if(isset($title)){?> }?> if(isset($author)){?> }?> |
Paper's Title:
Approximately Dual p-Approximate Schauder Frames
K. Mahesh Krishna and P. Sam Johnson
Stat-Math Unit, Indian Statistical
Institute, Bangalore Centre,
Karnataka 560 059
Department of Mathematical and
Computational Sciences,
National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK),
Surathkal, Mangaluru 575 025,
E-mail: kmaheshak@gmail.com
Approximately dual frame in Hilbert spaces was introduced by Christensen and Laugesen to overcome difficulties in constructing dual frames for a given Hilbert space frame. It becomes even more difficult in Banach spaces to construct duals. For this purpose, we introduce approximately dual frames for a class of approximate Schauder frames for Banach spaces and develop basic theory. Approximate dual for this subclass is completely characterized and its perturbation is also studied.
Paper's Title:
Hankel Functional Connected to Lemniscate of Bernoulli
K. Ramanuja Rao, Rajnesh Lal and Kaushal Singh
Fiji National University,
Department of Mathematics & Statistics,
P.O. Box 5529, Lautoka,
E-mail: ramanuja.kotti@fnu.ac.fj
The aim of present paper is to derive a higher bound (HB) of 3rd order Hankel determinant for a collection of holomorphic mappings connected with exactly to the right side of the lemniscate of Bernoulli, whose polar coordinates form is r2 = 2cos2(2θ). The method carried in this paper is more refined than the method adopted by the authors (see [1]), who worked on this problem earlier.
Paper's Title:
Normalized Truncated Levy models applied to the study of Financial Markets
M. C. Mariani, K. Martin, D. W. Dombrowski and D. Martinez
Department of Mathematical Sciences and Department of Finance,
New Mexico State University, P.O. Box 30001
Department 3MB Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003-8001
This work is devoted to the study of the statistical properties of financial instruments from developed markets. We performed a new analysis of the behavior of companies corresponding to the DJIA index, and of the index itself, by using a normalized Truncated Levy walk model. We conclude that the Truncated Levy distribution describes perfectly the evolution of the companies and of the index near a crash.
Paper's Title:
Generalizing Polyhedra to Infinite Dimension
Paolo d'Alessandro
Department of Mathematics, Third University of Rome,
Lgo S.L. Murialdo 1, 00146 Rome, Italy.
This paper generalizes polyhedra to infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces as countable intersections of closed semispaces. Highlights are the structure theory that shows that a polyhedron is the sum of compact set (in a suitable topology) plus a closed pointed cone plus a closed subspace, giving the internal representation of polyhedra. In the final part the dual range space technique is extended to the solution of infinite dimensional LP problems.
Paper's Title:
Using Direct and Fixed Point Technique of Cubic Functional Equation and its Hyers-Ulam Stability
Ramanuja Rao Kotti, Rajnesh Krishnan Mudaliar, Kaushal Neelam Devi, Shailendra Vikash Narayan
Fiji National University,
Department of Mathematics & Statistics,
P.O. Box 5529, Lautoka,
E-mail: ramanuja.kotti@fnu.ac.fj
URL: https://www.fnu.ac.fj
In this present work, we introduce a new type of finite dimensional cubic functional equation of the form
where Φ≥4 is an integer, and derive its general solution. The main purpose of this work is to investigate the Hyers-Ulam stability results for the above mentioned functional equation in Fuzzy Banach spaces by means of direct and fixed point methods.
Paper's Title:
On the Oscillatory Behavior of Self Adjoint Fractional Extensible Beam Equations
S. Priyadharshini1, G.E. Chatzarakis2, S. L. Panetsos2 and V. Sadhasivam1
Graduate and Research Department of Mathematics,
Thiruvalluvar Government Arts College,
Rasipuram - 637 401, Namakkal Dt., Tamil Nadu,
E-mail: s.priya25april@gmail.com,
of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Educators,
School of Pedagogical and Technological Education(ASPETE),
Marousi 15122, Athens,
E-mail: geaxatz@otenet.gr,
The main objective of this paper is to study the oscillatory behavior of the solutions of self adjoint fractional extensible beam equations by using integral average method. Some new sufficient conditions are established with various boundary conditions over a cylindrical domains. Examples illustrating the results are given.
Paper's Title:
New Coincidence and Fixed Point Theorems for Strictly Contractive Hybrid Maps
S. L. Singh and Amal M. Hashim
21, Govind Nagar, Rishikesh 249201,
Ua, India
Dept. of Math., College of Science,
Univ. of Basarah,
The purpose of this paper is to study the (EA)-property and noncompatible maps
of a hybrid pair of single-valued and multivalued maps in fixed point considerations. Such maps
have the remarkable property that they need not be continuous at their common fixed points. We
use this property to obtain some coincidence and fixed point theorems for strictly contractive
hybrid maps without using their continuity and completeness or compactness of the space.
Paper's Title:
Long Correlations Applied to the Study of Agricultural Indices in Comparison with the S&P500 index
M. C. Mariani, J. Libbin, M.P. Beccar Varela,
V. Kumar Mani, C. Erickson, D.J. Valles Rosales
Department of Mathematical Sciences,
Science Hall 236, New Mexico State University,
Las Cruces, NM 88003-8001,
Long-time correlations in agricultural indices are studied and their behavior is compared to the well-established S&P500 index. Hurst exponent and Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) techniques are used in this analysis. We detected long-correlations in the agricultural indices and briefly discussed some features specific in comparison to the S&P500 index.
