if(isset($title)){?> }?> if(isset($author)){?> }?> |
Paper's Title:
Generalized Composition Operators On Besov Spaces
Vishal Sharma, Sanjay Kumar and Stanzin Dolkar
Department of Mathematics,
Central University of Jammu,
Jammu and Kashmir,
E-mail: sharmavishal911@gmail.com
Department of Mathematics,
Central University of Jammu,
Jammu and Kashmir,
E-mail: sanjaykmath@gmail.com
Department of Mathematics,
Central University of Jammu,
Jammu and Kashmir,
E-mail: stanzin.math@cujammu.ac.in
In this paper, we characterize boundedness, compactness and find the essential norm estimates for generalized composition operators between Besov spaces and Sp spaces.
Paper's Title:
A Low Order Least-Squares Nonconforming Finite Element Method for Steady Magnetohydrodynamic Equations
Z. Yu, D. Shi and H. Zhu
College of Science,
University of Technology,
Zhengzhou 450007,
School of Mathematics and Statistics,
Zhengzhou University,
Zhengzhou 450001,
Mathematics Department,
University of Southern Mississippi,
Hattiesburg MS, 39406,
A low order least-squares nonconforming finite element (NFE) method is proposed for magnetohydrodynamic equations with EQ1rot element and zero-order Raviart-Thomas element. Based on the above element's typical interpolations properties, the existence and uniqueness of the approximate solutions are proved and the optimal order error estimates for the corresponding variables are derived.
Paper's Title:
A Different Proof for the non-Existence of Hilbert-Schmidt Hankel Operators with
Anti-Holomorphic Symbols on the Bergman Space
Georg Schneider
Universität Wien, Brünnerstr. 72 A-1210 Wien,
URL: http://www.univie.ac.at/bwl/cont/mitarbeiter/schneider.htm
We show that there are no (non-trivial) Hilbert-Schmidt Hankel
operators with anti-holomorphic symbols on the Bergman space of
the unit-ball B2(Bl) for l≥2. The result dates back to
[6]. However, we give a different proof. The methodology can
be easily applied to other more general settings. Especially, as
indicated in the section containing generalizations, the new
methodology allows to prove some robustness results for existing
Paper's Title:
Ostrowski Type Inequalities for Lebesgue Integral: a Survey of Recent Results
Sever S. Dragomir1,2
1Mathematics, School of Engineering
& Science
Victoria University, PO Box 14428
Melbourne City, MC 8001,
E-mail: sever.dragomir@vu.edu.au
2DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in the Mathematical and Statistical Sciences,
School of Computer Science & Applied Mathematics,
University of the Witwatersrand,
Private Bag 3, Johannesburg 2050,
South Africa
The main aim of this survey is to present recent results concerning Ostrowski type inequalities for the Lebesgue integral of various classes of complex and real-valued functions. The survey is intended for use by both researchers in various fields of Classical and Modern Analysis and Mathematical Inequalities and their Applications, domains which have grown exponentially in the last decade, as well as by postgraduate students and scientists applying inequalities in their specific areas.
Paper's Title:
Timelike Surfaces with a Common Line of Curvature in Minkowski 3-Space
M.K. Saad, A.Z. Ansari, M. Akram and F. Alharbi
Department of Mathematics ,
Faculty of Science,
Islamic University of Madinah,
In this paper, we analyze the problem of constructing a timelike surface family from a given non-null curve line of curvature. Using the Frenet frame of the non-null curve in Minkowski space E13 we express the family of surfaces as a linear combination of the components of this frame, and derive the necessary and sufficient conditions for the coefficients to satisfy both the line of curvature and the isoparametric requirements. In addition, a necessary and sufficient condition for the given non-null curve to satisfy the line of curvature and the geodesic requirements is investigated. The extension to timelike surfaces of revolution is also outlined. Meanwhile, some representative non-null curves are chosen to construct the corresponding timelike surfaces which possessing these curves as lines of curvature. Results presented in this paper have applications in geometric modeling and the manufacturing of products. In addition, some computational examples are given and plotted.
Paper's Title:
On a Hilbert-type Inequality with the Polygamma Function
Bing He and Bicheng Yang
Department of Mathematics, Guangdong Education College,
Guangzhou, 510303,
Department of Mathematics, Guangdong Education College,
Guangzhou, 510303,
By applying the method of weight function and the technique of real analysis, a Hilbert-type inequality with a best constant factor is established, where the best constant factor is made of the polygamma function. Furthermore, the inverse form is given.
