paper's Title:
Numerical Studies on Dynamical Systems Method for Solving Ill-posed Problems with Noise
N. H. Sweilam and A. M. Nagy
Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science,
Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science,
Cairo University,
Giza, Egypt.
Benha University,
Benha, Egypt.
In this paper, we apply the dynamical systems method proposed by
A. G. RAMM, and the the variational regularization method to
obtain numerical solution to some ill-posed problems with noise.
The results obtained are compared to exact solutions. It is found
that the dynamical systems method is preferable because it is
easier to apply, highly stable, robust, and it always converges to
the solution even for large size models.
Paper's Title:
Reconstruction of Discontinuities of Functions Given Noisy Data
Eric D. Mbakop
67A Beaver Park Rd,
Framingham, MA, 01702,
U. S. A.
Suppose one is given noisy data of a discontinuous piecewise-smooth
function along with a bound on its second derivative. The locations
of the points of discontinuity of f and their jump sizes are not
assumed known, but are instead retrieved stably from the noisy data.
The novelty of this paper is a numerical method that allows one to
locate some of these points of discontinuity with an accuracy that
can be made arbitrarily small.
Paper's Title:
Existence of solutions for Neutral Stochastic Functional Differential Systems with Infinite Delay in Abstract Space
P. Balasubramaniam, A. V. A. Kumar and S. K. Ntouyas
Department of Mathematics, Gandhigram Rural Institute,
Deemed University, Gandhigram - 624 302,
Tamil Nadu, India.
Department of Mathematics, Gandhigram Rural Institute,
Deemed University, Gandhigram - 624 302,
Tamil Nadu, India.
Department of Mathematics, University of Ioannina,
451 10 Ioannina,
URL: http://www.math.uoi.gr/~sntouyas
In this paper we prove existence results for semilinear stochastic neutral functional differential systems with unbounded delay in abstract space. Our theory makes use of analytic semigroups and fractional power of closed operators and Sadovskii fixed point theorem.
Paper's Title:
A Different Proof for the non-Existence of Hilbert-Schmidt Hankel Operators with
Anti-Holomorphic Symbols on the Bergman Space
Georg Schneider
Universität Wien, Brünnerstr. 72 A-1210 Wien,
URL: http://www.univie.ac.at/bwl/cont/mitarbeiter/schneider.htm
We show that there are no (non-trivial) Hilbert-Schmidt Hankel
operators with anti-holomorphic symbols on the Bergman space of
the unit-ball B2(Bl) for l≥2. The result dates back to
[6]. However, we give a different proof. The methodology can
be easily applied to other more general settings. Especially, as
indicated in the section containing generalizations, the new
methodology allows to prove some robustness results for existing
Paper's Title:
On an Integral Inequality of the Hardy-Type
C. O. Imoru and A. G. Adeagbo-Sheikh
Department of Mathematics
Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria.
In this paper, we obtain an integral inequality which extends Shum's and Imoru's generalization of Hardy's Inequality. Our main tool is Imoru's adaptation of Jensen's Inequality for convex functions.
Paper's Title:
Existence of Large Solutions to Non-Monotone Semilinear Elliptic Equations
Alan V. Lair, Zachary J. Proano, and Aihua W. Wood
Air Force Institute of Technology
2950 Hobson Way, AFIT/ENC
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH, 45433-7765,
URL: www.afit.edu
We study the existence of large solutions of the semilinear elliptic equation Δu=p(x)f(u) where f is not monotonic. We prove existence, on bounded and unbounded domains, under the assumption that f is Lipschitz continuous, f(0) = 0, f(s) > 0 for s > 0 and there exists a nonnegative, nondecreasing Hölder continuous function g and a constant M such that g(s) ≤ f(s) ≤ Mg(s) for large s. The nonnegative function p is allowed to be zero on much of the domain.
Paper's Title:
Isoperimetric Inequalities for Dual Harmonic Quermassintegrals
Yuan Jun, Zao Lingzhi and Duan Xibo
School of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, 210097,
Department of Mathematics, Nanjing Xiaozhuang University,
Nanjing, 211171,
Department of Mathematics, Shandong Water Polytechnic,
Shandong, 276826,
In this paper, some isoperimetric inequalities for the dual harmonic
quermassintegrals are established.
Paper's Title:
The Bernoulli Inequality in Uniformly
Complete f-algebras with Identity
Adel Toumi and Mohamed Ali Toumi
Laboratoire de Physique des Liquides Critiques, Département de Physique, Faculté des Sciences de Bizerte,
7021, Zarzouna, Bizerte, TUNISIA
Département de Mathématiques, Faculté des Sciences de Bizerte, 7021, Zarzouna,
Bizerte, TUNISIA
The main purpose of this paper is to establish with a constructive proof the
Bernoulli inequality: let A be a uniformly complete f-algebra
with e as unit element, let 1<p<∞, then (e+a)p≥e+pa for all a∈A+. As an
application we prove the Hölder
inequality for positive linear functionals on a uniformly complete f-algebra with identity by using the Minkowski inequality. Paper's Title:
A Double Inequality for Divided Differences and Some Identities of the Psi and Polygamma Functions Author(s):
B. N. Guo and F. Qi School of
Mathematics and Informatics, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo City, Henan
Province, 454010, China School of
Research Institute of Mathematical Inequality Theory, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo City, Henan Province, 454010, China Abstract:
In this short note, from the logarithmically completely monotonic property
of the function
, a double inequality for the divided differences and some identities of the psi and polygamma functions are presented.
Paper's Title:
Ergodic Solenoidal Homology II:
Density of Ergodic Solenoids Author(s):
Vicente Muńoz and Ricardo Pérez Marco
Instituto de Ciencias Matem
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Serrano 113 bis, 28006 Madrid,
Facultad de Matemáticas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid,
de Ciencias 3, 28040 Madrid,
CNRS, LAGA UMR 7539, Université
Paris XIII,
99 Avenue J.-B. Cl\'ement, 93430-Villetaneuse,
A measured solenoid is a laminated space endowed with a tranversal measure invariant by holonomy. A measured solenoid immersed in a smooth manifold produces a closed current (known as a generalized Ruelle-Sullivan current). Uniquely ergodic solenoids are those for which there is a unique (up to scalars) transversal measure. It is known that for any smooth manifold, any real homology class is represented by a uniquely ergodic solenoid. In this paper, we prove that the currents associated to uniquely ergodic solenoids are dense in the space of closed currents, therefore proving the abundance of such objects.
Paper's Title:
An Improved Mesh Independence Principle for Solving Equations and their Discretizations using Newton's Method
Ioannis K. Argyros
Cameron university,
Department of Mathematics Sciences,
Lawton, OK 73505,
We improve the mesh independence principle [1] which states that when Newton's method is applied to an equation on a Banach space as well as to their finite--dimensional discretization there is a difference of at most one between the number of steps required by the two processes to converge to within a given error tolerance. Here using a combination of Lipschitz and center Lipschitz continuity assumptions instead of just Lipschitz conditions we show that the minimum number of steps required can be at least as small as in earlier works. Some numerical examples are provided whereas our results compare favorably with earlier ones.
Paper's Title:
the Inequality
A. Coronel and F. Huancas
Departamento de Ciencias Básicas,
Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad del Bío-Bío, Casilla 447,
Campus Fernando May, Chillán, Chile.
Departamento Académico de Matemática,
Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas,
Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo, Juan XIII s/n,
Lambayeque, Perú
In this paper we give a complete proof of for all positive real numbers a, b and c. Furthermore, we present another way to prove the statement for
Paper's Title:
Some Distortion and Other Properties Associated with a Family of the n-Fold Symmetric Koebe Type Functions
H. M. Srivastava, N. Tuneski and E. Georgieva-Celakoska
Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
University of Victoria,
Victoria, British Columbia V8W 3R4,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, St.
Cyril and Methodius University,
Karpo'v s II b.b., MK-1000 Skopje,
Republic of Macedonia
In a recent work by Kamali and Srivastava [5], a certain family of the n-fold symmetric Koebe type functions was introduced and studied systematically. In an earlier investigation, Eguchi and Owa [4] had considered its special case when n=1 (see also [10]). Here, in our present sequel to these earlier works, this general family of the n-fold symmetric Koebe type functions is studied further and several distortion theorems and such other properties as the radii of spirallikeness, the radii of starlikeness and the radii of convexity, which are associated with this family of the n-fold symmetric Koebe type functions, are obtained. We also provide certain criteria that embed this family of the n-fold symmetric Koebe type functions in a function class Gλ which was introduced and studied earlier by Silverman [7].
Paper's Title:
C*-valued metric projection and Moore-Penrose inverse on Hilbert C*-modules
M. Eshaghi Gordji, H. Fathi and S.A.R. Hosseinioun
Department of Mathematics,
Semnan University, P.O. Box 35195-363, Semnan,
Center of Excellence in Nonlinear Analysis and Applications (CENAA),
Semnan University,
E-mail: Madjid.Eshaghi@gmail.com
Department of Mathematics,
Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran,
E-mail: Hedayat.fathi@yahoo.com
Department of Mathematical Sciences,
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701,
E-mail: shossein@uark.net
Let t be a regular operator between Hilbert C*-modules and t† be its Moore-Penrose inverse. We give some characterizations for t† based on C*-valued metric projection. Moore-Penrose inverse of bounded operators and elements of a C*-algebra is studied as a special case.
Paper's Title:
Existence of Optimal Parameters for Damped Sine-Gordon Equation with Variable Diffusion Coefficient and Neumann Boundary Conditions
N. Thapa
Department of Mathematical Sciences,
Cameron University,
2800 West Gore Blvd,
73505 Lawton, Oklahoma,
E-mail: nthapa@cameron.edu
URL: http://www.cameron.edu/~nthapa/
The parameter identification problem for sine-Gordon equation is of a major interests among mathematicians and scientists.\ In this work we the consider sine-Gordon equation with variable diffusion coefficient and Neumann boundary data. We show the existence and uniqueness of weak solution for sine-Gordon equation. Then we show that the weak solution continuously depends on parameters. Finally we show the existence of optimal set of parameters.
Paper's Title:
Relations Between Differentiability And One-sided Differentiability
Q. D. Gjonbalaj, V. R. Hamiti and L. Gjoka
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of
Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina",
Prishtine 10000, Kosova.
E-mail: qefsere.gjonbalaj@uni-pr.edu
{Department of Mathematics, Faculty of
Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina",
Prishtine 10000, Kosova.
E-mail: valdete.rexhebeqaj@uni-pr.edu
Department of Mathematical Engineering,
Polytechnic University of Tirana, Tirana,
E-mail: luigjgjoka@ymail.com
In this paper, we attempt to approach to the problem of connection between differentiation and one-side differentiation in a more simple and explicit way than in existing math literature. By replacing the condition of differentiation with one-sided differentiation, more precisely with right-hand differentiation, we give the generalization of a theorem having to do with Lebesgue’s integration of derivative of a function. Next, based on this generalized result it is proven that if a continuous function has bounded right-hand derivative, then this function is almost everywhere differentiable, which implies that the set of points where the function is not differentiable has measure zero.
Paper's Title:
Corrigendum for New Exact Taylor's Expansions Without the Remainder: Application to Finance
Moawia Alghalith
Economics Dept.,
University of the West Indies,
St Augustine,
Trinidad and Tobago.
E-mail: malghalith@gmail.com
This article is a corrigendum to AJMAA Volume 15, Issue 1, Article 5, PDF Link.
Paper's Title:
Existence and Estimate of the Solution for the Approximate Stochastic Equation to the Viscous Barotropic Gas
R. Benseghir and A. Benchettah
LANOS Laboratory,
Badji Mokhtar University,
PO Box 12,
Annaba, Algeria.
A stochastic equation of a viscous barotropic gas is considered. The application of Ito formula to a specific functional in an infinite dimensional space allows us to obtain an estimate which is useful to analyse the behavior of the solution. As it is difficult to exploit this estimate, we study an approximate problem. More precisely, we consider the equation of a barotropic viscous gas in Lagrangian coordinates and we add a diffusion of the density. An estimate of energy is obtained to analyse the behavior of the solution for this approximate problem and Galerkin method is used to prove the existence and uniqueness of the solution.
Paper's Title:
The Concept of Convergence for 2-Dimensional Subspaces Sequence in Normed Spaces
M. Manuharawati, D. N. Yunianti, M. Jakfar
Mathematics Department, Universitas
Negeri Surabaya,
Jalan Ketintang Gedung C8,
Surabaya 60321,
E-mail: manuharawati@unesa.ac.id,
In this paper, we present a concept of convergence of sequence, especially, of 2-dimensional subspaces of normed spaces. The properties of the concept are established. As consequences of our definition in an inner product space, we also obtain the continuity property of the angle between two 2-dimensional subspaces of inner product spaces.
Paper's Title:
Bounds on the Jensen Gap, and Implications for Mean-Concentrated Distributions
Xiang Gao, Meera Sitharam, Adrian E. Roitberg
Department of Chemistry, and Department
of Computer & Information Science & Engineering,
University of Florida,
Gainesville, FL 32611,
E-mail: qasdfgtyuiop@gmail.com
This paper gives upper and lower bounds on the gap in Jensen's inequality, i.e., the difference between the expected value of a function of a random variable and the value of the function at the expected value of the random variable. The bounds depend only on growth properties of the function and specific moments of the random variable. The bounds are particularly useful for distributions that are concentrated around the mean, a commonly occurring scenario such as the average of i.i.d. samples and in statistical mechanics.
Paper's Title:
Applications of Von Neumann Algebras to Rigidity Problems of (2-Step) Riemannian (Nil-)Manifolds
Atefeh Hasan-Zadeh and Hamid-Reza Fanai
DFouman Faculty of Engineering,
College of Engineering, University of Tehran,
E-mail: hasanzadeh.a@ut.ac.ir
Department of Mathematical Sciences,
Sharif University of Technology,
E-mail: fanai@sharif.edu
In this paper, basic notions of von Neumann algebra and its direct analogues in the realm of groupoids and measure spaces have been considered. By recovering the action of a locally compact Lie group from a crossed product of a von Neumann algebra, other proof of one of a geometric propositions of O'Neil and an extension of it has been proposed. Also, using the advanced exploration of nilmanifolds in measure spaces and their corresponding automorphisms (Lie algebraic derivations) a different proof of an analytic theorem of Gordon and Mao has been attained. These two propositions are of the most important ones for rigidity problems of Riemannian manifolds especially 2-step nilmanifolds.
Paper's Title:
Double Difference of Composition Operator on Bloch Spaces
Rinchen Tundup
Department of Mathematics
University of Jammu
Jammu and Kashmir
E-mail: joneytun123@gmail.com
In this paper we characterize the compactness of double difference of three non-compact composition operators on Bloch space induced by three holomorphic self maps on the unit disc.
Paper's Title:
Fractional exp(-φ(ξ))- Expansion Method and its Application to Space--Time Nonlinear Fractional Equations
A. A. Moussa and L. A. Alhakim
Department of Management Information
System and Production Management,
College of Business and Economics, Qassim University,
P.O. BOX 6666, Buraidah: 51452,
Saudi Arabia.
E-mail: Alaamath81@gmail.com
Department of Management Information
System and Production Management,
College of Business and Economics, Qassim University,
P.O. BOX 6666, Buraidah: 51452,
Saudi Arabia.
E-mail: Lama2736@gmail.com
In this paper, we mainly suggest a new method that depends on the fractional derivative proposed by Katugampola for solving nonlinear fractional partial differential equations. Using this method, we obtained numerous useful and surprising solutions for the space--time fractional nonlinear Whitham--Broer--Kaup equations and space--time fractional generalized nonlinear Hirota--Satsuma coupled KdV equations. The solutions obtained varied between hyperbolic, trigonometric, and rational functions, and we hope those interested in the real-life applications of the previous two equations will find this approach useful.
Paper's Title:
Optimization Techniques on Affine Differential Manifolds
Ali S Rasheed, Faik Mayah and Ahmed A H AL-Jumaili
Ministry of Higher Education and
Scientific Research,
E-mail: ahmedhashem@gmail.com
Department of Physics, College of
University of Wasit,
E-mail: faik.mayah@gmail.com
In addition to solid ground of Riemannian manifolds fundamentals, this article interviews some popular optimization methods on Riemannian manifolds. Several optimization problems can be better stated on manifolds rather than Euclidean space, such as interior point methods, which in turns based on self-concordant functions (logarithmic barrier functions). Optimization schemes like the steepest descent scheme, the Newton scheme, and others can be extended to Riemannian manifolds. This paper introduces some Riemannian and non-Riemannian schemes on manifolds.
Paper's Title:
Semivectorial Bilevel Optimization on Affine-Finsler-Metric Manifolds
Faik Mayah1, Ali S Rasheed2 and Naseif J. Al- Jawari3
1Department of Physics,
College of Sciences,
University of Wasit,
E-mail: faik.mayah@gmail.com
2Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research,
E-mail: ali.math2018@yahoo.com
of Mathematics,
College of Science,
Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad,
E-mail: nsaif642014@yahoo.com
A Finsler manifold is a differential manifold together with a Finsler metric, in this paper we construct a new class of Finsler metric affine manifolds on bilevel semivectorial with optimization problems. The first steps for this purpose involve the study of bilevel optimization on affine manifolds. The bilevel programming problem can be viewed as a static version of the noncooperative, two-person game which was introduced in the context of unbalanced economic markets. Bilevel optimization is a special kind of optimization where one problem is embedded within another.