Paper's Title:
Weyl's theorem for class Q and k - quasi class Q Operators
S. Parvatham and D. Senthilkumar
Department of Mathematics and Humanities,
Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore-10, Tamilnadu,
E-mail: parvathasathish@gmail.com
Post Graduate and Research Department of
Govt. Arts College, Coimbatore-641018, Tamilnadu,
E-mail: senthilsenkumhari@gmail.com
In this paper, we give some properties of class Q operators. It is proved that every class Q operators satisfies Weyl's theorem under the condition that T2 is isometry. Also we proved that every k quasi class Q operators is Polaroid and the spectral mapping theorem holds for this class of operator. It will be proved that single valued extension property, Weyl and generalized Weyl's theorem holds for every k quasi class Q operators.
Paper's Title:
Coefficient Estimates Of Sakaguchi Kind Functions Using
Lucas Polynomials
H. Priya and B. Srutha Keerthi
Department of Mathematics,
School of Advanced Sciences,
VIT Chennai Campus,
Chennai - 600 048,
Department of Mathematics,
School of Advanced Sciences,
VIT Chennai Campus,
Chennai - 600 048,
E-mail: isruthilaya06@yahoo.co.in
By means of (p,q) Lucas polynomials, we estimate coefficient bounds and Fekete-Szego inequalities for functions belonging to this class. Several corollaries and consequences of the main results are also obtained.
Paper's Title:
A Review on Minimally Supported Frequency Wavelets
K Pallavi1, M C Lineesh1, A Noufal2
Department of Mathematics,2Department of Mathematics,
Cochin University of Science and Technology,
Kerala 682022,
E-mail: noufal@cusat.ac.in
This paper provides a review on Minimally Supported Frequency (MSF) wavelets that includes the construction and characterization of MSF wavelets. The characterization of MSF wavelets induced from an MRA is discussed and the nature of the low-pass filter associated with it is explained. The concept of wavelet set and dimension function is introduced to study this class of wavelets. Along with MSF wavelets, s-elementary wavelets and unimodular wavelets are also considered due to the similarity in definitions. Examples and illustrations are provided for more clarity.
Paper's Title:
Corrigendum for A Review on Minimally Supported Frequency Wavelets
K Pallavi1, M C Lineesh1, A Noufal2
Department of Mathematics,2Department of Mathematics,
Cochin University of Science and Technology,
Kerala 682022,
E-mail: noufal@cusat.ac.in
This article is a corrigendum to AJMAA Volume 18, Issue 2, Article 17, {PDF Link}.
Paper's Title:
Coefficient Bounds for Sakaguchi Kind of Functions Associated with Sine Function
Serap Bulut, H. Priya and B. Srutha Keerth
Kocaeli University,
Faculty of Aviation and Space Sciences,
Arslanbey Campus, 41285 Kartepe-Kocaeli,
E-mail: serap.bulut@kocaeli.edu.tr
Department of Mathematics,
School of Advanced Sciences,
VIT Chennai Campus, Chennai - 600 048,
E-mail: priyaharikrishnan18@gmail.com,
Department of Mathematics,
School of Advanced Sciences,
VIT Chennai Campus, Chennai - 600 048,
E-mail: keerthivitmaths@gmail.com,
In this paper, we introduce a new general subclass of analytic functions with respect to symmetric points in the domain of sine function. We obtain sharp coefficient bounds and upper bounds for the Fekete-Szegö functional. Also we get sharp bounds for the logarithmic coefficients of functions belonging to this new class.
Paper's Title:
Higher Order Accurate Compact Schemes for Time Dependent Linear and Nonlinear Convection-Diffusion Equations
S. Thomas, Gopika P.B. and S. K. Nadupuri
Department of Mathematics
National Institute of Technology Calicut
pbgopika@gmail.com nsk@nitc.ac.in
The primary objective of this work is to study higher order compact finite difference schemes for finding the numerical solution of convection-diffusion equations which are widely used in engineering applications. The first part of this work is concerned with a higher order exponential scheme for solving unsteady one dimensional linear convection-diffusion equation. The scheme is set up with a fourth order compact exponential discretization for space and cubic $C^1$-spline collocation method for time. The scheme achieves fourth order accuracy in both temporal and spatial variables and is proved to be unconditionally stable. The second part explores the utility of a sixth order compact finite difference scheme in space and Huta's improved sixth order Runge-Kutta scheme in time combined to find the numerical solution of one dimensional nonlinear convection-diffusion equations. Numerical experiments are carried out with Burgers' equation to demonstrate the accuracy of the new scheme which is sixth order in both space and time. Also a sixth order in space predictor-corrector method is proposed. A comparative study is performed of the proposed schemes with existing predictor-corrector method. The investigation of computational order of convergence is presented.
Paper's Title:
ℵ0 Algebra and its Novel Application in Edge Detection
G. E. Chatzarakis1, S. Dickson2, S. Padmasekaran2, S. L. Panetsos1, and J. Ravi3
and Electronic Engineering Educators,
School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (ASPETE),
Marousi 15122, Athens,
E-mail: geaxatz@otenet.gr,
Periyar University,
Periyar Palkalai Nagar, Salem, 636011, Tamilnadu,
E-mail: dix.bern@gmail.com,
of Mathematics, Amity University,
Bengaluru, Karnataka,
In this paper a new type of ℵ0-algebra has been defined. With its help, the fuzzy cross subalgebra and the fuzzy η-relation on the ℵ0-algebra are introduced and their respective properties are derived. Moreover, the fuzzy cross ℵ0-ideal of the ℵ0-algebra is defined with some theorems and intuitionistic fuzzy ℵ0-ideals of the ℵ0-algebra are introduced. This fuzzy algebra concept is applied in image processing to detect edges. This ℵ0-algebra is a novelty in the field of research.
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