Paper's Title:
A Geometric Generalization of Busemann-Petty Problem
Liu Rong and Yuan Jun
Shanghai Zhangjiang Group Junior Middle School,
Huo Xiang Road, Shanghai, 201203,
The norm defined by Busemann's inequality establishes a class of star body - intersection body. This class of star body plays a key role in the solution of Busemann-Petty problem. In 2003, Giannapoulos [1] defined a norm for a new class of half-section. Based on this norm, we give a geometric generalization of Busemann-Petty problem, and get its answer as a result
Paper's Title:
Sweeping Surfaces with Darboux Frame in Euclidean 3-space E3
F. Mofarreh, R. Abdel-Baky and N. Alluhaibi
Mathematical Science Department, Faculty
of Science,
Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University
Riyadh 11546,
Saudi Arabia.
E-mail: fyalmofarrah@pnu.edu.sa
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science,
University of Assiut,
Assiut 71516,
E-mail: rbaky@live.com
Department of Mathematics Science and
Arts, College Rabigh Campus,
King Abdulaziz University
Saudi Arabia.
E-mail: nallehaibi@kau.edu.sa
The curve on a regular surface has a moving frame and it is called Darboux frame. We introduce sweeping surfaces along the curve relating to the this frame and investigate their geometrical properties. Moreover, we obtain the necessary and sufficient conditions for these surfaces to be developable ruled surfaces. Finally, an example to illustrate the application of the results is introduced.
Paper's Title:
A Note on Schur's Lemma in Banach Function Spaces
R. E. Castillo, H. Rafeiro and E. M. Rojas
Universidad Nacional de Colombia,
Departamento de Matematicas, Bogota,
E-mail: recastillo@unal.edu.co
United Arab Emirates University,
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Al Ain,
United Arab Emirates.
E-mail: rafeiro@uaeu.ac.ae
Universidad Nacional de Colombia,
Departamento de Matematicas, Bogota,
E-mail: emrojass@unal.edu.co
In this small note, in a self contained presentation, we show the validity of Schur's type lemma in the framework of Banach function spaces.
Paper's Title:
The Drazin-star and Star-Drazin Solutions to Quaternion Matrix Equations
Ivan I. Kyrchei, Dijana Mosić, Predrag Stanimirović
Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems
of Mechanics and Mathematics
of NAS of Ukraine, L'viv, 79060,
Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics,
University of Niš, P.O.
Box 224, 18000, Niš, Serbia.
E-mail: dijana@pmf.ni.ac.rs
Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics,
University of Niš, P.O.
Box 224, 18000, Niš, Serbia.
E-mail: pecko@pmf.ni.ac.rs
The notions of the Drazin-star and star-Drazin matrices are expanded to quaternion matrices in this paper. Their determinantal representations are developed in both cases in terms of noncommutative row-column determinants of quaternion matrices and for minors of appropriate complex matrices. We study all possible two-sided quaternion matrix equations with their one-sided partial cases whose uniquely determined solutions are based on the Drazin-star and star-Drazin matrices. Solutions of these equations are represented by Cramer's rules in both cases for quaternion and complex matrix equations. A numerical example is presented to illustrate our results.
Paper's Title:
On an Extension of Hilbert’s Integral Inequality with Some Parameters
Bicheng Yang
Department of
Mathematics, Guangdong Education College, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510303, People’s
Republic of China.
In this paper, by introducing some parameters and estimating the
weight function, we give an extension of Hilbert’s integral inequality with a
best constant factor. As applications, we consider the equivalent form and some
particular results.
Paper's Title:
Weak Solution for Hyperbolic Equations with a Non-Local Condition
Lazhar Bougoffa
King Khalid
University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics,
P.O.Box 9004, Abha, Saudi Arabia
In this paper, we study hyperbolic equations with a non-local condition. We prove
the existence and uniqueness of weak solutions, using energy inequality and the density of the
range of the operator generated by the problem.
Paper's Title:
A New Hardy-Hilbert's Type Inequality for Double Series and its Applications
Mingzhe Gao
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Normal College Jishou University,
Jishou Hunan, 416000,
People's Republic of China
In this paper, it is shown that a new Hardy-Hilbert’s type
inequality for double series can be established by introducing a parameter and the weight function of the form
where c is Euler
constant and
the coefficient is proved to be the
best possible. And as the mathematics aesthetics, several important constants
appear simultaneously in the coefficient and the weight
function when
In particular, for
some new Hilbert’s
type inequalities are obtained. As applications, some extensions of Hardy-Littlewood’s inequality are given.
Paper's Title:
Isoperimetric Inequalities for Dual Harmonic Quermassintegrals
Yuan Jun, Zao Lingzhi and Duan Xibo
School of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, 210097,
Department of Mathematics, Nanjing Xiaozhuang University,
Nanjing, 211171,
Department of Mathematics, Shandong Water Polytechnic,
Shandong, 276826,
In this paper, some isoperimetric inequalities for the dual harmonic
quermassintegrals are established.