Paper's Title:
Three Inequalities Associated with Rado Inequality
Rin Miyao, Yusuke Nishizawa, Keigo Takamura
Faculty of Education,
Saitama University,
Shimo-okubo 255, Sakura-ku, Saitama-city, Saitama,
E-mail: r.miyao.242@ms.saitama-u.ac.jp
Faculty of Education,
Saitama University,
Shimo-okubo 255, Sakura-ku, Saitama-city, Saitama,
Faculty of Education,
Saitama University,
Shimo-okubo 255, Sakura-ku, Saitama-city, Saitama,
E-mail: k.takamura.442@ms.saitama-u.ac.jp
In this short note we estimate three inequalities associated with Rado inequality and show the refinement and reverse of Arithmetic mean- Geometric mean inequality.
Paper's Title:
Conservativeness Criteria of Girsanov Transformation for Non-Symmetric Jump-diffusion
Mila Kurniawaty
DDepartment of Mathematics,
Universitas Brawijaya, Malang,
E-mail: mila_n12@ub.ac.id
We develop the condition in our previous paper [The Conservativeness of Girsanov transformed for symmetric jump-diffusion process (2018)] in the framework of nonsymmetric Markov process with jumps associated with regular Dirichlet form. We prove the conservativeness of it by relation in duality of Girsanov transformed process and recurrent criteria of Dirichlet form.
Paper's Title:
Fekete-Szegö Inequality for Sakaguchi Type of functions in Petal Shaped Domain
E. K. Nithiyanandham and B. Srutha Keerthi
Division of Mathematics, School of
Advanced Sciences,
Vellore Institute of Technology Chennai Campus,
Chennai - 600 048,
E-mail: nithiyankrish@gmail.com
Division of Mathematics, School of
Advanced Sciences,
Vellore Institute of Technology Chennai Campus,
Chennai - 600 048,
E-mail: keerthivitmaths@gmail.com
In this paper, we estimate coefficient bounds,|a_2|,|a_3| and |a_4|, Fekete-Szegö inequality and Toeplitz determinant T2(2) and T3(1) for functions belonging to the following class
the function being holomorphic, we expand using Taylor series and obtain several corollaries and consequences for the main result.
Paper's Title:
Preserver of Local Spectrum of Skew-product Operators
Rohollah Parvinianzadeh1,*, Meysam Asadipour2 and Jumakhan Pazhman3
of Mathematics,
College of Sciences,
University of Yasouj,
Yasouj, 75918-74934,
E-mail: r.parvinian@yu.ac.ir
of Mathematics,
College of Sciences,
University of Yasouj,
Yasouj, 75918-74934,
E-mail: Asadipour@yu.ac.ir
of Mathematics,
Ghor Institute of higher education,
E-mail: jumapazhman@gmail.com
Let H and K be infinite-dimensional complex Hilbert spaces, and B(H) (resp. B(K)) be the algebra of all bounded linear operators on H (resp. on K). For an operator T∈ B(H) and a vector h∈ H, let σT(h) denote the local spectrum of T at h. For two nonzero vectors h0∈ H and k0∈ K, we show that if two maps φ1 and φ2 from B(H) into B(K) satisfy
σφ1(T)φ2(S)*(k0)= σTS*(h0})
for all T, S ∈ B(H), and their range containing all operators of rank at most two, then there exist bijective linear maps P : H→ K and Q : K→ H such that φ1(T) = PTQ and φ2(T)* =Q-1T*P-1 for all T ∈ B(H). Also, we obtain some interesting results in this direction.
Paper's Title:
Solving Strongly Nonlinear Fractional Fredholm Integral-Differential Equations in Caputo's Sense Using the SBA Method
Germain Kabore1, Bakari Abbo2, Ousseni So3 and Blaise Some1
d'Analyse Numerique, Informatique et de Biomathmathiques (L.N.I.BIO),
Universite Joseph Ki-Zerbo,
Burkina Faso.
E-mail: germainkabore982@gmail.com,
of N'Damena, Tchad.
E-mail: bakariabbo@yahoo.fr
d'Analyse Numerique, Informatique et de Biomathemathiques (L.N.I.BIO),
Ecole Normale Superieure,
Burkina Faso.
E-mail: sousseni@yahoo.fr
The work addressed in this article consists in constructing the exact solutions, where they exist, of fractional Fredholm-type integro-differential equations in the sense of Caputo. Our results are obtained using the SBA method. The simplification of the approach, the analysis of its convergence, and the generalization of this method to these types of highly nonlinear equations constitute our scientific contribution.
Paper's Title:
A Note on Evaluation of a New Class of Integrals Involving Generalized Hypergeometric Function
Madhav Prasad Poudel, Dongkyu Lim*, Narayan Prasad Pahari, Arjun K. Rathie
School of Engineering,
Pokhara University, Pokhara-30, Kaski,
E-mail: pdmadav@gmail.com
Department of Mathematics Education,
Andong National University, Andong 36729,
Republic of Korea.
E-mail: dklim@anu.ac.kr
Central Department of Mathematics,
Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu,
E-mail: nppahari@gmail.com
Department of Mathematics,
Vedant College of Engineering & Technology (Rajasthan Technical University),
Village: Tulsi,
Jakhamund, Dist. Bundi, Rajasthan State,
In the theory of hypergeometric and generalized hypergeometric series, classical summation theorems such as those of Gauss, Gauss second, Bailey and Kummer for the series
2F1; Watson, Dixon, Whipple and Saalshutz play a key role. Applications of the above mentioned summation theorems are well known for the series
3F2. In our present investigation, we aim to evaluate twenty five new class of integrals involving generalized hypergeometric function in the form of a single integral of the form:
The results are established with the help of the generalizations of the classical Watson's summation theorem obtained earlier by Lavoie et al.. Fifty interesting integrals in the form of two integrals (twenty five each) have also been given as special cases of our main findings.
Paper's Title:
General Oscillations for Some Third Order Differential Systems with Nonlinear Acceleration Term
Awar Simon Ukpera
Department of Mathematics,
Obafemi Awolowo University,
We generate some general nonuniform hypotheses for third order differential systems
of the form X''' +F(t,X'' )+BX'+CX = P(t), in which B and C are not
constant matrices. Some results requiring sharp conditions on this system have recently been
published by the author in
[5]. This work however examines more closely crucial properties
associated with the generalised nature of the nonlinear acceleration term F, which were largely
overlooked in the earlier paper.
Paper's Title:
Inverse problems for parabolic equations
A. G. Ramm
Mathematics Department,
Kansas State University,
Manhattan, KS 66506-2602,
URL: http://www.math.ksu.edu/~ramm
Let in , where is a bounded domain with a smooth connected boundary , , is the delta-function. Assume that , on . Given the extra data , , can one find , and Here is some number. An answer to this question and a method for finding , and are given.
Paper's Title:
A Wallis Type Inequality and a Double Inequality for Probability Integral
Jian Cao, Da-Wei Niu and Feng Qi
School of Mathematics and Informatics,
Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo City,
Henan Province, 454010,
School of Mathematics and Informatics,
Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo City,
Henan Province, 454010,
Research Institute of Mathematical Inequality Theory,
Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo City,
Henan Province, 454010,
URL: http://rgmia.vu.edu.au/qi.html
In this short note, a Wallis type inequality with the best upper and lower
bounds is established. As an application, a double inequality for the
probability integral is found.
Paper's Title:
Komatu Integral Transforms of Analytic Functions Subordinate to Convex Functions
T. N. Shanmugam and C. Ramachandran
Department of Mathematics, College of Engineering,
Anna University, Chennai-600 025, Tamilnadu,
Department of Mathematics, College of Engineering,
Anna University, Chennai-600 025, Tamilnadu,
In this paper, we consider the class A of the functions f(z) of the form
which are analytic in an open disk
and study certain subclass of the class A, for which
has some property. Certain inclusion and the closure properties like convolution with convex univalent function etc. are studied.
Paper's Title:
Generalized Quasilinearization Method for the Forced Düffing Equation
Ramzi S. N. Alsaedi
Department of Mathematics, King Abdul Aziz University,
Jeddah P.O. Box 80203,
Saudi Arabia.
A generalized quasilinearization method for the periodic
problem related to the forced D\"{u}ffing equation is developed and a
sequence of approximate solutions converging monotonically and quadratically
to the solution of the given problem is presented.
Paper's Title:
Power and Euler-Lagrange Norms
Mohammad Sal Moslehian and John Michael Rassias
Department of Mathematics,
Ferdowsi University,
P. O. Box 1159, Mashhad 91775,
Department of Pure Mathematics,
University of Leeds,
Leeds LS2 9JT,
United Kingdom.
URL: http://www.um.ac.ir/~moslehian/
Pedagogical Department, E.E., Section of Mathematics and Informatics
National and Capodistrian University of Athens,
4, Agamemnonos str., Aghia Paraskevi, Attikis 15342, Athens,
URL: http://www.primedu.uoa.gr/~jrassias/
We introduce the notions of power and Euler-Lagrange norms by
replacing the triangle inequality, in the definition of norm, by
appropriate inequalities. We prove that every usual norm is a power
norm and vice versa. We also show that every norm is an
Euler-Lagrange norm and that the converse is true under certain
Paper's Title:
A note on Inequalities due to Martins, Bennett and Alzer
József Sándor
Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj, Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences
Kogălniceanu Nr.1, Cluj-Napoca,
A short history of certain inequalities by Martins, Bennett as well as Alzer, is provided. It is shown that, the inequality of Alzer for negative powers [6], or Martin's reverse inequality [7] are due in fact to Alzer [2]. Some related results, as well as a conjecture, are stated.
Paper's Title:
A Sum Form Functional Equation and Its Relevance in Information Theory
Prem Nath and Dhiraj Kumar Singh
Department of Mathematics
University of Delhi
Delhi - 110007
The general solutions of a sum form functional equation containing four unknown mappings have been investigated. The importance of these solutions in relation to various entropies in information theory has been emphasised.
Paper's Title:
Some Properties of the Solution of a Second Order Elliptic Abstract Differential Equation
A. Aibeche and K. Laidoune
Mathematics Department, Faculty of Sciences,
University Ferhat Abbas, Setif,
Route de Scipion, 19000,
In this paper we study a class of non regular boundary value
problems for elliptic differential-operator equation of second order with an
operator in boundary conditions. We give conditions which guarantee the
coerciveness of the solution of the considered problem, the completeness of
system of root vectors in Banach-valued functions spaces and we establish
the Abel basis property of this system in Hilbert spaces. Finally, we apply
this abstract results to a partial differential equation in cylindrical
Paper's Title:
On ε-simultaneous Approximation in Quotient Spaces
H. Alizadeh, Sh. Rezapour, S. M. Vaezpour
Department of
Mathematics, Aazad
Islamic University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran,
Department of Mathematics, Azarbaidjan
University of Tarbiat Moallem, Tabriz,
Department of Mathematics, Amirkabir
University of Technology, Tehran,
The purpose of this paper is
to develop a theory of best simultaneous approximation to
ε-simultaneous approximation. We shall introduce the
concept of ε-simultaneous pseudo Chebyshev,
ε-simultaneous quasi Chebyshev and
ε-simultaneous weakly Chebyshev subspaces of a Banach
space. Then, it will be determined under what conditions these
subspaces are transmitted to and from quotient spaces.
Paper's Title:
On Stan Ulam and his Mathematics
Krzysztof Ciesielski and Themistocles M. Rassias
Mathematics Institute, Jagiellonian University,
In this note we give a glimpse of the curriculum vitae of Stan Ulam, his personality and some of the mathematics he was involved in.
Paper's Title:
Common Fixed Point Results for Banach Operator Pairs and Applications to Best Approximation
Hemant Kumar Nashine
Department of Mathematics,
Disha Institute of Management and Technology,
Satya Vihar, Vidhansabha - Chandrakhuri Marg (Baloda Bazar Road),
Mandir Hasaud,
Raipur - 492101(Chhattisgarh), India.
The common fixed point results for Banach operator pair with generalized nonexpansive mappings in q-normed space have been obtained in the present work. As application, some more general best approximation results have also been determined without the assumption of linearity or affinity of mappings. These results unify and generalize various existing known results with the aid of more general class of noncommuting mappings.
Paper's Title:
Solving Fractional Transport Equation via Walsh Function
A. Kadem
L. M. F. N., Mathematics Department,
University of Setif,
In this paper we give a complete proof of A method for the solution of fractional transport equation in three-dimensional case by using Walsh function is presented. The main characteristic of this technique is that it reduces these problems to those of solving a system of algebraic equations, thus greatly simplifying the problem.
Paper's Title:
Equivalence of the Nonsmooth Nonlinear Complementarity Problems to Unconstrained Minimization
M. A. Tawhid and J. L. Goffin
Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
School of Advanced Technologies and Mathematics,
Thompson Rivers University,
900 McGill Road, PO Box 3010, Kamloops, BC V2C 5N3
Alexandria University and Egypt Japan University of Science and Technology,
Faculty of Management, McGill University,
1001 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, Quebec, H3A 1G5
This paper deals with nonsmooth nonlinear complementarity problem, where the underlying functions are nonsmooth which admit the H-differentiability but not necessarily locally Lipschitzian or directionally differentiable. We consider a reformulation of the nonlinear complementarity problem as an unconstrained minimization problem. We describe H-differentials of the associated penalized Fischer-Burmeister and Kanzow and Kleinmichel merit functions. We show how, under appropriate P0, semimonotone (E0), P, positive definite, and strictly semimonotone (E) -conditions on an H-differential of f, finding local/global minimum of a merit function (or a `stationary point' of a merit function) leads to a solution of the given nonlinear complementarity problem. Our results not only give new results but also unify/extend various similar results proved for C1.
Paper's Title:
Fejér-type Inequalities
Nicuşor Minculete and Flavia-Corina Mitroi
"Dimitrie Cantemir" University,
107 Bisericii Române Street, Braşov, 500068,
University of Craiova, Department of Mathematics,
Street A. I. Cuza
13, Craiova, RO-200585,
The aim of this paper is to present some new Fejér-type results for convex functions. Improvements of Young's inequality (the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality) and other applications to special means are pointed as well.
Paper's Title:
On Generalization of Hardy-type Inequalities
K. Rauf, S. Ponnusamy and J. O. Omolehin
Department of Mathematics,
University of Ilorin, Ilorin,
Department of Mathematics,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Chennai- 600 036,
Department of Mathematics,
University of Ilorin, Ilorin,
This paper is devoted to some new generalization of Hardy-type integral inequalities and the reversed forms. The study is to determine conditions on which the generalized inequalities hold using some known hypothesis. Improvement of some inequalities are also presented.
Paper's Title:
Harmonic Functions with Positive Real Part
Sďbel Yalçin
Uludag Universitesi,
Fen Edebiyat Fakultesi, Matematik Bolumu,
16059 Bursa,
In this paper, the class of harmonic functions f=h+{g} with positive real part and normalized by f(ζ )=1, (|ζ|<1) is studied, where h and g are analytic in U={z:|z|<1}. Some properties of this class are searched. Sharp coefficient relations are given for functions in this class. On the other hand, the author make use of Alexander integral transforms of certain analytic functions (which are starlike with respect to f(ζ)) with a view to investigating the construction of sense preserving, univalent and close to convex harmonic functions.
Paper's Title:
On Reformations of 2--Hilbert Spaces
M. Eshaghi Gordji, A. Divandari, M. R. Safi and Y. J. Cho
Department of Mathematics, Semnan
P.O. Box 35195--363, Semnan,
meshaghi@semnan.ac.ir, madjid.eshaghi@gmail.com
Department of Mathematics, Semnan
Department of Mathematics, Semnan
safi@semnan.ac.ir, SafiMohammadReza@yahoo.com
Department of Mathematics Education and
the RINS,
Gyeongsang National University
Chinju 660-701,
In this paper, first, we introduce the new concept of (complex) 2--Hilbert spaces, that is, we define the concept of 2--inner product spaces with a complex valued 2--inner product by using the 2--norm. Next, we prove some theorems on Schwartz's inequality, the polarization identity, the parallelogram laws and related important properties. Finally, we give some open problems related to 2--Hilbert spaces.
Paper's Title:
Schwarz Method
for Variational Inequalities Related to Ergodic Control Problems
S. Saadi, H. Mécheri
Department of Mathematics, Badji Mokhtar
University, Annaba 23000,
P.O.Box. 12, Annaba 23000, Algeria
In this paper, we study variational inequalities related to ergodic control problems studied by M. Boulbrachčne and H. Sissaoui [11], where the "discount factor" (i.e., the zero order term) is set to 0, we use an overlapping Schwarz method on nomatching grid which consists in decomposing the domain in two subdomains. For α ∈ ]0.1[ we provide the discretization on each subdomain converges in L∞ -norm.
Paper's Title:
New Stochastic Calculus
Moawia Alghalith
Department of Economics,
University of the West Indies, St. Augustine,
Trinidad and Tobago.
We present new stochastic differential equations, that are more general and simpler than the existing Ito-based stochastic differential equations. As an example, we apply our approach to the investment (portfolio) model.
Paper's Title:
Hermite-Hadamard-Fejer Type Inequalities for Harmonically s-convex Functions via Fractional Integrals
İmdat İşcan, Mehmet Kunt
Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Sciences and Arts,
Giresun University, Giresun,
E-mail: imdat.iscan@giresun.edu.tr
Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Sciences,
Karadeniz Technical University,
61080, Trabzon,
In this paper, some Hermite-Hadamard-Fejer type integral inequalities for harmonically s-convex functions in fractional integral forms have been obtained.
Paper's Title:
On the Constant in a Transference Inequality for the Vector-valued Fourier Transform
Dion Gijswijt and Jan van Neerven
Delft University of Technology,
P.O. Box 5031,
2600 GA Delft,
The Netherlands.
E-mail: D.C.Gijswijt@TUDelft.nl
The standard proof of the equivalence of Fourier type on Rd and on the torus Td is usually stated in terms of an implicit constant, defined as the minimum of a sum of powers of sinc functions. In this note we compute this minimum explicitly.
