if(isset($title)){?> }?> if(isset($author)){?> }?> |
Paper's Title:
Solving Two Point Boundary Value Problems by Modified Sumudu Transform Homotopy Perturbation Method
Asem AL Nemrat and Zarita Zainuddin
School of Mathematical Sciences,
Universiti Sains Malaysia,
11800 Penang,
E-mail: alnemrata@yahoo.com
This paper considers a combined form of the Sumudu transform with the modified homotopy perturbation method (MHPM) to find approximate and analytical solutions for nonlinear two point boundary value problems. This method is called the modified Sumudu transform homotopy perturbation method (MSTHPM). The suggested technique avoids the round-off errors and finds the solution without any restrictive assumptions or discretization. We will introduce an appropriate initial approximation and furthermore, the residual error will be canceled in some points of the interval (RECP). Only a first order approximation of MSTHPM will be required, as compared to STHPM, which needs more iterations for the same cases of study. After comparing figures between approximate, MSTHPM, STHPM and numerical solutions, it is found through the solutions we have obtained that they are highly accurate, indicating that the MSTHPM is very effective, simple and can be used to solve other types of nonlinear boundary value problems (BVPs).
Paper's Title:
D-Iterative Method for Solving a Delay Differential Equation and a Two-Point Second-Order Boundary Value Problems in Banach Spaces
Francis Akutsah1, Akindele Adebayo Mebawondu2, Oluwatosin Babasola3, Paranjothi Pillay4 and Ojen Kumar Narain5
of Mathematics,
Statistics and Computer Science,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban,
South Africa.
E-mail: 216040405@stu.ukzn.ac.za,
of Mathematics,
Statistics and Computer Science,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban,
South Africa.
DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (CoE-MaSS),
South Africa.
Mountain Top University,
Prayer City, Ogun State,
E-mail: dele@aims.ac.za
of Mathematical Sciences,
University of Bath,
Claverton Down,
Bath, BA2 7AY
E-mail: ob377@bath.ac.uk
of Mathematics,
Statistics and Computer Science,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban,
South Africa.
E-mail: pillaypi@ukzn.ac.za
of Mathematics,
Statistics and Computer Science,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban,
South Africa.
E-mail: naraino@ukzn.ac.za
The purpose of this paper is to re-establish the convergence, stability and data dependence results established by [2] and [3] by removing the strong assumptions imposed on the sequences which were used to obtain their results. In addition, we introduced a modified approach using the D-iterative method to solve a two-point second-order boundary value problem, and also obtain the solution of a delay differential equations using the obtained results in this paper. The results presented in this paper do not only extend and improve the results obtained in [2, 3], it further extends and improve some existing results in the literature.
Paper's Title:
MSplit Equality for Monotone Inclusion Problem and Fixed Point Problem in
Real Banach Spaces
1,2Christian Chibueze Okeke, 3Abdumalik Usman Bello, 1Chinedu Izuchukwu, and 1Oluwatosin Temitope Mewomo
of Mathematics,
Statistics and Computer Science,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban,
South Africa.
E-mail: okekec@ukzn.ac.za
E-mail: izuchukwuc@ukzn.ac.za
E-mail: mewomoo@ukzn.ac.za
Center of Excellence in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (CoE-Mass)
South Africa.
Dutsin-Ma, Katsina State,
In this paper a new iterative algorithm for approximating a common solution of split equality monotone inclusion problem and split equality fixed point problem is introduced. Using our algorithm, we state and prove a strong convergence theorem for approximating an element in the intersection of the set of solutions of a split equality monotone inclusion problem and the set of solutions of a split equality fixed point problem for right Bregman strongly nonexpansive mappings in the setting of p-uniformly convex Banach spaces which are also uniformly smooth. We also give some applications.
Paper's Title:
A New Hardy-Hilbert's Type Inequality for Double Series and its Applications
Mingzhe Gao
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Normal College Jishou University,
Jishou Hunan, 416000,
People's Republic of China
In this paper, it is shown that a new Hardy-Hilbert’s type
inequality for double series can be established by introducing a parameter and the weight function of the form where c is Euler
constant and And
the coefficient is proved to be the
best possible. And as the mathematics aesthetics, several important constants and appear simultaneously in the coefficient and the weight
function when In particular, for
case some new Hilbert’s
type inequalities are obtained. As applications, some extensions of Hardy-Littlewood’s inequality are given.
Paper's Title:
On Pseudo Almost
Periodic Solutions to Some Neutral Functional-Differential
Toka Diagana and Eduardo Hernández
Department of Mathematics, Howard University
2441 6th Street NW,
Washington DC 20059,
Departamento de Matemática, I.C.M.C. Universidade de São Paulo,
Caixa Postal
668, 13560-970, São Carlos SP,
This paper discusses the existence and uniqueness of pseudo almost periodic solutions to a class of partial neutral functional-differential equations. Under some suitable assumptions, existence and uniqueness results are obtained. An example is given to illustrate abstract results.
Paper's Title:
A Dynamic Contact Problem for an Electro Viscoelastic Body
Denche M. and Ait Kaki L.