Paper's Title:
Hermite-Hadamard-Fejer Type Inequalities for Harmonically s-convex Functions via Fractional Integrals
İmdat İşcan, Mehmet Kunt
Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Sciences and Arts,
Giresun University, Giresun,
E-mail: imdat.iscan@giresun.edu.tr
Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Sciences,
Karadeniz Technical University,
61080, Trabzon,
In this paper, some Hermite-Hadamard-Fejer type integral inequalities for harmonically s-convex functions in fractional integral forms have been obtained.
Paper's Title:
Euler Series Solutions for Linear Integral Equations
Mostefa Nadir and Mustapha Dilmi
Department of Mathematics,
University of Msila 28000,
E-mail: mostefanadir@yahoo.fr
E-mail: dilmiistapha@yahoo.fr
In this work, we seek the approximate solution of linear integral equations by truncation Euler series approximation. After substituting the Euler expansions for the given functions of the equation and the unknown one, the equation reduces to a linear system, the solution of this latter gives the Euler coefficients and thereafter the solution of the equation. The convergence and the error analysis of this method are discussed. Finally, we compare our numerical results by others.
Paper's Title:
Cubic Alternating Harmonic Number Sums
Anthony Sofo
Victoria University,
College of Engineering and Science,
Melbourne City,
We develop new closed form representations of sums of cubic alternating harmonic numbers and reciprocal binomial coefficients. We also identify a new integral representation for the ζ (4) constant.
Paper's Title:
Bounds on the Jensen Gap, and Implications for Mean-Concentrated Distributions
Xiang Gao, Meera Sitharam, Adrian E. Roitberg
Department of Chemistry, and Department
of Computer & Information Science & Engineering,
University of Florida,
Gainesville, FL 32611,
E-mail: qasdfgtyuiop@gmail.com
This paper gives upper and lower bounds on the gap in Jensen's inequality, i.e., the difference between the expected value of a function of a random variable and the value of the function at the expected value of the random variable. The bounds depend only on growth properties of the function and specific moments of the random variable. The bounds are particularly useful for distributions that are concentrated around the mean, a commonly occurring scenario such as the average of i.i.d. samples and in statistical mechanics.
Paper's Title:
Residual-Based A Posteriori Error Estimates For A Conforming Mixed Finite Element Discretization of the Monge-Ampere Equation
J. Adetola, K. W. Houedanou and B. Ahounou
Institut de Mathematiques et de Sciences
Physiques (IMSP),
Universite d'Abomey-Calavi
E-mail: adetolajamal58@yahoo.com
Departement de Mathematiques,
Faculte des Sciences et Techniques (FAST),
Universite d'Abomey-Calavi
E-mail: khouedanou@yahoo.fr
Departement de Mathematiques,
Faculte des Sciences et Techniques (FAST),
Universite d'Abomey-Calavi
E-mail: bahounou@yahoo.fr
In this paper we develop a new a posteriori error analysis for the Monge-Ampere equation approximated by conforming finite element method on isotropic meshes in R2. The approach utilizes a slight variant of the mixed discretization proposed by Gerard Awanou and Hengguang Li in [4]. The a posteriori error estimate is based on a suitable evaluation on the residual of the finite element solution. It is proven that the a posteriori error estimate provided in this paper is both reliable and efficient.
Paper's Title:
Reduced Generalized Combination Synchronization Between Two n-Dimensional Integer-Order Hyperchaotic Systems and One m-Dimensional Fractional-Order Chaotic System
Smail Kaouache, Mohammed Salah Abdelouahab and Rabah Bououden
Laboratory of Mathematics and their
Abdelhafid Boussouf University Center, Mila.
E-mail: smailkaouache@gmail.com,
This paper is devoted to investigate the problem of reduced generalized combination synchronization (RGCS) between two n-dimensional integer-order hyperchaotic drive systems and one m-dimensional fractional-order chaotic response system. According to the stability theorem of fractional-order linear system, an active mode controller is proposed to accomplish this end. Moreover, the proposed synchronization scheme is applied to synchronize three different chaotic systems, which are the Danca hyperchaotic system, the modified hyperchaotic Rossler system, and the fractional-order Rabinovich-Fabrikant chaotic system. Finally, numerical results are presented to fit our theoretical analysis.
Paper's Title:
Existence and Approximation of Traveling Wavefronts for the Diffusive Mackey-Glass Equation
C. Ramirez-Carrasco and J. Molina-Garay
Facultad de Ciencias Basicas,
Universidad Catolica del Maule, Talca,
E-mail: carloshrc1989@gmail.com
In this paper, we consider the diffusive Mackey-Glass model with discrete delay. This equation describes the dynamics of the blood cell production. We investigate the existence of traveling wavefronts solutions connecting the two steady states of the model. We develop an alternative proof of the existence of such solutions and we also demonstrate the existence of traveling wavefronts moving at minimum speed. The proposed approach is based on the use technique of upper-lower solutions. Finally, through an iterative procedure, we show numerical simulations that approximate the traveling wavefronts, thus confirming our theoretical results.