Paper's Title:
Hyponormal and K-Quasi-Hyponormal Operators On Semi-Hilbertian Spaces
Ould Ahmed Mahmoud Sid Ahmed and Abdelkader Benali
Mathematics Department,
College of Science,
Aljouf University,
Aljouf 2014,
Saudi Arabia.
Mathematics Department, Faculty of
Hassiba Benbouali, University of Chlef,
B.P. 151 Hay Essalem, Chlef 02000,
Let H be a Hilbert space and let A be a positive bounded operator on H. The semi-inner product < u|v>A:=<Au|v>, u,v ∈ H induces a semi-norm || .||A on H. This makes H into a semi-Hilbertian space. In this paper we introduce the notions of hyponormalities and k-quasi-hyponormalities for operators on semi Hilbertian space (H,||.||A), based on the works that studied normal, isometry, unitary and partial isometries operators in these spaces. Also, we generalize some results which are already known for hyponormal and quasi-hyponormal operators. An operator T ∈ BA (H) is said to be (A, k)-quasi-hyponormal if
Paper's Title:
The boundedness of Bessel-Riesz operators on generalized Morrey spaces
Mochammad Idris, Hendra Gunawan and Eridani
Department of Mathematics,
Bandung Institute of Technology,
Bandung 40132,
Department of Mathematics,
Bandung Institute of Technology,
Bandung 40132,
E-mail: hgunawan@math.itb.ac.id
Department of Mathematics,
Airlangga University,
Surabaya 60115,
E-mail: eridani.dinadewi@gmail.com
In this paper, we prove the boundedness of Bessel-Riesz operators on generalized Morrey spaces. The proof uses the usual dyadic decomposition, a Hedberg-type inequality for the operators, and the boundedness of Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator. Our results reveal that the norm of the operators is dominated by the norm of the kernels.
Paper's Title:
Some properties of k-quasi class Q* operators
Shqipe Lohaj and Valdete Rexhëbeqaj Hamiti
Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina",
Prishtine 10000,
E-mail: shqipe.lohaj@uni-pr.edu
Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina",
Prishtine 10000,
E-mail: valdete.rexhebeqaj@uni-pr.edu
In this paper, we give some results of k-quasi class Q* operators. We proved that if T is an invertible operator and N be an operator such that N commutes with T*T, then N is k-quasi class Q* if and only if TNT-1 is of k-quasi class Q*. With example we proved that exist an operator k-quasi class Q* which is quasi nilpotent but it is not quasi hyponormal.
Paper's Title:
Applications of the Structure Theorem of (w1,w2)-Tempered
Hamed M. Obiedat and Lloyd E. Moyo
Department of Mathematics,
Hashemite University,
P.O.Box 150459, Zarqa13115,
E-mail: hobiedat@hu.edu.j
Department of Mathematics, Computer
Science & Statistics,
Henderson State University,
1100 Henderson Street, Arkadelphia, AR 71999,
E-mail: moyol@hsu.edu
Using a previously obtained structure theorem for (w1, w2)-tempered ultradistributions, we prove that these ultradistributions can be represented as initial values of solutions of the heat equation.
Paper's Title:
A Note on Calderon Operator
Chunping Xie
Department of Mathematics,
Milwaukee School of Engineering,
1025 N. Broadway,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202,
U. S. A.
E-mail: xie@msoe.edu
URL: http://www.msoe.edu/people/chunping.xie
We have shown that the Calderon operator is bounded on Morrey Spaces on R+. Also under certain conditions on the weight, the Hardy operator, the adjoint Hardy operator, and therefore the Caldern operator are bounded on the weighted Morrey spaces.
Paper's Title:
Coefficient Estimates for Certain Subclasses of Bi-univalent Sakaguchi
Type Functions by using Faber Polynomial
P. Murugabharathi, B. Srutha Keerthi
Mathematics Division,
School of Advanced Sciences,
VIT Chennai, Vandaloor, Kelambakkam Road,
Chennai - 600 127, India.
E-mail: bharathi.muhi@gmail.com
E-mail: sruthilaya06@yahoo.co.in
In this work, considering a general subclass of bi-univalent Sakaguchi type functions, we determine estimates for the general Taylor-Maclaurin coefficients of the functions in these classes. For this purpose, we use the Faber polynomial expansions. In certain cases, our estimates improve some of those existing coefficient bounds.
Paper's Title:
On Closed Range C*-modular Operators
Javad Farokhi-Ostad and Ali Reza Janfada
Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics Sciences,
University of Birjand, Birjand,
E-mail: j.farokhi@birjand.ac.ir
In this paper, for the class of the modular operators on Hilbert C*-modules, we give the conditions to closedness of their ranges. Also, the equivalence conditions for the closedness of the range of the modular projections on Hilbert C*-modules are discussed. Moreover, the mixed reverse order law for the Moore-Penrose invertible modular operators are given.
Paper's Title:
Action of Differential Operators On Chirpsconstruct On L∞
Taoufik El Bouayachi and Naji Yebari
Laboratoire de Mathematiques et
Faculty of sciences and techniques, Tangier,
We will study in this work the action of differential operators on L∞ chirps and we will give a new definition of logarithmic chirp. Finally we will study the action of singular integral operators on chirps by wavelet characterization and Kernel method.
Paper's Title:
Global Analysis on Riemannian Manifolds
Louis Omenyi and Michael Uchenna
Department of Mathematics, Computer
Science, Statistics and Informatics,
Alex Ekwueme Federal University, Ndufu-Alike,
E-mail: omenyi.louis@funai.edu.ng,
URL: http://www.funai.edu.ng
In this paper, an exposition of the central concept of global analysis on a Riemannan manifold is given. We extend the theory of smooth vector fields from open subsets of Euclidean space to Riemannan manifolds. Specifically, we prove that a Riemannian manifold admits a unique solution for a system of ordinary differential equations generated by the flow of smooth tangent vectors. The idea of partial differential equations on Riemannian manifold is highlighted on the unit sphere.
Paper's Title:
Residual-Based A Posteriori Error Estimates For A Conforming Mixed Finite Element Discretization of the Monge-Ampere Equation
J. Adetola, K. W. Houedanou and B. Ahounou
Institut de Mathematiques et de Sciences
Physiques (IMSP),
Universite d'Abomey-Calavi
E-mail: adetolajamal58@yahoo.com
Departement de Mathematiques,
Faculte des Sciences et Techniques (FAST),
Universite d'Abomey-Calavi
E-mail: khouedanou@yahoo.fr
Departement de Mathematiques,
Faculte des Sciences et Techniques (FAST),
Universite d'Abomey-Calavi
E-mail: bahounou@yahoo.fr
In this paper we develop a new a posteriori error analysis for the Monge-Ampere equation approximated by conforming finite element method on isotropic meshes in R2. The approach utilizes a slight variant of the mixed discretization proposed by Gerard Awanou and Hengguang Li in [4]. The a posteriori error estimate is based on a suitable evaluation on the residual of the finite element solution. It is proven that the a posteriori error estimate provided in this paper is both reliable and efficient.
Paper's Title:
Evaluation of a New Class of Double Integrals Involving Generalized Hypergeometric Function
Joohyung Kim, Insuk Kim and Harsh V. Harsh
Department of Mathematics Education,
Wonkwang University, Iksan, 570-749,
E-mail: joohyung@wku.ac.kr
Department of Mathematics Education,
Wonkwang University, Iksan, 570-749,
E-mail: iki@wku.ac.kr
Department of Mathematics, Amity School
of Eng. and Tech.,
Amity University Rajasthan
NH-11C, Jaipur-303002, Rajasthan,
E-mail: harshvardhanharsh@gmail.com
Very recently, Kim evaluated some double integrals involving a generalized hypergeometric function 3F2 with the help of generalization of Edwards's well-known double integral due to Kim, et al. and generalized classical Watson's summation theorem obtained earlier by Lavoie, et al. In this research paper we evaluate one hundred double integrals involving generalized hypergeometric function 4F3 in the form of four master formulas (25 each) viz. in the most general form for any integer. Some interesting results have also be obtained as special cases of our main findings.
Paper's Title:
On Euler's First Transformation Formula for k-hypergeometric Function
Sungtae Jun and Insuk Kim
General Education Institute,
Konkuk University, Chungju 380-701,
Republic of Korea.
E-mail: sjun@kku.ac.kr
Department of Mathematics Education,
Wonkwang University, Iksan, 570-749,
Republic of Korea.
E-mail: iki@wku.ac.kr
Mubeen et al. obtained Kummer's first transformation for the k-hypergeometric function. The aim of this note is to provide the Euler-type first transformation for the k-hypergeometric function. As a limiting case, we recover the results of Mubeen et al. In addition to this, an alternate and easy derivation of Kummer's first transformation for the k-hypergeometric function is also given.
Paper's Title:
The Boundedness of Gradient Solutions of P-Laplacian Type
Corina Karim, Khoirunisa, Ratno Bagus Edy Wibowo
Department of Mathematics,
Universitas Brawijaya,
Veteran Street, Malang,
E-mail: co_mathub@ub.ac.id
In this paper, we give the boundedness of gradient solutions result for p-Laplacian systems only in the singular case. The Lebesgue space for initial data belong to guarantee the local boundedness of gradient solutions.
Paper's Title:
Toeplitz Determinant for Sakaguchi Type Functions Under Petal Shaped Domain
B. Nandhini and B. Srutha Keerthi
Division of Mathematics, School of
Advanced Sciences,
Vellore Institute of Technology Chennai Campus,
Chennai - 600 048,
Division of Mathematics, School of
Advanced Sciences,
Vellore Institute of Technology Chennai Campus,
Chennai - 600 048,
E-mail: keerthivitmaths@gmail.com
We introduce a new general subclass GPt,ρ of Sakaguchi kind function on a Petal shaped domain. We obtain coefficients bounds and upper bounds for the Fekete-Szegö functional over the class. From these functions we obtain the bounds of first four coefficients, and then we have derived the Toeplitz determinant T2(2) and T3(1) whose diagonal entries are the coefficients of functions.
Paper's Title:
Introducing the Picard-S3 Iteration for Fixed Points
Pravin Singh, Virath Singh and Shivani Singh
University of KwaZulu-Natal,
School of Mathematics Statistics and Computer Sciences,
Private Bag X54001,
Durban, 4000
South Africa.
Department of Decision Sciences,
PO Box 392,
Pretoria, 0003
South Africa.
E-mail: singhprook@gmail.com
In this paper we introduce a three step iteration method and show that it can be used to approximate the fixed point of a weak contraction mapping. Furthermore, we prove that this scheme is equivalent to the Mann iterative scheme. A comparison is made with other three step iterative methods by examining the speed of convergence. Results are presented in tables to support our conclusion.
Paper's Title:
On the Oldest Problem in the Calculus of Variations: A New Message from Queen Dido
Olivier de La Grandville
Faculty of Economics,
Goethe University Frankfurt,
Theodore Adorno Platz 4, 60323 Frankfurt,
E-mail: odelagrandville@gmail.com
We consider the problem of finding the optimal curve of given length linking two points in a plane such as it encloses a maximal area. We show that if the curve is not described by a single-valued function, its determination does not necessarily imply to work with a parametric representation of the curve. We show that a simpler approach is at hand -- and, who knows? -- this might well be the method Queen Dido used.
Paper's Title:
Bicomplex Univalent Functions
Mohd Arif, Amjad Ali, Rajat Singh* and Romesh Kumar
Department of Mathematics,
University of Jammu,
Jammu And Kashmir,
E-mail: azizymaths@gmail.com
Department of Mathematics,
University of Jammu,
Jammu And Kashmir,
E-mail: amjadladakhi687@gmail.com
Department of Mathematics,
University of Jammu,
Jammu And Kashmir,
E-mail: *rajat.singh.rs634@gmail.com
Department of Mathematics,
University of Jammu,
Jammu And Kashmir,
E-mail: romeshmath@gmail.com
In this paper we introduce bicomplex univalent functions and also discuss the properties of a specific class of univalent functions.
Paper's Title:
A Unifying View of Some Banach Algebras
R. Kantrowitz
Mathematics & Statistics Department,
Hamilton College,
198 College Hill Road,
Clinton, NY 13323, USA.
E-mail: rkantrow@hamilton.edu
The purpose of this article is to shed light on a unifying framework for some normed algebras and, in particular, for some Banach algebras. The focus is on linear operators T between normed algebras X and Y and specified subalgebras A of Y. When the action of T on products in X satisfies a certain operative equation, the subspace T-1(A) is stable under the multiplication of X and is readily equipped with a family of canonical submultiplicative norms. It turns out that many familiar and important spaces are encompassed under this versatile perspective, and we offer a sampling of several such. In this sense, the article presents an alternative lens through which to view a host of normed algebras. Moreover, recognition that a normed linear space conforms to this general structure provides another avenue to confirming that it is at once stable under multiplication and also outfitted with an abundance of equivalent submultiplicative norms.
Paper's Title:
Maximal Singular Operators On Variable Exponent Sequence Spaces and Their Corresponding Ergodic Version
Sri Sakti Swarup Anupindi and Michael A. Alphonse
Department of Mathematics, Birla Institute
of Technology And Science- Pilani,
Hyderabad Campus, Jawahar Nagar, Kapra Mandal,
District.-Medchal-500 078 Telangana,
In this paper, we prove strong and weak type inequalities of singular operators on weighted lwp(Z)$. Using these results, we prove strong type and weak type inequalities of the maximal singular operator of Calderon-Zygmund type on variable exponent sequence spaces lp(·)(Z). Using the Calderon-Coifman-Weiss transference principle, we prove strong type, weak type inequalities of the maximal ergodic singular operator on Lwp(X,B,μ) spaces, where (X,B,μ) is a probability space equipped with measure preserving transformation U.
Paper's Title:
Ellipses of Maximal Area and of Minimal Eccentricity Inscribed in a Convex Quadrilateral
Alan Horwitz
Penn State University,
25 Yearsley Mill Rd., Media, Pa 19063
Url: www.math.psu.edu/horwitz
Let Đ be a convex quadrilateral in the plane and let M1 and M2 be the midpoints
of the diagonals of Đ. It is well–known that if E is an ellipse inscribed in Đ, then the center of
E must lie on Z, the open line segment connecting M1 and M2 . We use a theorem of Marden
relating the foci of an ellipse tangent to the lines thru the sides of a triangle and the zeros of a
partial fraction expansion to prove the converse: If P lies on Z, then there is a unique ellipse with
center P inscribed in Đ. This completely characterizes the locus of centers of ellipses inscribed
in Đ. We also show that there is a unique ellipse of maximal area inscribed in Đ. Finally, we
prove our most signifigant results: There is a unique ellipse of minimal eccentricity inscribed in
Paper's Title:
Essential Random Fixed Point Set of Random Operators
Ismat Beg
Centre for Advanced Studies in Mathematics,
Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS),
54792-Lahore, PAKISTAN.
URL: http://web.lums.edu.pk/~ibeg
We obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of essential random fixed point of a random operator defined on a compact metric space. The structure of the set of essential random fixed points is also studied.
Paper's Title:
Boundedness for Vector-Valued Multilinear Singular Integral Operators on Triebel-Lizorkin Spaces
Liu Lanzhe
College of Mathematics
Changsha University of Science and Technology,
Changsha 410077,
P.R. of China.
In this paper, the boundedness for some vector-valued multilinear operators associated to certain
fractional singular integral operators on Triebel-Lizorkin space are obtained. The operators include Calderón-Zygmund
singular integral operator and fractional integral operator.
Paper's Title:
A relation between nuclear cones and full nuclear cones
G. Isac and A. B. Nemeth
Department of Mathematics,
Royal Military College of Canada,
P. O. Box 17000 STN Forces Kingston, Ontario,
Canada K7K 7B4.
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Babes-Bolyai University,
3400 Cluj-Napoca,
The notion of nuclear cone in locally convex spaces corresponds to the notion of well based cone in normed spaces. Using the bipolar theorem from locally convex spaces it is proved that every closed nuclear cone is a full nuclear cone. Thus every closed nuclear cone can be associated to a mapping from a family of continuous seminorms in the space to the topological dual of the space. The relation with Pareto efficiency is discussed.
Paper's Title:
q-Norms are Really Norms
H. Belbachir, M. Mirzavaziri and M. S. Moslehian
USTHB, Faculté de Mathématiques,
B.P. 32, El Alia, 16111,
Bab Ezzouar, Alger,
Department of Mathematics,
Ferdowsi University, P. O. Box 1159,
Mashhad 91775, Iran.
URL: http://www.mirzavaziri.com
Department of Mathematics,
Ferdowsi University,
P. O. Box 1159,
Mashhad 91775, Iran.
URL: http://www.um.ac.ir/~moslehian/
Replacing the triangle inequality, in the definition of a
norm, by , we introduce the notion of a q-norm. We establish that
every q-norm is a norm in the usual sense, and that the converse is true as
Paper's Title:
Stability of a Pexiderized Equation
Maryam Amyar
Department of Mathematics,
Islamic Azad University, Rahnamaei Ave,
Mashhad 91735, Iran,
and Banach Mathematical Research Group (BMRG)
URL: http://amyari.mshdiau.ac.ir
The aim of the paper is to prove the
stability of the Pexiderized equation f(x)=g(y+x)-h(y-x), for any
amenable abelian group.
Paper's Title:
Differential Sandwich Theorems for Some Subclasses of Analytic Functions
T. N. Shanmugam, V. Ravichandran and S. Sivasubramanian
Department of Mathematics, College of Engineering,
Anna university, Chennai 600 025,
URL: http://www.annauniv.edu/shan
School of Mathematical Sciences,
Universiti Sains Malaysia,
11800 USM Penang,
URL: http://cs.usm.my/~vravi
Department of Mathematics, Easwari Engineering college,
Ramapuram, Chennai 600 089,
Let and be univalent in with We give some applications of first order differential subordination and superordination to obtain sufficient conditions for normalized analytic function with to satisfy
Paper's Title:
Parameter dependence of the solution of second order nonlinear ODE's via Perov's fixed point theorem
A. M. Bica, S. Muresan and G. Grebenisan
University of Oradea,
Str. Armatei Romane no.5, 410087,
Oradea, Romania.