Laboratoire Equations Differentielles,
Departement de Mathematiques,
Universite Constantine 1,
Ecole Normale Superieure,
Departement des Sciences Exactes et Informatique,
Plateau Mansourah, Constantine.
We consider a dynamic problem which describes a contact between a piezoelectric body and a conductive foundation. The frictionless contact is modelled with the normal compliance, the electric conditions are supposed almost perfect. We prove the existence of a unique weak solution for almost perfect electric contact.
Paper's Title:
Strong Convergence Theorem for a Common Fixed Point of an
Infinite Family of J-nonexpansive Maps with Applications
Charlse Ejike Chidume, Otubo Emmanuel Ezzaka and Chinedu Godwin Ezea
African University of Science and
Ebonyi State University,
E-mail: mrzzaka@yahoo.com
Nnamdi Azikiwe University,
E-mail: chinedu.ezea@gmail.com
Let E be a uniformly convex and uniformly smooth real Banach space with dual space E*. Let {Ti}∞i=1 be a family of J-nonexpansive maps, where, for each i,~Ti maps E to 2E*. A new class of maps, J-nonexpansive maps from E to E*, an analogue of nonexpansive self maps of E, is introduced. Assuming that the set of common J-fixed points of {Ti}∞i=1 is nonempty, an iterative scheme is constructed and proved to converge strongly to a point x* in ∩∞n=1FJTi. This result is then applied, in the case that E is a real Hilbert space to obtain a strong convergence theorem for approximation of a common fixed point for an infinite family of nonexpansive maps, assuming existences. The theorem obtained is compared with some important results in the literature. Finally, the technique of proof is also of independent interest.
Paper's Title:
Strong Convergence Theorems for a Common Zero of an Infinite Family of Gamma-Inverse Strongly Monotone Maps with Applications
Charles Ejike Chidume, Ogonnaya Michael Romanus, and Ukamaka Victoria Nnyaba
African University of Science and
Technology, Abuja,
E-mail: cchidume@aust.edu.ng
E-mail: romanusogonnaya@gmail.com
E-mail: nnyabavictoriau@gmail.com
Let E be a uniformly convex and uniformly smooth real Banach space with
dual space E* and let Ak:E→E*,
k=1, 2, 3 , ...
be a family of inverse strongly monotone maps such that ∩∞k=1
A new iterative algorithm is constructed and proved to converge strongly to a
common zero of the family.
As a consequence of this result, a strong convergence theorem for approximating
a common J-fixed point for an infinite family of
gamma-strictly J-pseudocontractive maps is proved. These results are new and
improve recent results obtained for these classes of nonlinear maps.
Furthermore, the technique of proof is of independent interest.
Paper's Title:
Iterative Algorithm for Split Generalized Mixed Equilibrium Problem Involving Relaxed Monotone Mappings in Real Hilbert Spaces
1U.A. Osisiogu, F.L. Adum, and 2C. Izuchukwu
1Department of Mathematics and
Computer Science,
Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki,
E-mail: uosisiogu@gmail.com,
2School of Mathematics,
Statistics and Computer Science,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban,
South Africa.
E-mail: izuchukwuc@ukzn.ac.za,
The main purpose of this paper is to introduce a certain class of split generalized mixed equilibrium problem involving relaxed monotone mappings. To solve our proposed problem, we introduce an iterative algorithm and obtain its strong convergence to a solution of the split generalized mixed equilibrium problems in Hilbert spaces. As special cases of the proposed problem, we studied the proximal split feasibility problem and variational inclusion problem.
Paper's Title:
Some Convergence Results for Jungck-Am Iterative Process In Hyperbolic Spaces
Akindele Adebayo Mebawondu and Oluwatosin Temitope Mewomo
School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban,
South Africa.
In this paper, we introduce a new three steps iterative process called Jungck-AM iterative process and show that the proposed iterative process can be used to approximate fixed points of Jungck-contractive type mappings and Jungck-Suzuki type mappings. In addition, we establish some strong and Δ-convergence results for the approximation of fixed points of Jungck-Suzuki type mappings in the frame work of uniformly convex hyperbolic space. Furthermore, we show that the newly proposed iterative process has a better rate of convergence compare to the Jungck-Noor, Jungck-SP, Jungck-CR and some existing iterative processes in the literature. Finally, stability, data dependency results for Jungck-AM iterative process is established and we present an analytical proof and numerical examples to validate our claim.
Paper's Title:
Reverse Hölder and Minkowski type integral inequalities for n functions
Panagiotis T. Krasopoulos and Lazhar Bougoffa
Department of Informatics, KEAO,
Electronic National Social Security Fund,
12 Patision St., 10677, Athens,
E-mail: pan_kras@yahoo.gr
Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Science, Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University,
P.O. Box 90950, Riyadh 11623,
Saudi Arabia.
E-mail: lbbougoffa@imamu.edu.sa
We present and prove new reverse Hölder and Minkowski type integral inequalities for n functions. We compare our results with other known results from the relative literature in order to test their performance. In this respect, our theorems can be viewed as generalizations of some already known integral inequalities.
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