Paper's Title:
Coexisting Attractors and Bubbling Route to Chaos in Modified Coupled Duffing Oscillators
B. Deruni1, A. S. Hacinliyan1,2, E. Kandiran3, A. C. Keles2, S. Kaouache4, M.-S. Abdelouahab4, N.-E. Hamri4
of Physics,
University of Yeditepe,
of Information Systems and Technologies,
University of Yeditepe,
of Software Development,
University of Yeditepe,
of Mathematics and their interactions,
University Center of Abdelhafid Boussouf,
Mila 43000,
In this article dynamical behavior of coupled Duffing oscillators is analyzed under a small modification. The oscillators have cubic damping instead of linear one. Although single duffing oscillator has complex dynamics, coupled duffing systems possess a much more complex structure. The dynamical behavior of the system is investigated both numerically and analytically. Numerical results indicate that the system has double scroll attractor with suitable parameter values. On the other hand, bifurcation diagrams illustrate rich behavior of the system, and it is seen that, system enters into chaos with different routes. Beside classical bifurcations, bubbling route to chaos is observed for suitable parameter settings. On the other hand, Multistability of the system is indicated with the coexisting attractors, such that under same parameter setting the system shows different periodic and chaotic attractors. Moreover, chaotic synchronization of coupled oscillators is illustrated in final section.
Paper's Title:
Bounds for the Extremal Eigenvalues of Positive Definite Matrices
Shivani Singh and Pravin Singh
Unisa, Department of Decision Sciences,
PO Box 392,
South Africa.
E-mail: singhs2@unisa.ac.za
University of KwaZulu-Natal,
School of Mathematics Statistics and Computer Sciences
Private Bag X54001,
South Africa.
E-mail: singhprook@gmail.com
We use a projection to achieve bounds for a vector function of the eigenvalues of a positive definite matrix. For various choices of the monotonic function we are able to obtain bounds for the extremal eigenvalues in terms of the traces of the matrix and its powers. These bounds are relatively simple to compute.
Paper's Title:
Generalized Triangular and Symmetric Splitting Method for Steady State Probability Vector of Stochastic Matrices
B. Harika, D. Rajaiah, L. P. RajKumar, Malla Reddy Perati
Department of Mathematics,
Kakatiya University
E-mail: hbolledla@gmail.com
Department of Mathematics,
Kakatiya Institute of Technology and Science
E-mail: dr.mh@kitsw.ac.in
Department of Mathematics,
Kakatiya University
E-mail: ladalla@gmail.com
Department of Mathematics,
Kakatiya University
E-mail: mperati@yahoo.com
To find the steady state probability vector of homogenous linear system π Q=0 of stochastic rate matrix Q, generalized triangular and symmetric (GTS) splitting method is presented. Convergence analysis and choice of parameters are given when the regularized matrix A=QT+ε I of the regularized linear system Ax=b is positive definite. Analysis shows that the iterative solution of GTS method converges unconditionally to the unique solution of the regularized linear system. From the numerical results, it is clear that the solution of proposed method converges rapidly when compared to the existing methods.
Paper's Title:
Portfolio Optimization of Sharia and Non-Sharia Stocks Using Single Index Model (Case study: Jakarta Sharia Index and Kompas 100 Index)
Kwardiniya Andawaningtyas, Muhammad Luthfi, Marjono, Endang Wahyu Handamari, Umu S'adah, Evi Ardiyani
Department of Mathematics,
Brawijaya University, Malang,
Department of Mathematics,
IPB University, Bogor,
Stocks are instruments with high returns but also have increased risks. One way to overcome this risk is to form a stock portfolio. This study observed 30 sharia stocks listed on the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) and 28 non-shariah stocks listed on the Kompas 100 Index from March 2020 to September 2022. The data used is the daily closing price of stocks, the number of stock dividends, and the daily closing price of the Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) from 3rd March 2020, to 31st August 2022. In addition, interest rate of Bank Indonesia Certificate (SBI) is used as risk-free rate. This study aims to optimize the sharia and non-sharia stocks portfolio using the Single Index Model (SIM), which will then be evaluated using the Sharpe, Treynor, and Jensen ratio. The result is that the optimal portfolio of sharia stocks have better performance than the optimal portfolio of non-sharia stocks based on the Treynor ratio. Meanwhile, the optimal portfolio of non-sharia stocks have better performance than the optimal portfolio of sharia stocks based on the Sharpe and Jensen ratio.
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