Using the Perov's fixed point theorem, the smooth dependence by parameter of
the solution of a two point boundary value problem corresponding to nonlinear
second order ODE's is obtained.
Paper's Title:
An Approximation of Jordan Decomposable Functions for a Lipschitz Function
Ibraheem Alolyan
Mathematics Department,
College of Science, King Saud University
P.O.Box: 2455, Riyadh 11451,
Saudi Arabia
The well known Jordan decomposition theorem gives the useful characterization that any function of bounded variation can be written as the difference of two increasing functions. Functions which can be expressed in this way can be used to formulate an exclusion test for the recent Cellular Exclusion Algorithms for numerically computing all zero points or the global minima of functions in a given cellular domain [2,8,9]. In this paper we give an algorithm to approximate such increasing functions when only the values of the function of bounded variation can be computed. For this purpose, we are led to introduce the idea of ε-increasing functions. It is shown that for any Lipschitz continuous function, we can find two ε-increasing functions such that the Lipschitz function can be written as the difference of these functions.
Paper's Title:
The Invariant Subspace Problem for Linear Relations on Hilbert Spaces
Daniel Grixti-Cheng
Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
The University of Melbourne,
Melbourne, VIC, 3010
We consider the invariant subspace problem for linear relations on Hilbert spaces with the aim of promoting interest in the problem as viewed from the theory of linear relations. We present an equivalence between the single valued and multivalued invariant subspace problems and give some new theorems pertaining to the invariant subspace problem for linear relations on a Hilbert space.
Paper's Title:
On Stable Numerical Differentiation
N. S. Hoang and A. G. Ramm
Mathematics Department, Kansas State University Abstract:
Based on a regularized Volterra equation, two different approaches for numerical differentiation are considered.
The first approach consists of solving a regularized Volterra equation while the second approach is based on solving a disretized version of the regularized Volterra equation.
Numerical experiments show that these methods are efficient and compete favorably with the variational regularization method for stable calculating the derivatives of noisy functions.
Paper's Title:
Existence Results for Perturbed Fractional Differential
Y.-K. Chang
Department of Mathematics, Abstract:
This paper is mainly concerned with the following fractional differential
inclusions with boundary condition
A sufficient condition is established for the existence of solutions of the
above problem by using a fixed point theorem for multivalued maps due to
Dhage. Our result is proved under the mixed generalized Lipschitz and
Carathéodory conditions. Paper's Title:
Equilibria and Periodic Solutions of Projected Dynamical Systems on Sets with Corners
Matthew D. Johnston and Monica-Gabriela Cojocaru
Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Waterloo,
Department of Mathematics & Statistics, University of
Guelph, Abstract:
Projected dynamical systems theory represents a bridge between the
static worlds of variational inequalities and equilibrium
problems, and the dynamic world of ordinary differential
equations. A projected dynamical system (PDS) is given by the flow
of a projected differential equation, an ordinary differential
equation whose trajectories are restricted to a constraint set
K. Projected differential equations are defined by discontinuous
vector fields and so standard differential equations theory cannot
apply. The formal study of PDS began in the 90's, although some
results existed in the literature since the 70's. In this paper we
present a novel result regarding existence of equilibria and
periodic cycles of a finite dimensional PDS on constraint sets
K, whose points satisfy a corner condition. The novelty is due
to proving existence of boundary equilibria without using a
variational inequality approach or monotonicity type conditions. Paper's Title:
The ε-Small Ball Drop Property
C. Donnini and A. Martellotti Dipartimento
di Statistica e Matematica per la Ricerca Economica,
{Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Abstract:
We continue the investigation on classes of small sets in a
Banach space that give alternative formulations of the Drop
Property. The small sets here considered are the set having the
small ball property, and we show that for sets having non-empty
intrinsic core and whose affine hull contains a closed affine space
of infinite dimension the Drop Property can be equivalently
formulated in terms of the small ball property. Paper's Title:
Hyers-Ulam-Rassias Stability
of a Generalized Jensen Functional Equation Author(s):
A. Charifi, B. Bouikhalene, E.
Elqorachi and A. Redouani
Department of Abstract:
In this paper we obtain the
Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability for the generalized Jensen's functional equation in
abelian group (G,+). Furthermore we discuss the case where G is amenable and we
give a note on the Hyers-Ulam-stability of the K-spherical (n
× n)-matrix functional
equation. Paper's Title:
Maximal Inequalities for
Multidimensionally Indexed Demimartingales and the Hájek-Rényi
Inequality for Associated Random Variables Author(s):
Tasos C. Christofides and Milto
Hadjikyriakou Department of Mathematics and Statistics
tasos@ucy.ac.cy Abstract:
Demimartingales and demisubmartingales introduced by
Newman and Paper's Title:
Some Homogeneous Cyclic Inequalities of
Three Variables of Degree Three and Four Author(s):
We shall show that the three variable cubic inequality
Paper's Title:
On a Hilbert-type Inequality with the Polygamma Function Author(s):
Bing He and Bicheng Yang
Department of Mathematics, Guangdong Education College, Abstract:
By applying the method of weight function and the technique of real analysis, a Hilbert-type inequality with a best constant factor is established, where the best constant factor is made of the polygamma function. Furthermore, the inverse form is given. Paper's Title:
Error Estimates for Approximations of the Laplace transform of Functions in Lp Spaces Author(s):
Andrea Aglić Aljinović
Department of Applied Mathematics, Abstract:
In this paper error estimates of approximations in complex domain for the
Laplace transform are given for functions which vanish beyond a finite
domain and whose derivatives belongs to Lp spaces. New inequalities
concerning the Laplace transform, as well as estimates of the difference
between the two Laplace transforms are presented and used to obtain two
associated numerical rules and error bounds of their remainders.
Paper's Title:
On the Inequality with Power-Exponential Function Author(s):
Seiichi Manyama
Graduate School of Science
Osaka University
Japan Abstract:
In this paper, we prove the inequality
for 0<a<b. Other
related conjectures are also presented.
Paper's Title:
Turan Type Inequalities for Some Special Functions
W. T. Sulaiman
Department of Computer Engineering, Abstract:
In this paper new results concerning the q-polygamma and q-zeta functions are presented. Other generealizations of some known results are also obtained.
Paper's Title:
Expected Utility with Subjective Events Author(s):
Jacob Gyntelberg and Frank Hansen Bank for International Settlements,
We provide a new theory of expected utility with subjective events modeled by a lattice of
projections. This approach allows us to capture the notion of a ``small world'' as a context dependent
or local state space embedded into a subjective set of events, the ``grand world''. For each situation
the decision makers' subjective ``small world'' reflects the events perceived to be
relevant for the act under consideration. The subjective set of events need not
be representable by a classical state space. Maintaining preference axioms similar in spirit to the classical axioms, we obtain an expected utility representation which is consistent across local state spaces and separates subjective probability and utility. An added benefit is that this alternative expected utility representation allows for an intuitive distinction between risk and uncertainty. Paper's Title:
A One-Line Derivation of the Euler and Ostrogradski Equations
Olivier de La Grandville Stanford University, Abstract:
At the very heart of major results of
classical physics, the Euler and Ostrogradski equations have apparently no
intuitive interpretation. In this paper we show that this is not so. Relying
on Euler's initial geometric approach, we show that they can be obtained
through a direct reasoning that does not imply any calculation. The
intuitive approach we suggest offers two benefits: it gives immediate
significance to these fundamental second-order non-linear differential
equations; and second, it allows to obtain a property of the calculus of
variations that does not seem to have been uncovered until now: the Euler
and Ostrogradski equations can be derived not necessarily by giving a
variation to the optimal function -- as is always done; one could equally
well start by giving a variation to their derivative(s).
Paper's Title:
Some Functional Inequalities for the Geometric Operator Mean Author(s):
Mustapha Raissouli Taibah University, Faculty of Sciences,
Department of Mathematics, Abstract:
In this paper, we give some new inequalities of functional type
for the power geometric operator mean involving several arguments. Paper's Title:
Some Identities for Ramanujan - Göllnitz - Gordon Continued fraction
M. S. Mahadeva Naika, B. N. Dharmendra and S. Chandan Kumar Department of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Abstract:
In this paper, we obtain certain P--Q eta--function identities, using which we establish identities providing modular relations between Ramanujan-Göllnitz-Gordon
continued fraction H(q) and H(q^n)
for n= 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 25, 29 and 55.
Paper's Title:
Properties of Certain Multivalent Functions Involving Ruscheweyh Derivatives Author(s):
N-Eng Xu and Ding-Gong Yang
Department of Mathematics, Abstract:
Let Ap(p∈ N) be the class of functions
which are analytic
in the unit disk. By virtue of the Ruscheweyh derivatives we introduce the new
subclasses Cp(n,α,β,λ,μ) of Ap. Subordination relations, inclusion relations,
convolution properties and a sharp coefficient estimate are
obtained. We also give a sufficient condition for a function to be
in Cp(n,α,β,λ,μ) Paper's Title:
C*-algebras Associated Noncommutative Circle and Their K-theory Author(s):
Saleh Omran
Taif University, South Valley University, Abstract:
In this article we investigate the universal C*-algebras
associated to certain 1 - dimensional simplicial flag complexes
which describe the noncommutative circle. We denote it by S1nc. We examine the K-theory of this algebra and the subalgebras
S1nc/Ik, Ik . Where Ik, for each k, is
the ideal in S1nc generated by all products of generators
hs containing at least k+1 pairwise different generators.
Moreover we prove that such algebra divided by the
ideal I2 is commutative.
Paper's Title:
New Inequalities of Mill's Ratio and Application to The Inverse Q-function Approximation Author(s):
Pingyi Fan Department of Electronic Engineering,
In this paper, we investigate the Mill's ratio estimation problem and get two new inequalities. Compared to the well known results obtained by Gordon, they becomes tighter. Furthermore, we also discuss the inverse Q-function approximation problem and present some useful results on the inverse solution. Numerical results confirm the validness of our theoretical analysis. In addition, we also present a conjecture on the bounds of inverse solution on Q-function.
Paper's Title:
Application of Equivalence Method to Classify Monge-Ampčre Equations of Elliptic Type Author(s):
Moheddine Imsatfia E-mail:
imsatfia@math.jussieu.fr Abstract:
In this paper, we apply Cartan's equivalence method to give a local classification of Monge-Ampčre
equations of elliptic type. Then we find a necessary and sufficient conditions such that a Monge-Ampčre
equation is either contactomorphic to the Laplace equation or to an Euler-Lagrange equation.
Paper's Title:
A Nonhomogeneous Subdiffusion Heat Equation Author(s):
Joel-Arturo Rodriguez-Ceballos, Ana-Magnolia Marin, Ruben-Dario Ortiz Instituto Tecnológico de Morelia, E-mail:
joel@ifm.umich.mx Universidad de Cartagena, E-mail:
amarinr@unicartagena.edu.co E-mail:
joel@ifm.umich.mx Abstract:
In this paper we consider a nonhomogeneous subdiffusion heat equation of
fractional order with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Paper's Title:
On the Regularization of Hammerstein's type Operator Equations
E. Prempeh, I. Owusu-Mensah and K. Piesie-Frimpong Department of Mathematics, Department of Science Education, Department of Mathematics, E-mail:
isaacowusumensah@gmail.com E-mail:
eprempeh.cos@knust.edu.gh E-mail:
piesie74@yahoo.com Abstract:
We have studied Regularization of Hammerstein's Type Operator Equations in general Banach Spaces.
In this paper, the results have been employed to establish regularized solutions to Hammerstein's type operator equations in Hilbert spaces by looking at three cases of regularization. Paper's Title:
Examples of Fractals Satisfying the Quasihyperbolic Boundary Condition Author(s):
Petteri Harjulehto and Riku Klén Department of Mathematics and Statistics, E-mail:
petteri.harjulehto@utu.fi E-mail:
riku.klen@utu.fi Abstract:
In this paper we give explicit examples of bounded domains that satisfy the quasihyperbolic boundary condition and calculate the values for the constants. These domains are also John domains and we calculate John constants as well. The authors do not know any other paper where exact values of parameters has been estimated. Paper's Title:
Fractional class of analytic functions Defined Using q-Differential Operator
K . R. Karthikeyan, Musthafa Ibrahim and S. Srinivasan Department of Mathematics and
Statistics, College of Engineering, Department of Mathematics, Presidency
College (Autonomous), Abstract:
We define a q-differential fractional operator, which
generalizes Salagean and Ruscheweyh differential operators. We introduce and study a new class of analytic functions involving q-differential fractional operator. We also determine the necessary and sufficient conditions for functions to be in the class. Further, we obtain the coefficient estimates, extreme points, growth and distortion bounds. Paper's Title:
Numerical Radius Isometries between Hermitian Banach Algebras Author(s):
Mohamed Mabrouk and Ashwaq Albideewi Department of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Abstract:
In the case of C*-algebras, the author in
[2] showed that any linear unital and surjective
numerical radius isometry is a Jordan *-isomorphism. In this paper, we generalize this result
to the case of Hermitian Banach algebras. Paper's Title:
A Note on Taylor Expansions Without the Differentiability Assumption Author(s):
Moawia Alghalith Economics Dept.,
malghalith@gmail.com Abstract:
We introduce new Taylor expansions when the function is not differentiable. Retraction This article has been retracted under the authority of the Editor on Chief on
1 April, 2021. The PDF file is no longer available, but can be obtained from the
editorial office upon request. Paper's Title:
Some Inequalities of the Hermite-Hadamard Type for k-Fractional Conformable Integrals Author(s):
C.-J. Huang, G. Rahman, K. S. Nisar, A. Ghaffar and F. Qi Department of Mathematics, Ganzhou Teachers College,
Department of Mathematics, Shaheed Benazir
Bhutto University, Department of Mathematics, College of Arts
and Science at Wadi Aldawaser, 11991, Department of Mathematical Science,
Balochistan University of Information Technology, School of Mathematical Sciences, Tianjin
Polytechnic University, Abstract:
In the paper, the authors deal with generalized k-fractional conformable integrals, establish some inequalities of the Hermite-Hadamard
type for generalized k-fractional conformable integrals for convex functions, and generalize known inequalities of the Hermite-Hadamard type for conformable fractional integrals. Paper's Title:
Formulation of Approximate Mathematical Model for Incoming Water to Some Dams on Tigris and Euphrates Rivers Using Spline Function Author(s):
Nadia M. J. Ibrahem, Heba A. Abd Al-Razak, and Muna M. Mustafa Mathematics Department, Abstract:
In this paper, we formulate three mathematical models using spline functions, such as linear, quadratic and cubic functions to approximate the mathematical model for incoming water to some dams. We will implement this model on dams of both rivers; dams on the Tigris are Mosul and Amara while dams on the Euphrates are Hadetha and Al-Hindya. Paper's Title:
Weyl's theorem for class Q and k - quasi class Q Operators Author(s):
S. Parvatham and D. Senthilkumar Department of Mathematics and Humanities,
Post Graduate and Research Department of
Mathematics, Abstract:
In this paper, we give some properties of class Q
operators. It is proved that every class Q operators satisfies
Weyl's theorem under the condition that T2 is isometry.
Also we proved that every k quasi class Q operators is
Polaroid and the spectral mapping theorem holds for this class of operator. It
will be proved that single valued extension property, Weyl and generalized
Weyl's theorem holds for every k quasi class Q
operators. Paper's Title:
The Jacobson Density Theorem for Non-Commutative Ordered Banach
Algebras Author(s):
Kelvin Muzundu University of Zambia, Abstract:
The Jacobson density theorem for general non-commutative Banach algebras states as follows: Let
π be a continuous,
irreducible representation of a non-commutative Banach algebra A on a Banach space
X. If x1,x2,...,xn are
linearly independent in X and if y1,y2,...,yn are in
X, then there exists an a∈ A such that
π(a)xi=yi for i=1,2,...,n. By considering ordered Banach
algebras A and ordered Banach spaces X, we shall establish an
order-theoretic version of the Jacobson density theorem. Paper's Title:
Operators On Frames Author(s):
Javad Baradaran and Zahra Ghorbani Department of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Abstract:
In this paper, we first show the conditions under which an operator
on a Hilbert space H can be represented as sum of two unitary operators. Then, it is concluded that a Riesz
basis for a Hilbert space H can be written as a sum of two orthonormal bases. Finally, the study proves that if
A is a normal maximal partial isometry on a Hilbert space H and if
{ek}∞k=1 is an orthonormal
basis for H, then {Aek}∞k=1
is a 1-tight frame for H. Paper's Title:
Estimates of Norms on Krein Spaces Author(s):
Satheesh K. Athira, P. Sam Johnson and K. Kamaraj Department of Mathematical and Computational Sciences,
Department of Mathematical and
Computational Sciences, Department of Mathematics, Abstract:
Various norms can be defined on a Krein space by choosing different underlying fundamental decompositions. Some estimates of norms on Krein spaces are discussed and a few results in Bognar's paper are generalized. Paper's Title:
Some criteria for Subspace-hypercyclicity of C0-semigroups Author(s):
Mansooreh Moosapoor Department of Mathematics, Abstract:
We research subspace-hypercyclic C0-semigroups in this paper. We present various types of subspace-hypercyclicity criteria for C0-semigroups. Some of them are stronger than the criteria introduced before. Also, we state that if a C0-semigroup
(Tt}t≥ 0 satisfies in
any of them, then (Tt⊕Tt}t≥ 0 is subspace-hypercyclic. Paper's Title:
On Trigonometric Approximation of Continuous Functions by Deferred Matrix Means Author(s):
Xhevat Zahir Krasniqi Faculty of Education, Abstract:
In this paper, for the first time, we introduce the deferred matrix means which contain the well-known generalized deferred Nörlund, deferred Nörlund, deferred Riesz, deferred Cesŕro means introduced earlier by others, and a new class of sequences (predominantly a wider class than the class of Head Bounded Variation Sequences). In addition, using the deferred matrix means of Fourier series of a continuous function, we determine the degree of approximation of such function via its modulus of continuity and a positive mediate function. Paper's Title:
Timelike Surfaces with a Common Line of Curvature in Minkowski 3-Space Author(s):
M.K. Saad, A.Z. Ansari, M. Akram and F. Alharbi Department of Mathematics , Abstract:
In this paper, we analyze the problem of constructing a timelike surface family from a given non-null curve line of curvature. Using
the Frenet frame of the non-null curve in Minkowski space E13 we express the family of surfaces as a linear combination of the
components of this frame, and derive the necessary and sufficient conditions for the coefficients to satisfy both the line of curvature and the isoparametric requirements. In addition, a necessary and sufficient condition for the given non-null curve to satisfy the line of curvature and
the geodesic requirements is investigated. The extension to timelike surfaces of revolution is also outlined. Meanwhile, some representative non-null curves are chosen to construct the corresponding timelike surfaces which possessing these curves as lines of curvature. Results presented in this paper have applications in geometric
modeling and the manufacturing of products. In addition, some computational examples are given and plotted. Paper's Title:
Uniqueness Problems for Difference Polynomials Sharing a Non-Zero Polynomial of Certain Degree With Finite Weight
V. Priyanka, S. Rajeshwari and V. Husna Department of Mathematics, Abstract:
In this paper, we prove a result on the value distribution of difference polynomials sharing higher order derivatives of meromorphic functions which improves some earlier results. At the same time, we also prove possible uniqueness relation of entire functions when the difference polynomial generated by them sharing a non zero polynomial of certain degree. The result obtained in the paper will improve and generalize a number of recent results in a compact and convenient way. Paper's Title:
SQIRV Model for Omicron Variant with Time Delay Author(s):
S. Dickson, S. Padmasekaran, G. E. Chatzarakis and S. L. Panetsos Mathematics, Periyar University, Periyar
Palkalai Nagar, Salem, Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Educators, School of Abstract:
In order to examine the dynamics of the Omicron variant, this paper uses mathematical modelling and analysis of a SQIRV model, taking into account the delay in the conversion of susceptible individuals into infected individuals and infected individuals into recovered individuals. The pandemic was eventually controlled as a result of the massive delays. To assure the safety of the host population, this concept incorporates quarantine and the COVID-19 vaccine. Both local and global stability of the model are examined. It is found that the fundamental reproduction number affects both local and global stability conditions. Our findings show that asymptomatic cases caused by an affected population play an important role in increasing Omicron infection in the general population. The most recent data on the pandemic Omicron variant from Tamil Nadu, India, is verified. Paper's Title:
High Order Collocation Method for the Generalized Kuramoto-Sivashinsky Equation Author(s):
Zanele Mkhize, Nabendra
Parumasur and Pravin Singh School of Mathematics, Statistics and
Computer Sciences, Abstract:
In this paper, we derive the heptic Hermite basis functions and use them as basis functions in the orthogonal collocation on finite elements (OCFE) method. We apply the method to solve the generalized Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. Various numerical simulations are presented to justify the computational efficiency of the proposed method. Paper's Title:
Coefficient Bounds for Sakaguchi Kind of Functions Associated with Sine Function Author(s):
Serap Bulut, H. Priya and B. Srutha Keerth Kocaeli University, Department of Mathematics, Abstract:
In this paper, we introduce a new general subclass of analytic functions
with respect to symmetric points in the domain of sine function. We obtain
sharp coefficient bounds and upper bounds for the Fekete-Szegö functional. Also we get sharp bounds for the logarithmic coefficients of
functions belonging to this new class. Paper's Title:
Numerical Study of a Mathematical Model of a Free-Surface Potential Flow Author(s):
H. Serguine, F. Guechi and A. Gasmi Department Of Mathematics, Faculty of Science,
Laboratory of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and
Computer Science, Abstract:
In this work, the problem of a potential and two-dimensional flow with a free surface of an incompressible, irrotational and inviscid fluid of a jet in front an inclined wall is considered, where
γ is the inclination angle with the horizontal. The shape of the free surface is presented by curves which are found numerically by the series truncation method. This technique is based on the conformal
transformations, resulting with the surface tension effect T with the boundary conditions on the free surfaces given by Bernoulli's equation.
The found results are dependant on parameters which are: the Weber's number
α and the angle
γ. For each Weber's number value, only one solution is specified and some shapes of free surfaces of the jet are illustrated. Paper's Title:
Jordan Canonical Form of Interval Matrices and Applications Author(s):
S. Hema Surya, T. Nirmala and K. Ganesan Department of Mathematics, College of
Engineering and Technology, Abstract:
A square interval matrix over R can be converted to diagonal form if certain prerequisites are satisfied.
However not all square matrices can be diagonalized. As a consequence, we strive the next simplest form to which it can be reduced while retaining important properties such as eigenvalues, rank, nullity, and so on. It turns out that any real interval matrix has a Jordan Canonical Form (JCF) over
E if it has n interval eigenvalues in IR. We discuss in this paper a method for computing the Jordan canonical form of an interval matrix using a new pairing technique and a new type of interval arithmetic that will make classifying and analyzing interval matrices easier and more efficient. We conclude with a numerical example that supports the theory and application of predator-prey model. Paper's Title:
The Automatic Continuity of N-Homomorphisms in Certain *-Banach Algebras Author(s):
M. Aboulekhlef, Y. Tidli Laboratory of Applied Mathematics and
Information and Communication Technology Abstract:
In this study, we prove the automatic continuity of surjective n-homomorphism between
complete p-normed algebras. We show also that if
Α and Β are complete *-p-normed
algebras, Β is *simple and
ψ: Α
→ Β is a surjective n-homomorphism under certain conditions, then
ψ is continuous. Paper's Title:
Boundness of the Power Exponential Function a2b +b2a Author(s):
Yusuke Nishizawa, Yukuhito Yasuda Faculty of Education, Saitama University,
Faculty of Education, Saitama University,
In this paper, we consider the boundness of the power exponential function
a2b +b2a for nonnegative real numbers a and b.
The author proved that the function has the maximum value 1 for a + b =
˝, but it is no known that the minimum value
for a + b = ˝.
In this paper, we give the new proof of the function has the maximum value 1 and show that
a2b +b2a > 0.989905 for a + b =
˝. Paper's Title:
Optimal Conditions using Multi-valued G-Presic type Mapping Author(s):
Deb Sarkar, Ramakant Bhardwaj, Vandana Rathore, and Pulak Konar Department of Mathematics, Amity Department of Mathematics, Amity School of Engineering and Technology, Department of Mathematics, Abstract:
In the present paper, some best proximity results have been
presented using the concept of G-Presic type multi-valued mapping. These
results are the extensions of Presic's theorem in the non-self mapping. A suitable example has also been given. Here, some applications are presented in
θ-chainable space and ordered metric space. Paper's Title:
Commutator For Singular Operators On Variable Exponent Sequence Spaces And Their Corresponding Ergodic Version Author(s):
A.M. Alphonse and S.S.S. Anupindi Department of Mathematics, Abstract:
In this paper, we prove strong type inequality for maximal commutator of singular operator on weighted lp spaces. Using these results we prove strong type inequality for the maximal commutator
of singular operator on variable exponent sequence spaces.
Using Calderon-Coifman-Weiss transference principle we prove strong type inequality for maximal ergodic commutator of singular operator on a probability space equipped with measure preserving transformation
U. Paper's Title:
A New Look at the Equations of the Calculus of Variations Author(s):
Olivier de La Grandville Faculty of Economics, Goethe University
Frankfurt, Abstract:
We first offer an entirely new way to derive the
celebrated Euler equation of the calculus of variations. The advantage of
this approach is two-fold. On the one hand, it entirely eschews the two
hurdles encountered by Lagrange, which become challenging in the case of
elaborate functionals: getting rid of the arbitrary character of the
perturbation given to the optimal function, and demonstrating the
fundamental lemma of the calculus of variations. On the other hand, it leads
in a direct way to the remarkable discovery made by Robert Dorfman (
1969) when he introduced a modified
Hamiltonian, which we called a Dorfmanian (2018) to
honor his memory. In turn, extending the Dorfmanian enables to obtain
readily the fundamental equations of the calculus of variations for the
optimization of high-order functionals, or multiple integrals. Paper's Title:
Recursive Bounds for the Eigenvalues of Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices Author(s):
Pravin Singh, Shivani Singh, Virath Singh University of KwaZulu-Natal, University of South Africa, University of KwaZulu-Natal, E-mail:
singhv@ukzn.ac.za Abstract:
In this paper, we bound the extremal eigenvalues of a positive definite real symmetric matrix by considering a part of the characteristic equation in the region of the smallest and largest eigenvalues. An expansion around these values leads to a sequence of monotonic functions, whose zeros coincide with the extremal zeros of associated polynomials. The latter is shown to yield bounds that are fairly accurate. Paper's Title:
Automatic Continuity of Generalized Derivations in Certain *-Banach Algebras Author(s):
M. Aboulekhlef, Y. Tidli and M. Belam Laboratory of Applied Mathematics and
Information and Communication Technology Polydisciplinary Abstract:
Consider the map φ of the Banach algebra
Β in Β, if there exists a derivation
δ of Β
in Β so that for every x, y
∈ Β ,
φ(xy) =φ(x)y+xδ(y)
. φ is called a generalized derivation of
Β. In [9], Bresar introduced the concept of
generalized derivations.
We prove several results about the automatic continuity of generalized derivations on certain Banach algebras. Paper's Title:
Portfolio Optimization of Sharia and Non-Sharia Stocks Using Single Index Model (Case study: Jakarta Sharia Index and Kompas 100 Index) Author(s):
Kwardiniya Andawaningtyas, Muhammad Luthfi, Marjono, Endang Wahyu Handamari, Umu S'adah, Evi Ardiyani Department of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Abstract:
Stocks are instruments with high returns but also have increased risks. One way to overcome this risk is to form a stock portfolio. This study observed 30 sharia stocks listed on the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) and 28 non-shariah stocks listed on the Kompas 100 Index from March 2020 to September 2022. The data used is the daily closing price of stocks, the number of stock dividends, and the daily closing price of the Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) from 3rd March 2020, to 31st August 2022. In addition, interest rate of Bank Indonesia Certificate (SBI) is used as risk-free rate. This study aims to optimize the sharia and non-sharia stocks portfolio using the Single Index Model (SIM), which will then be evaluated using the Sharpe, Treynor, and Jensen ratio. The result is that the optimal portfolio of sharia stocks have better performance than the optimal portfolio of non-sharia stocks based on the Treynor ratio. Meanwhile, the optimal portfolio of non-sharia stocks have better performance than the optimal portfolio of sharia stocks based on the Sharpe and Jensen ratio. Paper's Title:
Asymptotic Behavior of Mixed
Type Functional Equations Author(s):
J. M. Rassias
Pedagogical Department, E.E., National and
Capodistrian University of Athens, Section of Mathematics And Informatics, 4, Agamemnonos
Str., Aghia Paraskevi, Athens 15342,Greece Abstract:
In 1983 Skof [24] was the first author to
solve the Ulam problem for additive mappings on a restricted domain. In 1998
Jung [14] investigated the Hyers-Ulam stability of additive and quadratic
mappings on restricted domains. In this paper we improve the bounds and thus the
results obtained by Jung [14], in 1998 and by the author [21], in 2002. Besides
we establish new theorems about the Ulam stability of mixed type functional
equations on restricted domains. Finally, we apply our recent results to the
asymptotic behavior of functional equations of different types. Paper's Title:
Generalized Fuglede-Putnam Theorem and Orthogonality Author(s):
A. Bachir and A. Sagres Department of
Mathematics, Faculty of Science, King Khaled
University, Abha, P.O. Box 9004 Kingdom Saudi Arabia
An asymmetric Fuglede-Putnam’s theorem for dominant operators
Manhattan, KS 66506-2602,
U. S. A.
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Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou, Gansu 730070, People's
Republic of China
2: Paper Source
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Ontario, Canada
Ontario, Canada
2: Paper Source
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Universitŕ degli Studi di Napoli "Parthenope",
Via Medina, 80133 Napoli,
Universitŕ degli Studi di Perugia,
Via Pascoli - 06123 Perugia,
2: Paper Source
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Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences,
Ibn Tofail University,
Kenitra, Morocco
Department of
Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences,
Ibn Zohr University,
Agadir, Morocco
2: Paper Source
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University of Cyprus
P.O.Box 20537, Nicosia 1678, Cyprus
Wright (1982) generalize the notion of martingales and
submartingales respectively. In this paper we define
multidimensionally indexed demimartingales and demisubmartingales
and prove a maximal inequality for this general class of random
variables. As a corollary we obtain a Hájek-Rényi inequality
for multidimensionally indexed associated random variables, the bound of which,
when reduced to the case of single index, is sharper than the bounds already
known in the literature.
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Department of Mathematics and Informatics,
Chiba University, Chiba 263-8522, JAPAN
t2 (a3+b3+c3) + (t4-2t)(ab2+bc2+ca2)
≥ (2t3-1)(a2b+b2c+c2a)
+ (3t4-6t3+3t2-6t+3)abc
holds for non-negative a, b, c, and for any real number t.
We also show some similar three variable cyclic quartic inequalities.
2: Paper Source
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Department of Mathematics, Guangdong Education College,
Guangzhou, 510303,
Guangzhou, 510303,
2: Paper Source
PDF document
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing,
University of Zagreb,
Unska 3, 10 000 Zagreb,
2: Paper Source
PDF document
2: Paper Source
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College of Engineering,
University of Mosul,
2: Paper Source
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Tohoku University, Institute for International Education,
2: Paper Source
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Department of Management Science and Engineering,
Stanford, CA 94305,
U. S. A
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Al Madinah Al Munawwarah, P.O.Box 30097,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
2: Paper Source
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Bangalore University,
Central College Campus,
Bangalore-560 001,
Maharani's Science College for Women,
J. L. B. Road, Mysore-570 001,
2: Paper Source
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Changshu Institute of Technology,
Changshu, Jiangsu 215500,
2: Paper Source
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Faculty of Science,
Faculty of Science,
Math. Dep.
2: Paper Source
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Tsinghua University, Beijing,
2: Paper Source
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2: Paper Source
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Morelia, Michoacan,
Campus San Pablo,
Cartagena de Indias, Bolivar,
2: Paper Source
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KNUST, Kumasi-
University of Education,
Presbyterian University College, Abetifi,
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FI-20014 University of Turku,
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Caledonian College of Engineering, Muscat,
Sultanate of Oman.
E-mail: kr_karthikeyan1979@yahoo.com
University of Buraimi, Al Buraimi,
Sultanate of Oman.
E-mail: musthafa.ibrahim@gmail.com
Chennai-600005, Tamilnadu,
2: Paper Source
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Faculty of Sciences Cite Erriadh,
University of Gabes,
6072 Zrig, Gabes,
E-mail: mohamed.mabrouk@fsg.rnu.tn
College of Applied Sciences,
Umm Al-Qura University,
P. O. Box 715,
Makkah 21955,
Saudi Arabia.
Email: Ashwaq.F.B@hotmail.com
2: Paper Source
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University of the West Indies,
St Augustine,
Trinidad and Tobago.
2: Paper Source
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Ganzhou 341000, Jiangxi,
hcj73jx@126.com ,
Sheringal, Upper Dir, Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa,
E-mail: gauhar55uom@gmail.com
Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Riyadh Region,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
E-mail: n.sooppy@psau.edu.sa,
Engineering and Management Sciences, Quetta,
E-mail: abdulghaffar.jaffar@gmail.com
Tianjin 300387,
China; Institute of Mathematics,
Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454010, Henan,
E-mail: qifeng618@gmail.com,
2: Paper Source
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College of Sciences for Women,
University of Baghdad, Baghdad,
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Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore-10, Tamilnadu,
E-mail: parvathasathish@gmail.com
Govt. Arts College, Coimbatore-641018, Tamilnadu,
E-mail: senthilsenkumhari@gmail.com
2: Paper Source
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Deparment of Mathematics and Statistics,
P.O. Box 32379, Lusaka,
E-mail: kmzundu@gmail.com
2: Paper Source
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Jahrom University, P.B. 7413188941,
Jahrom University, P.B. 7413188941,
E-mail: ghorbani@jahromu.ac.ir
2: Paper Source
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National Institute of Technology Karnataka,
Surathkal, Mangaluru 575 025,
E-mail: athirachandri@gmail.com
National Institute of Technology Karnataka,
Surathkal, Mangaluru 575 025,
University College of Engineering Arni,
Anna University, Arni 632 326,
E-mail: krajkj@yahoo.com
2: Paper Source
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Farhangian University, Tehran,
E-mail: m.mosapour@cfu.ac.ir
2: Paper Source
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University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina",
Avenue "Mother Theresa " no. 5, Prishtinë
Republic of Kosovo.
E-mail: xhevat.krasniqi@uni-pr.edu
2: Paper Source
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Faculty of Science,
Islamic University of Madinah,
2: Paper Source
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School of Engineering,
Presidency University,
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636011, Tamilnadu,
Pedagogical and Technological Education (ASPETE),
Marousi 15122, Athens,
E-mail: geaxatz@otenet.gr,
2: Paper Source
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University of KwaZulu-Natal,
Private Bag X 54001,
Durban 4000.
E-mail: mkhizez2@ukzn.ac.za
URL: https://www.ukzn.ac.za
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Faculty of Aviation and Space Sciences,
Arslanbey Campus, 41285 Kartepe-Kocaeli,
E-mail: serap.bulut@kocaeli.edu.tr
Department of Mathematics,
School of Advanced Sciences,
VIT Chennai Campus, Chennai - 600 048,
E-mail: priyaharikrishnan18@gmail.com,
School of Advanced Sciences,
VIT Chennai Campus, Chennai - 600 048,
E-mail: keerthivitmaths@gmail.com,
2: Paper Source
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Ferhat Abbas Universty,
19000, Setif,
E-mail: houria.serguine@univ-msila.dz
Department Of Mathematics, Faculty of Science,
Ferhat Abbas Universty,
19000, Setif,
E-mail: fairouz.chegaar@univ-setif.dz
Mohamed Boudiaf Universty,
28000, M'sila,
E-mail: abdelkader.gasmi@univ-msila.dz
2: Paper Source
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SRM Institute of Science and Technology,
E-mail: nirmalat@srmist.edu.in
2: Paper Source
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Polydisciplinary Faculty of Khouribga
University of Sultan Moulay Slimane
E-mail: aboulekhlef@gmail.com
2: Paper Source
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Shimo-okubo 255, Sakura-ku, Saitama-city, Saitama,
Shimo-okubo 255, Sakura-ku, Saitama-city, Saitama,
E-mail: y.yasuda.694@ms.saitama-u.ac.jp
2: Paper Source
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University, Kadampukur, 24PGS(N), Kolkata, West Bengal, 700135,
E-mail: debsarkar1996@gmail.com
University, Kadampukur, 24PGS(N), Kolkata, West Bengal, 700135,
E-mail: drrkbhardwaj100@gmail.com
Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal, MP-462044,
E-mail: drvandana@jlu.edu.in
VIT University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu-600127,
E-mail: pulakkonar@gmail.com
2: Paper Source
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Birla Institute of Technology And Science- Pilani,
Hyderabad Campus, Jawahar Nagar, Kapra Mandal,
District.-Medchal-500 078, Telangana,
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Theodore Adorno Platz 4, 60323 Frankfurt,
E-mail: odelagrandville@gmail.com
2: Paper Source
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Private Bag X54001,
Durban, 4001,
South Africa.
Department of Decision Sciences, PO Box 392,
South Africa.
Private Bag X54001,
Durban, 4001,
South Africa.
2: Paper Source
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Faculty of Khouribga University of Sultan Moulay Slimane
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Brawijaya University, Malang,
IPB University, Bogor,
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Paper's Title:
Reverse of Martin's Inequality
Chao-Ping Chen, Feng Qi, and Sever S. Dragomir
Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics,
Research Institute of Applied
Henan Polytechnic University,
Jiaozuo City, Henan 454010, China
Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics,
Research Institute of Applied
Henan Polytechnic University,
Jiaozuo City, Henan 454010, China
Url: http://rgmia.vu.edu.au/qi.html
School of Computer Science and Mathematics,
Victoria University of Technology,
P. O. Box 14428, Melbourne City Mc,
Victoria 8001, Australia
Url: http://rgmia.vu.edu.au/SSDragomirWeb.html
In this paper, it is proved that
for all natural numbers n, and all real r < 0.
Paper's Title:
On a Criteria for Strong Starlikeness
V. Ravichandran, M. Darus, and N. Seenivasagan
School Of Mathematical Sciences,
Universiti Sains Malaysia,
11800 Usm Penang, Malaysia
URL: http://cs.usm.my/~vravi
School of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Sciences and Technology,
Ukm, Bangi 43600, Malaysia
Sindhi College, 123, P. H. Road, Numbal,
Chennai 600 077 India
In this paper, we are concerned with finding sufficient condition for certain normalized analytic function f(z) defined on the open unit disk in the complex plane to be strongly starlike of order
α. Also we have obtained similar results for certain functions defined by Ruscheweyh derivatives and Sălăgean derivatives. Further extension of these results are given for certain p-valent analytic functions defined through a linear operator.
Paper's Title:
Weak Solution for Hyperbolic Equations with a Non-Local Condition
Lazhar Bougoffa
King Khalid
University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics,
P.O.Box 9004, Abha, Saudi Arabia
In this paper, we study hyperbolic equations with a non-local condition. We prove
the existence and uniqueness of weak solutions, using energy inequality and the density of the
range of the operator generated by the problem.
Paper's Title:
Quantitative Estimates for Positive Linear Operators Obtained by Means of Piecewise Linear Functions
Vasile Mihesan
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca,
Department of Mathematics,
Str. C. Daicoviciu 15,
In this paper we obtain estimates for the remainder in approximating continuous
functions by positive linear operators, using piecewise linear functions.
Paper's Title:
A general theory of decision making
Frank Hansen
Department of Economics,
University of Copenhagen,
Studiestraede 6, DK-1455 Copenhagen K
URL: http://www.econ.ku.dk/okofh
We formulate a general theory of decision making based on a lattice of observable events, and we exhibit
a large class of representations called the general model. Some of the representations are equivalent to
the so called standard model in which observable events are modelled by
an algebra of measurable subsets of a state space, while others are not compatible with such a description.
We show that the general model collapses to the standard model, if and only if an additional axiom
is satisfied. We argue that this axiom is not very
natural and thus assert that the standard model may not be general enough to model all relevant
phenomena in economics. Using the general model we are
(as opposed to Schmeidler [16]) able to rationalize Ellsberg's paradox
without the introduction of non-additive measures.
Paper's Title:
Weyl Transform Associated With Bessel and Laguerre Functions
E. Jebbari and M . Sifi
Department of Mathematics Faculty of Sciences of Tunis,
1060 Tunis,
We define and study the Wigner transform associated to Bessel and Laguerre transform and we prove an inversion formula for this transform. Next we consider a class of symbols which allows to define the Bessel-Laguerre Weyl transform. We establish a relation between the Wigner and Weyl transform. At last, we discuss criterion in term of symbols for the boundedness and compactness of the Bessel-Laguerre Weyl transform.
Paper's Title:
Analysis of the Flow Field in Stenosed Bifurcated Arteries Through a Mathematical Model
S. Chakravarty and S. Sen
Department of Mathematics, Visva-Bharati University,
Santiniketan 731235,
The present study is dealt with an appropriate mathematical model
of the arotic bifurcation in the presence of constrictions using which
the physiological flow field is analized. The geometry of the bifurcated
arterial segment having constrictions in both the parent and its daughter
arterial lumen frequently occurring in the diseased arteries causing
malfunction of the cardiovascular system , is formed mathematically
with the introduction of appropriate curvatures at the lateral junctions
and the flow divider. The flowing blood contained in the stenosed
bifurcated artery is treated to be Newtonian and the flow is considered
to be two dimensional. The motion of the arterial wall and its effect
on local fluid mechanics is not ruled out from the present pursuit.
The flow analysis applies the time-dependent, two-dimensional incompressible
nonlinear Navier-Stokes equations for Newtonian fluid. The flow field
can be obtained primarily following the radial coordinate transformation
and using the appropriate boundary conditions and finally adopting
a suitable finite difference scheme numerically. The influences of
the arterial wall distensibility and the presence of stenosis on the
flow field, the flow rate and the wall shear stresses are quantified
in order to indicate the susceptibility to atherosclerotic lesions
and thereby to validate the applicability of the present theoretical
Paper's Title:
Weighted Generalization of the Trapezoidal Rule via Fink Identity
S. Kovač, J. Pečarić and A. Vukelić
Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering, University of Zagreb,
Hallerova aleja 7, 42000 Varaždin,
Faculty of Textile Technology, University of Zagreb,
Pierottijeva 6, 10000 Zagreb,
Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, Mathematics department, University of Zagreb,
Pierottijeva 6, 10000 Zagreb,
The weighted Fink identity is given and used to obtain generalized
weighted trapezoidal formula for n-time differentiable functions.
Also, an error estimate is obtained for this formula.
Paper's Title:
Generalizations of Hermite-Hadamard's Inequalities for Log-Convex Functions
Ai-Jun Li
School of Mathematics and Informatics,
Henan Polytechnic University,
Jiaozuo City, Henan Province,
454010, China.
In this article, Hermite-Hadamard's inequalities are extended in
terms of the weighted power mean and log-convex
function. Several refinements, generalizations and related
inequalities are obtained.
Paper's Title:
Existence of Solutions for Third Order Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems
Yue Hu and Zuodong Yang
School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210097,
College of Zhongbei, Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210046,
In this paper, the existence of solution for a class of third order quasilinear ordinary differential equations with nonlinear boundary value problems
(Φp(u"))'=f(t,u,u',u"), u(0)=A, u'(0)=B, R(u'(1),u"(1))=0
is established. The results are obtained by using upper and lower solution methods.
Paper's Title:
On Sandwich Theorems for Certain Subclass of Analytic Functions Involving Dziok-Srivastava Operator
T. N. Shanmugam, M. P. Jeyarama and A. Singaravelu
Department of Mathematics
College of Engineering, Anna University
Chennai - 600 025,
Department of Mathematics
Easwari Engineering College
Ramapuram, Chennai - 600089
Tamilnadu, India
Department of Mathematics
Valliammai Engineering College
Chennai - 603203
Tamilnadu, India.
The purpose of this present paper is to derive some subordination and superordination results for certain normalized analytic functions in the open unit disk, acted upon by Dziok-Srivastava operator. Relevant connections of the results, which are presented in this paper, with various known results are also considered.
Paper's Title:
Some Inequalities for a Certain Class of Multivalent Functions
Using Multiplier Transformation
K. Suchithra, B. Adolf Stephen, A. Gangadharan and S. Sivasubramanian
Department Of Applied Mathematics
Sri Venkateswara College Of Engineering
Sriperumbudur, Chennai - 602105,
Department Of Mathematics,
Madras Christian College
Chennai - 600059,
Department Of Applied Mathematics
Sri Venkateswara College Of Engineering
Sriperumbudur, Chennai - 602105,
Department Of Mathematics,
Easwari Engineering College
Ramapuram, Chennai - 600089,
The object of the present paper is to derive several inequalities
associated with differential subordinations between analytic functions
and a linear operator defined for a certain family of p-valent
functions, which is introduced here by means of a family of extended
multiplier transformations. Some special cases and consequences of
the main results are also considered.
Paper's Title:
Long Correlations Applied to the Study of Agricultural Indices in Comparison with the S&P500 index
M. C. Mariani, J. Libbin, M.P. Beccar Varela,
V. Kumar Mani, C. Erickson, D.J. Valles Rosales
Department of Mathematical Sciences,
Science Hall 236, New Mexico State University,
Las Cruces, NM 88003-8001,
Long-time correlations in agricultural indices are studied and their behavior is compared to the well-established S&P500 index. Hurst exponent and Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) techniques are used in this analysis. We detected long-correlations in the agricultural indices and briefly discussed some features specific in comparison to the S&P500 index.
Paper's Title:
Fractional Integral Operators and Olsen Inequalities on
Non-Homogeneous Spaces
Idha Sihwaningrum, Herry P. Suryawan, Hendra Gunawan
Analysis and Geometry Group,
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung 40132,
We prove the boundedness of the fractional integral operator Iα on generalized Morrey spaces of non-homogeneous type. In addition, we also present Olsen-type inequalities for a multiplication operator involving Iα. Our proof uses a result of García-Cuerva and Martell [3].
Paper's Title:
Solution of One Conjecture on Inequalities with Power-Exponential Functions.
Seiichi Manyama
Graduate School of Science
Osaka University
In this paper, we prove the open inequality aea+beb≥ aeb+bea for all positive real numbers a and b.
Paper's Title:
Shape Diagrams for 2D Compact Sets - Part I: Analytic
Convex Sets.
S. Rivollier, J. Debayle and J.-C. Pinoli
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne,
CIS - LPMG, UMR CNRS 5148, 158 cours Fauriel,
42023 Saint-Etienne Cedex 2, France.
debayle@emse.fr; pinoli@emse.fr
Shape diagrams are representations in the Euclidean plane introduced to study 3-dimensional and 2-dimensional compact convex sets. Such a set is represented by a point within a shape diagram whose coordinates are morphometrical functionals defined as normalized ratios of geometrical functionals. Classically, the geometrical functionals are the area, the perimeter, the radii of the inscribed and circumscribed circles, and the minimum and maximum Feret diameters. They allow thirty-one shape diagrams to be built. Most of these shape diagrams can also been applied to more general compact sets than compact convex sets. Starting from these six classical geometrical functionals, a detailed comparative study has been performed in order to analyze the representation relevance and discrimination power of these thirty-one shape diagrams. The purpose of this paper is to present the first part of this study, by focusing on analytic compact convex sets. A set will be called analytic if its boundary is piecewise defined by explicit functions in such a way that the six geometrical functionals can be straightforwardly calculated. The second and third part of the comparative study are published in two following papers [19.20]. They are focused on analytic simply connected sets and convexity discrimination for analytic and discretized simply connected sets, respectively.
Paper's Title:
On an Elliptic Over-Determined Problem in Dimension Two
Lakhdar Ragoub
Department of Mathematics and Information of Tiyadhechnology
AL Yamamah University
P.O. Box 45 180, Riyadh 11 512
Saudi Arabia.
We extend the method of Weinberger for a
non-linear over-determined elliptic problem
in R2.
We prove that the domain in consideration is a ball. The
tool of this investigation are maximum principles and P-functions.
Paper's Title:
A New Method for Comparing Closed Intervals
Ibraheem Alolyan
Department of Mathematics, College of Sciences,
King Saud University, P. O. Box 2455, Riyadh 11451,
Saudi Arabia
The usual ordering ``≤" on R is a total ordering, that is, for any two real numbers in R, we can determine their order without difficulty. However, for any two closed intervals in R, there is not a natural ordering among the set of all closed intervals in R. Several methods have been developed to compare two intervals. In this paper, we define the μ-ordering which is a new method for ordering closed intervals.
Paper's Title:
A-Normal Operators In Semi Hilbertian Spaces
A. Saddi
Department of Mathematics,
College of Education for Girls in Sarat Ebeidah 61914, Abha,
King Khalid University
Saudi Arabia
In this paper we study some properties and inequalities of A-normal operators in semi-Hilbertian spaces by employing some known results for vectors in inner product spaces. We generalize also most of the inequalities of (α,β)-normal operators discussed in Hilbert spaces [7].
Paper's Title:
On the Three Variable Reciprocity Theorem and Its Applications
D. D. Somashekara and D. Mamta
Department of Studies in Mathematics,
University of Mysore,
Manasagangotri, Mysore-570 006
Department of Mathematics,
The National Institute of Engineering,
Mysore-570 008,
In this paper we show how the three variable reciprocity theorem can be easily derived from the well known two variable reciprocity theorem of Ramanujan by parameter augmentation. Further we derive some q-gamma, q-beta and eta-function identities from the three variable reciprocity theorem.
Paper's Title:
On Generalized Triangle Inequality in p-Freéchet Spaces, 0<p<1
M. A. Latif
Department of Mathematics,
University of Hail, Hail,
Saudi Arabia
In this paper generalized triangle inequality and its reverse in a p-Fréchet space where, 0<p<1 are obtained.
Paper's Title:
Solution of Inequalities with Power-Exponential Functions by Cîrtoaje
Masaki Hisasue
Asahikawa fuji girls' high school,
Asahikawa Hanasaki-cho 6-3899, Hokkaido,
In this paper, we prove the open inequality a2b+b^2a < 1 for all nonnegative real numbers a and b such that a+b=1.
Paper's Title:
On Some Relations Among the Solutions of the Linear Volterra Integral Equations
Ismet Ozdemir and Faruk Temizer
Inönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi,
The sufficient conditions for y1(x)≤ y2(x) were given in [1] such that ym(x)=fm(x)+∫ax Km(x, t)ym(t)dt,(m=1,2) and x∈ [a, b]. Some properties such as positivity, boundedness and monotonicity of the solution of the linear Volterra integral equation of the form f(t)=1-∫0tK(t-τ)f(τ)dτ=1-K*f, (0≤ t<∞) were obtained, without solving this equation, in [3,4,5,6]. Also, the boundaries for functions f', f'',..., f(n),(n ∈ N) defined on the infinite interval [0, ∞) were found in [7,8].
In this work, for the given equation f(t)=1-K* f and n≥ 2, it is derived that there exist the functions L2, L3,..., Ln which can be obtained by means of K and some inequalities among the functions f, h2, h3,..., hi for i=2, 3,...., n are satisfied on the infinite interval [0, ∞), where hi is the solution of the equation hi(t)=1-Li* hi and n is a natural number.
Paper's Title:
A Geometric Generalization of Busemann-Petty Problem
Liu Rong and Yuan Jun
Shanghai Zhangjiang Group Junior Middle School,
Huo Xiang Road, Shanghai, 201203,
The norm defined by Busemann's inequality establishes a class of star body - intersection body. This class of star body plays a key role in the solution of Busemann-Petty problem. In 2003, Giannapoulos [1] defined a norm for a new class of half-section. Based on this norm, we give a geometric generalization of Busemann-Petty problem, and get its answer as a result
Paper's Title:
On A Conjecture of A Logarithmically Completely Monotonic Function
Valmir Krasniqi, Armend Sh. Shabani
Department of Mathematics,
University of Prishtina,
Republic of Kosova
In this short note we prove a conjecture, related to a logarithmically completely monotonic function, presented in [5]. Then, we extend by proving a more generalized theorem. At the end we pose an open problem on a logarithmically completely monotonic function involving q-Digamma function.
Paper's Title:
A Short Proof of an Open Inequality with Power-Exponential Functions
Mitsuhiro Miyagi and Yusuke Nishizawa
General Education, Ube National College of
Tokiwadai 2-14-1, Ube,
Yamaguchi 755-8555,
V. Cîrtoaje conjectured that a3b + b3a + ( (a -b)/2 )4 ≤ 2 holds for all nonnegative numbers a and b with a +b =2. In this short note, we give a proof of the Cîrtoaje's conjecture with power-exponential functions.
Paper's Title:
L∞- Error Estimate of Schwarz Algorithm for Elliptic Quasi-Variational Inequalities Related to Impulse Control Problem
Saadi Samira and Mehri Allaoua
Lab. LANOS, Department of Mathematics,
University Badji Mokhtar Annaba,
P.O.Box 12, Annaba 23000,
Lab. LAIG, Department of Mathematics,
University May 8th 1945,
P.O.Box 401, Guelma 24000,
In this work, we study Schwarz method for a class of elliptic quasi-variational inequalities. The principal result of this investigation is to prove the error estimate in ∞-norm for two domains with overlapping nonmatching grids, using the geometrical convergence, and the uniform convergence of Cortey Dumont.
Paper's Title:
On Some Estimates for the Logarithmic Mean
Shuhei Wada
Department of Information and Computer
Kisarazu National College of Technology,
Kisarazu, Chiba 292-0041,
E-mail: wada@j.kisarazu.ac.jp
We show some estimates for the logarithmic mean that are obtained from operator inequalities between the Barbour path and the Heinz means.
Paper's Title:
Ap Functions and Maximal Operator
Chunping Xie
Department of Mathematics,
Milwaukee School of Engineering,
1025 N. Broadway,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202,
U. S. A.
E-mail: xie@msoe.edu
URL: http://www.msoe.edu/people/chunping.xie
The relationship between Ap functions and Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator on Lp,λ(w), the weighted Morrey space, has been studied. Also the extropolation theorem of Lp,λ(w) has been considered.
Paper's Title:
Sufficient Conditions for Certain Types of Functions to be Parabolic Starlike
A. Gangadharan and S. Chinthamani
Department of Mathematics,
Easwari Engineering College,
Ramapuram, Chennai - 89,
Research Scholar,
Anna University,
E-mail: ganga.megalai@gmail.com
E-mail: chinvicky@rediffmail.com
In this paper sufficient conditions are determined for functions of the form and certain other types of functions to be parabolic starlike.
Paper's Title:
Existence and Regularity of Minima of an Integral Functional in Unbounded Domain
L. Aharouch, J. Bennouna and A. Bouajaja
King Khalid University
Faculty of Arts and Science Mha'l Asir
Saudi Arabia.
E-mail: laharouch@gmail.com
Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah
Faculté des Sciences Dhar-Mahraz
B.P 1796 Atlas Fčs,
Email: jbennouna@hotmail.com
E-mail: kadabouajaja@hotmail.com
We prove the existence and the regularity of minima for a functional defined on a suitable Sobolev space.
Paper's Title:
On Eigenvalues and Boundary Curvature of the C*-algebra Numerical Rang
M. T. Heydari
Department of Mathematics,
College of Sciences,
Yasouj University,
Yasouj, 75914-74831,
E-mail: heydari@yu.ac.ir
Let A be a C*-algebra with unit 1 and a∈A be a nilpotent. By Donoghue's Theorem, all corner points of its numerical range V(a) belong to the spectrum σ(a). It is therefore natural to expect that, more generally, the distance from a point p on the boundary ∂ V(a) of V(a) to σ(a) should be in some sense bounded by the radius of curvature of ∂ V(a) at p.
Paper's Title:
On a Class of Meromorphic Functions of Janowski Type Related with a Convolution Operator
Abdul Rahman S. Juma, Husamaldin I. Dhayea
Department of
Alanbar University, Ramadi,
E-mail: dr_juma@hotmail.com
Department of Mathematics,
Tikrit University, Tikrit,
URL: husamaddin@gmail.com
In this paper, we have introduced and studied new operator $Qkλ,m,γ by the Hadamard product (or convolution) of two linear operators Dkλ and Im,γ, then using this operator to study and investigate a new subclass of meromorphic functions of Janowski type, giving the coefficient bounds, a sufficient condition for a function to belong to the considered class and also a convolution property. The results presented provide generalizations of results given in earlier works.
Paper's Title:
Properties of q-gamma and q-beta functions derived from the q-Gauss-Pólya inequalities
Sanja Varošanec
Department of Mathematics,
University of Zagreb,
Zagreb, Croatia
We consider log-convexity and other properties of several functions related to q-gamma and q-beta functions. These properties are consequences of the general inequality, so-called q-analogue of the Gauss-Pólya inequality. Various inequalities involving these special functions are also given.
Paper's Title:
Inequalities for the Area Balance of Functions of Bounded Variation
Sever S. Dragomir1,2
1Mathematics, School of Engineering
& Science
Victoria University, PO Box 14428
Melbourne City, MC 8001,
E-mail: sever.dragomir@vu.edu.au
2DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in the Mathematical and Statistical Sciences,
School of Computer Science & Applied Mathematics,
University of the Witwatersrand,
Private Bag 3, Johannesburg 2050,
South Africa
We introduce the area balance function associated to a Lebesgue
integrable function f:[a,b] →C by
Several sharp bounds for functions of bounded variation are provided. Applications for Lipschitzian and convex functions are also given.
Paper's Title:
Some interesting properties of finite continuous Cesŕro operators
Abdelouahab Mansour and Abderrazak Hechifa
Operator theory laboratory (LABTHOP),
Eloued University,
Mathematics Department,
Faculty of Science,
Badji Mokhtar University, -Annaba,
A complex scalar λ is called an extended eigenvalue of a bounded linear operator T on a complex Banach space if there is a nonzero operator X such that TX = λ XT, the operator X is called extended eigenoperator of T corresponding to the extended eigenvalue λ.
In this paper we prove some properties of extended eigenvalue and extended eigenoperator for C1 on Lp([0,1]), where C1 is the Cesŕro operator defined on the complex Banach spaces Lp([0 , 1]) for 1<p<∞ by the expression
Paper's Title:
Credibility Based Fuzzy Entropy Measure
G. Yari, M. Rahimi, B. Moomivand and P. Kumar
Department of Mathematics,
Iran University
of Science and Technology,
Mehr Iran Bank, Tehran,
Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
University of Northern British Columbia,
Prince George, BC,
Fuzzy entropy is the entropy of a fuzzy variable, loosely representing the information of uncertainty. This paper, first examines both previous membership and credibility based entropy measures in fuzzy environment, and then suggests an extended credibility based measure which satisfies mostly in Du Luca and Termini axioms. Furthermore, using credibility and the proposed measure, the relative entropy is defined to measure uncertainty between fuzzy numbers. Finally we provide some properties of this Credibility based fuzzy entropy measure and to clarify, give some examples.
Paper's Title:
Robust Error Analysis of Solutions to Nonlinear Volterra Integral Equation in Lp Spaces
Hamid Baghani, Javad Farokhi-Ostad and Omid Baghani
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of
University of Sistan and Baluchestan, P.O. Box 98135-674, Zahedan,
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of
Basic Sciences,
Birjand University of Technology, Birjand,
E-mail: j.farrokhi@birjandut.ac.ir
Department of Mathematics and Computer
Hakim Sabzevari University, P.O. Box 397, Sabzevar,
In this paper, we propose a novel strategy for proving an important inequality for a contraction integral equations. The obtained inequality allows us to express our iterative algorithm using a "for loop" rather than a "while loop". The main tool used in this paper is the fixed point theorem in the Lebesgue space. Also, a numerical example shows the efficiency and the accuracy of the proposed scheme.
Paper's Title:
Stability of the D-Bar Reconstruction Method for Complex Conductivities
1S. El Kontar, 1T. El Arwadi, 1H. Chrayteh, 2J.-M. Sac-Épée
1Department of Mathematics and
Computer Science,
Faculty of Science, Beirut Arab University,
P.O. Box: 11-5020, Beirut,
E-mail: srs915@student.bau.edu.lb
2Institut Élie Cartan de
Université de Lorraine - Metz,
In 2000, Francini solved the inverse conductivity problem for twice-differentiable conductivities and permittivities. This solution was considered to be the first approach using D-bar methods with complex conductivities. In 2012, based on Francini's work, Hamilton introduced a reconstruction method of the conductivity distribution with complex values. The method consists of six steps. A voltage potential is applied on the boundary. Solving a D-Bar equation gives the complex conductivity. In this paper, the stability of the D-Bar equation is studied via two approximations, texp and tB, for the scattering transform. The study is based on rewriting the reconstruction method in terms of continuous operators. The conductivity is considered to be non smooth.
Paper's Title:
Wavelet Frames in Higher Dimensional Sobolev Spaces
Raj Kumar, Manish Chauhan, and Reena
Department of Mathematics,
Kirori Mal College, University of Delhi,
New Delhi-110007,
E-mail: rajkmc@gmail.com
Department of Mathematics,
University of Delhi,
New Delhi-110007,
E-mail: manish17102021@gmail.com
Department of Mathematics,
Hans Raj College, University of Delhi,
New Delhi-110007,
E-mail: reena.bhagwat29@gmail.com
In this paper, we present sufficient condition for the sequence of vectors to be a frame for Hs(Rd) are derived. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the sequence of vectors to be tight wavelet frames in Hs(Rd) are obtained. Further, as an application an example of tight wavelet frames for Hs(R2) as bivariate box spline over 3-direction are given.
Paper's Title:
Some properties of quasinormal, paranormal and 2-k* paranormal operators
Shqipe Lohaj
Department of Mathematics,
University of Prishtina,
E-mail: shqipe.lohaj@uni-pr.edu
In the beginning of this paper some conditions under which an operator is partial isometry are given. Further, the class of 2-k* paranormal operators is defined and some properties of this class in Hilbert space are shown. It has been proved that an unitarily operator equivalent with an operator of a 2-k* paranormal operator is a 2-k* paranormal operator, and if is a 2-k* paranormal operator, that commutes with an isometric operator, then their product also is a $2-k^*$ paranormal operator.
Paper's Title:
Mapped Chebyshev Spectral Methods for Solving Second Kind Integral Equations on the Real Line
Ahmed Guechi and Azedine Rahmoune
Department of Mathematics, University of Bordj Bou Arréridj,
El Anasser, 34030, BBA,
E-mail: a.guechi2017@gmail.com
E-mail: a.rahmoune@univ-bba.dz
In this paper we investigate the utility of mappings to solve numerically an important class of integral equations on the real line. The main idea is to map the infinite interval to a finite one and use Chebyshev spectral-collocation method to solve the mapped integral equation in the finite interval. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the accuracy of the method.
Paper's Title:
Polyanalytic Functions on Subsets of Z[i]
Abtin Daghighi
Linköping University,
SE-581 83,
E-mail: abtindaghighi@gmail.com
For positive integers q we consider the kernel of the powers Lq where L is one of three kinds of discrete analogues of the Cauchy-Riemann operator. The first two kinds are well-studied, but the third kind less so. We give motivations for further study of the third kind especially since its symmetry makes it more appealing for the cases q≥ 2.
From an algebraic perspective it makes sense that the chosen multiplication on the kernels is compatible with the choice of pseudo-powers. We propose such multiplications together with associated pseudo-powers. We develop a proof-tool in terms of certain sets of uniqueness.
Paper's Title:
On Commutator of Aluthge Transforms and Fuglede-Putnam Property
(Manzar Maleki, Ali Reza Janfada and Seyed Mohammad Sadegh Nabavi Sales
International Campus, Faculty of
Mathematical Sciences,
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad,
E-mail: manzar.maleki@gmail.com
Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics,
Department of Mathematics,
University of Birjand,
P. O. Box 414, Birjand 9717851367,
E-mail: ajanfada@birjand.ac.ir
Department of Pure Mathematics, Hakim
Sabzevari University,
P.O. Box 397, Sabzevar,
E-mail: sadegh.nabavi@hsu.ac.ir
We deal with the well-known Fuglede-Putnam theorem and related FP-property. We show that if (A,B) has the FP-property, then so has where 0≤ t1,t2≤1 are arbitrary. We first prove that if and only if AX=XB for all X, whenever (A,B) has the FP-property. We prove some similar results for instead of $ as well. Also we introduce the sequence of generalized iterations of Aluthge transform of operators and express some results for this notion associated to the FP-property.
Paper's Title:
Polynomial Dichotomy of C0-Quasi Semigroups in Banach Spaces
Sutrima1,2, Christiana Rini Indrati2, Lina Aryati2
1Department of Mathematics,
Universitas Sebelas Maret,
PO Box 57126, Surakarta,
E-mail: sutrima@mipa.uns.ac.id
2Department of Mathematics,
Universitas Gadjah Mada,
PO Box 55281, Yogyakarta,
E-mail: rinii@ugm.ac.id,
Stability of solutions of the problems is an important aspect for application purposes. Since its introduction by Datko [7], the concept of exponential stability has been developed in various types of stability by various approaches. The existing conditions use evolution operator, evolution semigroup, and quasi semigroup approach for the non-autonomous problems and a semigroup approach for the autonomous cases. However, the polynomial stability based on C0-quasi semigroups has not been discussed in the references. In this paper we propose a new stability for C0-quasi semigroups on Banach spaces i.e the polynomial stability and polynomial dichotomy. As the results, the sufficient and necessary conditions for the polynomial and uniform polynomial stability are established as well as the sufficiency for the polynomial dichotomy. The results are also confirmed by the examples.
Paper's Title:
Hankel Operators on Copson's Spaces
Nicolae Popa
Institute of Mathematics of Romanian Academy,
P.O. BOX 1-764
RO-014700 Bucharest,
E-mail: Nicolae.Popa@imar.ro, npopafoc@gmail.com
We give a characterization of boundedness of a Hankel matrix, generated by a pozitive decreasing sequence, acting on Copson's space cop(2).
Paper's Title:
An Analytical Solution of Perturbed Fisher's Equation Using Homotopy Perturbation Method (HPM), Regular Perturbation Method (RPM) and Adomian Decomposition Method (ADM)
Moussa Bagayogo, Youssouf Minoungou, Youssouf Pare
Departement de Mathematique,
Universite Ouaga I Pr Joseph Ki-Zerbo,
Burkina Faso.
In this paper, Homotopy Perturbation Method (HPM), Regular Pertubation Method (RPM) and Adomian decomposition Method (ADM) are applied to Fisher equation. Then, the solution yielding the given initial conditions is gained. Finally, the solutions obtained by each method are compared
Paper's Title:
On the Polyconvolution of Hartley Integral Transforms H1, H2, H1 and Integral Equations
Nguyen Minh Khoa and Dau Xuan Luong
Department of Mathematics,
Electric Power University,
Ha Noi, and Faculty of Fundamental Science,
Ha Long University, Quang Ninh,
Viet Nam.
E-mail: khoanm@epu.edu.vn,
In this paper, we construct and study a new polyconvolution * (f,g,h)(x) of functions f, g, h. We will show that the polyconvolution satisfy the following factorization equality
H1[*(f,g,h)](y)=(H2f)(y)(H1g)(y)(H1h)(y), ∀y∈ R.
We prove the existence of this polyconvolution in the space L(R). As examples, applications to solve an integral equation of polyconvolution type and two systems of integral equations of polyconvolution type are presented.
Paper's Title:
Analysis of a Frictional Contact Problem for Viscoelastic Piezoelectric Materials
Meziane Said Ameur, Tedjani Hadj Ammar and Laid Maiza
Departement of Mathematics,
El Oued University,
P.O. Box 789, 39000 El Oued,
Departement of Mathematics,
El Oued University,
P.O. Box 789, 39000 El Oued,
Department of Mathematics,
Kasdi Merbah University,
30000 Ouargla,
E-mail: maiza.laid@univ-ouargla.dz
In this paper, we consider a mathematical model that describes the quasi-static process of contact between two thermo-electro-viscoelastic bodies with damage and adhesion. The damage of the materials caused by elastic deformations. The contact is frictional and modeled with a normal compliance condition involving adhesion effect of contact surfaces. Evolution of the bonding field is described by a first order differential equation. We derive variational formulation for the model and prove an existence and uniqueness result of the weak solution. The proof is based on arguments of evolutionary variational inequalities, parabolic inequalities, differential equations, and fixed point theorem.
Paper's Title:
On Ruled Surfaces According to Quasi-Frame in Euclidean 3-Space
M. Khalifa Saad and R. A. Abdel-Baky
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of
Islamic University of Madinah,
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science,
Sohag University, Sohag,
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of
Assiut University, Assiut,
E-mail: rbaky@live.com
This paper aims to study the skew ruled surfaces by using the quasi-frame of Smarandache curves in the Euclidean 3-space. Also, we reveal the relationship between Serret-Frenet and quasi-frames and give a parametric representation of a directional ruled surface using the quasi-frame. Besides, some comparative examples are given and plotted which support our method and main results.
Paper's Title:
Accuracy of Implicit DIMSIMs with Extrapolation
A. J. Kadhim, A. Gorgey, N. Arbin and N. Razali
Mathematics Department, Faculty of
Science and Mathematics,
Sultan Idris Education University,
35900 Tanjong Malim, Perak,
E-mail: annie_gorgey@fsmt.upsi.edu.my
Unit of Fundamental Engineering Studies,
Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment,
The National University of Malaysia,
43600 Bangi,
The main aim of this article is to present recent results concerning diagonal implicit multistage integration methods (DIMSIMs) with extrapolation in solving stiff problems. Implicit methods with extrapolation have been proven to be very useful in solving problems with stiff components. There are many articles written on extrapolation of Runge-Kutta methods however fewer articles on extrapolation were written for general linear methods. Passive extrapolation is more stable than active extrapolation as proven in many literature when solving stiff problems by the Runge-Kutta methods. This article takes the first step by investigating the performance of passive extrapolation for DIMSIMs type-2 methods. In the variable stepsize and order codes, order-2 and order-3 DIMSIMs with extrapolation are investigated for Van der Pol and HIRES problems. Comparisons are made with ode23 solver and the numerical experiments showed that implicit DIMSIMs with extrapolation has greater accuracy than the method itself without extrapolation and ode23.
Paper's Title:
The Higher Coefficients for Bazilevic Functions B1(α)
Marjono, Sa'adatul Fitri, and Krisna Adilia Daniswara
Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,,
Brawijaya University, Malang Jawa Timur 65145
E-mail: marjono@ub.ac.id
Let f be analytic in D{z: |z|< 1} with , and normalized by the conditions f(0)=f'(0)-1=0. We give sharp estimates for the seventh and eighth coefficients for the class of Bazilevic functions with logarithmic growth, B1α, defined by for α≥0.
Paper's Title:
On Subspace-Supercyclic Operators
Mansooreh Moosapoor
Assistant Professor,
Department of Mathematics,
Farhangian University, Tehran,
E-mail: mosapor110@gmail.com
In this paper, we prove that supercyclic operators are subspace-supercyclic and by this we give a positive answer to a question posed in ( L. Zhang, Z. H. Zhou, Notes about subspace-supercyclic operators, Ann. Funct. Anal., 6 (2015), pp. 60--68). We give examples of subspace-supercyclic operators that are not subspace-hypercyclic. We state that if T is an invertible supercyclic operator then Tn and T-n is subspace-supercyclic for any positive integer n. We give two subspace-supercyclicity criteria. Surprisingly, we show that subspace-supercyclic operators exist on finite-dimensional spaces.
Paper's Title:
Solving Non-Autonomous Nonlinear Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations Using Multi-Stage Differential Transform Method
K. A. Ahmad, Z. Zainuddin, F. A. Abdullah
School of Mathematical Sciences
Universiti Sains Malaysia
11800 USM Penang
E-mail: abumohmmadkh@hotmail.com
Differential equations are basic tools to describe a wide variety of phenomena in nature such as, electrostatics, physics, chemistry, economics, etc. In this paper, a technique is developed to solve nonlinear and linear systems of ordinary differential equations based on the standard Differential Transform Method (DTM) and Multi-stage Differential Transform Method (MsDTM). Comparative numerical results that we are obtained by MsDTM and Runge-Kutta method are proposed. The numerical results showed that the MsDTM gives more accurate approximation as compared to the Runge-Kutta numerical method for the solutions of nonlinear and linear systems of ordinary differential equations
Paper's Title:
Some Properties of (co)homology of Lie Algebra
Alaa Hassan Noreldeen Mohamed, Hegagi Mohamed Ali, Samar Aboquota
Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of
Aswan University, Aswan,
E-mail: ala2222000@yahoo.com
Lie algebra is one of the important types of algebras. Here, we studied lie algebra and discussed its properties. Moreover, we define the Dihedral homology of lie algebra and prove some relations among Hochschild, Cyclic and Dihedral homology of lie algebra. Finally, we prove the Mayer-vetories sequence on Dihedral homology of lie algebra and proved that .
Paper's Title:
Reduced Generalized Combination Synchronization Between Two n-Dimensional Integer-Order Hyperchaotic Systems and One m-Dimensional Fractional-Order Chaotic System
Smail Kaouache, Mohammed Salah Abdelouahab and Rabah Bououden
Laboratory of Mathematics and their
Abdelhafid Boussouf University Center, Mila.
E-mail: smailkaouache@gmail.com,
This paper is devoted to investigate the problem of reduced generalized combination synchronization (RGCS) between two n-dimensional integer-order hyperchaotic drive systems and one m-dimensional fractional-order chaotic response system. According to the stability theorem of fractional-order linear system, an active mode controller is proposed to accomplish this end. Moreover, the proposed synchronization scheme is applied to synchronize three different chaotic systems, which are the Danca hyperchaotic system, the modified hyperchaotic Rossler system, and the fractional-order Rabinovich-Fabrikant chaotic system. Finally, numerical results are presented to fit our theoretical analysis.
Paper's Title:
Sweeping Surfaces with Darboux Frame in Euclidean 3-space E3
F. Mofarreh, R. Abdel-Baky and N. Alluhaibi
Mathematical Science Department, Faculty
of Science,
Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University
Riyadh 11546,
Saudi Arabia.
E-mail: fyalmofarrah@pnu.edu.sa
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science,
University of Assiut,
Assiut 71516,
E-mail: rbaky@live.com
Department of Mathematics Science and
Arts, College Rabigh Campus,
King Abdulaziz University
Saudi Arabia.
E-mail: nallehaibi@kau.edu.sa
The curve on a regular surface has a moving frame and it is called Darboux frame. We introduce sweeping surfaces along the curve relating to the this frame and investigate their geometrical properties. Moreover, we obtain the necessary and sufficient conditions for these surfaces to be developable ruled surfaces. Finally, an example to illustrate the application of the results is introduced.
Paper's Title:
Construction of a Frame Multiresolution Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups
R. Kumar and Satyapriya
Department of Mathematics,
Kirori Mal College,
University of Delhi,
E-mail: rajkmc@gmail.com
Department of Mathematics,
University of Delhi,
E-mail: kmc.satyapriya@gmail.com
The frame multiresolution analysis (FMRA) on locally compact Abelian groups has been studied and the results concerning classical MRA have been worked upon to obtain new results. All the necessary conditions, which need to be imposed on the scaling function φ to construct a wavelet frame via FMRA, have been summed up. This process of construction of FMRA has aptly been illustrated by sufficient examples.
Paper's Title:
Analysis of the Dynamic Response of the Soil-pile Behavioral Model Under Lateral Load
Ibrahima Mbaye, Mamadou Diop, Aliou Sonko and Malick Ba
University of Thies,
Department of Mathematics, Bp 967 Thies,
E-mail: imbaye@univ-thies.sn
URL: https://www.univ-thies.sn
This work aims to extend and improve our previous study on mathematical and numerical analysis of stationary Pasternak model. In this paper a dynamic response of Pasternak model is considered. On the one hand we establish the existence and uniqueness of the solution by using the Lax-Milgram theorem and the spectral theory thus the existence of a Hilbert basis is shown and the spectral decomposition of any solution of the problem can be established and on the other hand the finite element method is used to determinate the numerical results. Furthermore, the influence of soil parameters Gp and Kp on the displacement of the pious is studied numerically at any time tn.
Paper's Title:
A Regularity of the Weak Solution Gradient of the Dirichlet Problem for Divergent Form Elliptic Equations in Morrey Spaces
Nicky K. Tumalun and Philotheus E. A. Tuerah
Mathematics Department, Universitas Negeri Manado,
Tondano Selatan, Minahasa Regency,
Sulawesi Utara Province,
E-mail: nickytumalun@unima.ac.id,
In this paper we prove that the gradient of the weak solution of the Dirichlet problem for divergent form elliptic equations, with the known term belongs to the Morrey spaces, is the element of the weak Morrey spaces.
Paper's Title:
Reverse Hölder and Minkowski type integral inequalities for n functions
Panagiotis T. Krasopoulos and Lazhar Bougoffa
Department of Informatics, KEAO,
Electronic National Social Security Fund,
12 Patision St., 10677, Athens,
E-mail: pan_kras@yahoo.gr
Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Science, Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University,
P.O. Box 90950, Riyadh 11623,
Saudi Arabia.
E-mail: lbbougoffa@imamu.edu.sa
We present and prove new reverse Hölder and Minkowski type integral inequalities for n functions. We compare our results with other known results from the relative literature in order to test their performance. In this respect, our theorems can be viewed as generalizations of some already known integral inequalities.
Paper's Title:
A Caratheodory's Approximate Solutions of Stochastic Differential Equations Under the Hölder Condition
Bo-Kyeong Kim and Young-Ho Kim
Department of Mathematics,
Changwon National University,
Changwon, Gyeongsangnam-do 51140,
E-mail: claire9576@naver.com
In this paper, based on the theorem of the uniqueness of the solution of the stochastic differential equation, the convergence possibility of the Caratheodory's approximate solution was studied by approximating the unique solution. To obtain this convergence theorem, we used a Hölder condition and a weakened linear growth condition. Furthermore, The auxiliary theorems for the existence and continuity of the Caratheodory's approximate solution were investigated as a prerequisite.
Paper's Title:
A Fuzzy Soft Quotient Topology and Its Properties
Haripamyu, Riri Alfakhriati, Monika Rianti Helmi, Jenizon
Department of Mathematics and Data Science, Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia.
E-mail: haripamyu@sci.unand.ac.id
This research is to construct a new topology on fuzzy soft set by using the concept of quotient topology. Then we study the concept of quotient map to define the fuzzy soft quotient map and provide some relevant properties of fuzzy soft quotient map. Furthermore, we give some examples related to fuzzy soft quotient topology and fuzzy soft quotient map to apply some properties of fuzzy soft quotient map.
Paper's Title:
Two Geometric Constants Related to Isosceles Orthogonality on Banach Space
Huayou Xie, Qi Liu and Yongjin Li
Department of Mathematics,
Sun Yat-sen University,
Guangzhou, 510275,
P. R. China.
E-mail: xiehy33@mail2.sysu.edu.cn
Department of Mathematics,
Sun Yat-sen University,
Guangzhou, 510275,
P. R. China.
E-mail: liuq325@mail2.sysu.edu.cn
Department of Mathematics,
Sun Yat-sen University,
Guangzhou, 510275,
P. R. China.
E-mail: stslyj@mail.sysu.edu.cn
In this paper, we introduce new geometric constant C(X,ai,bi,ci,2) to measure the difference between isosceles orthogonality and special Carlsson orthogonalities. At the same time, we also present the geometric constant C(X,ai,bi,ci), which is a generalization of the rectangular constant proposed by Joly. According to the inequality on isosceles orthogonality, we give the boundary characterization of these geometric constants. Then the relationship between these geometric constants and uniformly non-square property can also be discussed. Furthermore, we show that there is a close relationship between these geometric constants and some important geometric constants.
Paper's Title:
Bounds for the Extremal Eigenvalues of Positive Definite Matrices
Shivani Singh and Pravin Singh
Unisa, Department of Decision Sciences,
PO Box 392,
South Africa.
E-mail: singhs2@unisa.ac.za
University of KwaZulu-Natal,
School of Mathematics Statistics and Computer Sciences
Private Bag X54001,
South Africa.
E-mail: singhprook@gmail.com
We use a projection to achieve bounds for a vector function of the eigenvalues of a positive definite matrix. For various choices of the monotonic function we are able to obtain bounds for the extremal eigenvalues in terms of the traces of the matrix and its powers. These bounds are relatively simple to compute.
Paper's Title:
Fekete Szegö problem on the Class of Bazilevič functions B1(α) related to the Lemniscate Bernoulli
N. M. Asih, Marjono, Sa'adatul Fitri, Ratno Bagus Edy Wibowo
Department of Mathematics,
University of Brawijaya,
Malang 65145,
Department of Mathematics,
University of Udayana,
E-mail: madeasih@unud.ac.id
Department of Mathematics,
University of Brawijaya,
Malang 65145,
E-mail: marjono@ub.ac.id
Department of Mathematics,
University of Brawijaya,
Malang 65145,
E-mail: saadatulfitri@ub.ac.id
Department of Mathematics,
University of Brawijaya,
Malang 65145,
E-mail: rbagus@ub.ac.id
We provide a sharp boundaries inequalities for Fekete Szegö problem |a3-μ a22|, the coefficients of logarithmic function log~ f(z)/z, and the coefficients of the inverse function f(f'(w)) on the Bazilevič functions B1(α) related to the Lemniscate Bernoulli on the unit disk D={z: |z| < 1}. We obtained the result by using some properties of function with positive real part relates to coefficients problems.
Paper's Title:
Some Moduli and Inequalities Related to Birkhoff Orthogonality in Banach Spaces
Dandan Du and Yongjin Li
Department of Mathematics,
Sun Yat-sen University,
Guangzhou, 510275,
P.R. China.
E-mail: dudd5@mail2.sysu.edu.cn
Department of Mathematics,
Sun Yat-sen University,
Guangzhou, 510275,
P.R. China.
E-mail: stslyj@mail.sysu.edu.cn
In this paper, we shall consider two new constants δB(X) and ρB(X), which are the modulus of convexity and the modulus of smoothness related to Birkhoff orthogonality, respectively. The connections between these two constants and other well-known constants are established by some equalities and inequalities. Meanwhile, we obtain two characterizations of Hilbert spaces in terms of these two constants, study the relationships between the constants δB(X), ρB(X) and the fixed point property for nonexpansive mappings. Furthermore, we also give a characterization of the Radon plane with affine regular hexagonal unit sphere.
Paper's Title:
Lozi Maps With Max Function and its Application
Abdellah Menasri
Higher National School of Forests,
E-mail: abdellah.menasri70@gmail.com
In this paper, we study the Lozi map by replacing the piecewise linear term in the first equation by the function max (f(x,y);g(x,y)) such that f and g are two arbitrary functions in R2. This is a family model that allows us to study several new piecewise-smooth maps. We demonstrate that these models converge to a robust chaotic attractor and give some applications of these models in the real world.
Paper's Title:
A Determinantal Representation of Core EP Inverse
Divya Shenoy Purushothama
Department of Mathematics,
Manipal Institute of Technology,
Manipal Academy of Higher Education,
Manipal -576104, Karnataka,
E-mail: divya.shenoy@manipal.edu
The notion of Core EP inverse is introduced by Prasad in the article "Core - EP inverse" and proved its existence and uniqueness. Also, a formula for computing the Core EP inverse is obtained from particular linear combination of minors of a given matrix. Here a determinantal representation for Core EP inverse of a matrix A with the help of rank factorization of A is obtained.
Paper's Title:
Differential Equations for Indicatrices, Spacelike and Timelike Curves
Sameer, Pradeep Kumar Pandey
Department of Mathematics,
Jaypee University of Information Technology,
Solan, Himachal Pradesh,
E-mail: sksameer08@gmail.com,
Motivated by the recent work of Deshmukh et al. [20], in this paper we show that Tangent, Binormal, and Principal Normal indicatrices do not form non-trivial differential equations. Finally, we obtain the 4th-order differential equations for spacelike and timelike curves.
Paper's Title:
Eigenvalue Bounds based on Projections
Pravin Singh, Shivani Singh, Virath Singh
University of KwaZulu-Natal,
Private Bag X54001,
Durban, 4001,
South Africa.
University of South Africa,
Department of Decision Sciences, PO Box 392,
South Africa.
University of KwaZulu-Natal,
Private Bag X54001,
Durban, 4001,
South Africa.
In this paper, we derive expressions for the bounds of the extremal eigenvalues of positive definite matrices. Our approach is to use a symmetric projection operator onto an n-2 dimensional subspace of the real space of n tuples. These bounds are based on traces of the matrix and its powers. They are relatively easy and inexpensive to compute.
Paper's Title:
Inequalities Involving A∞ Weights by Extrapolations
Chunping Xie
Mathematics Department,
Milwaukee School of Engineering,
1025 N. Broadway,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202,
E-mail: xie@msoe.edu
We generalize the extrapolation theorem from Ap weights to A∞ weights on the setting of weighted Morrey spaces by using the Rubio de Francia algorithm and ideas in a paper by D. Cruz-Uribe et al. First we have proved the classical Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator is bounded on the weighted Morrey spaces if the weight w(x) is in A∞ and then we have obtained inequalities involving the maximal operator, vector-valued maximal operator, the sharp maximal operator, and A∞ weights.
Paper's Title:
Lebesgue Absolutely Continuous Functions Taking Values on C[a,b]
Andrew Felix IV Suarez Cunanan
North Eastern Mindanao State University
E-mail: afccunanan@nemsu.edu.ph
In this paper a version of absolutely continuous function using Lebesgue partition instead of Riemann partition over the field of C[a,b] will be introduced and we call this function as Lebesgue absolutely continuous function on [f,g]. Moreover, some properties of Lebesgue absolutely continuous function on [f,g] will be presented together with its relationship with the other continuous functions.
Paper's Title:
ℵ0 Algebra and its Novel Application in Edge Detection
G. E. Chatzarakis1, S. Dickson2, S. Padmasekaran2, S. L. Panetsos1, and J. Ravi3
and Electronic Engineering Educators,
School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (ASPETE),
Marousi 15122, Athens,
E-mail: geaxatz@otenet.gr,
Periyar University,
Periyar Palkalai Nagar, Salem, 636011, Tamilnadu,
E-mail: dix.bern@gmail.com,
of Mathematics, Amity University,
Bengaluru, Karnataka,
In this paper a new type of ℵ0-algebra has been defined. With its help, the fuzzy cross subalgebra and the fuzzy η-relation on the ℵ0-algebra are introduced and their respective properties are derived. Moreover, the fuzzy cross ℵ0-ideal of the ℵ0-algebra is defined with some theorems and intuitionistic fuzzy ℵ0-ideals of the ℵ0-algebra are introduced. This fuzzy algebra concept is applied in image processing to detect edges. This ℵ0-algebra is a novelty in the field of research.
Paper's Title:
Derivation of the Existence Theorem of the Solution of the Stochastic Functional Differential Equation Using Conditions Given Partial Weights
Young-Ho Kim
Department of Mathematics,
Changwon National University
Changwon, Gyeongsangnam 51140,
The main purpose of this note was to demonstrate the solution existence theorem for stochastic functional differential equations under sufficient conditions. As an alternative to the stochastic process theory of the stochastic functional differential equations, we impose a partial weighting condition and a weakened linear growth condition. We first show that the condition guarantees existence and uniqueness and then show some exponential estimates for the solution.
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