if(isset($title)){?> }?> if(isset($author)){?> }?> |
Paper's Title:
Positive Solutions for Systems of Three-point Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems
J. Henderson and S. K. Ntouyas
Department of Mathematics, Baylor University
Waco, Texas
76798-7328 USA.
URL: http://www3.baylor.edu/~Johnny_Henderson
Department of Mathematics, University of Ioannina
451 10 Ioannina,
URL: http://www.math.uoi.gr/~sntouyas
Values of λ are determined for which there exist
positive solutions of the system of three-point boundary value problems,
u''(t)+ λa(t)f(v(t))=0, v''(t)+λb(t)g(u(t))=0,
for 0 < t <1, and
satisfying, u(0) = 0, u(1)=α u(η),
v(0) = 0, v(1)=α v(η). A Guo-Krasnosel'skii fixed
point theorem is applied. Paper's Title:
Local and Global Existence and Uniqueness Results for Second and Higher Order Impulsive Functional Differential Equations with Infinite Delay
Johnny Henderson and Abdelghani Ouahab
Department of Mathematics, Baylor University,
Laboratoire de Mathématiques, Université de Sidi Bel Abbés Abstract:
In this paper, we discuss the local and global existence and
uniqueness results for second and higher order impulsive functional
differential equations with infinite delay. We shall rely on a
nonlinear alternative of Leray-Schauder. For the global existence
and uniqueness we apply a recent Frigon and Granas nonlinear
alternative of Leray-Schauder type in Fréchet spaces. Paper's Title:
Existence Results for Second Order Impulsive Functional Differential Equations with Infinite Delay Author(s):
M. Lakrib, A. Oumansour and K. Yadi
Laboratoire de Mathématiques, Université Djillali Laboratoire de Mathématiques, Université Abou Bekr Abstract:
In this paper we study the existence of solutions for second order
impulsive functional differential equations with infinite delay.
To obtain our results, we apply fixed point methods. Paper's Title:
Existence of Non-spurious Solutions to Discrete Boundary Value Problems
Irena Rachunkova and Christopher C. Tisdell
Department of Mathematics
School of Mathematics Abstract:
This paper investigates discrete boundary value problems (BVPs) involving second-order difference equations and two-point boundary conditions.
General theorems guaranteeing the existence and uniqueness of solutions to the discrete BVP are established. The methods involve a sufficient growth condition to yield an a priori bound on solutions to a certain family of discrete BVPs. The em a priori bounds on solutions to the discrete BVP do not depend on the step-size and thus there are no ``spurious'' solutions. It is shown that solutions of the discrete BVP will converge to solutions of ordinary differential equations.
Paper's Title:
Positive Periodic Time-Scale Solutions for Functional Dynamic Equations
Douglas R. Anderson and Joan Hoffacker
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Department of Mathematical Sciences Abstract:
Using Krasnoselskii's fixed point theorem, we establish the existence of positive periodic solutions
to two pairs of related nonautonomous functional delta dynamic equations on periodic time scales, and then extend the discussion to higher-dimensional equations. Two pairs of corresponding nabla equations
are also provided in an analogous manner.
8: Paper Source
PDF document
Waco, Texas 76798-7328
BP 89, 22000 Sidi Bel Abbées,
3: Paper Source
PDF document
Liabées, B.P. 89 Sidi Bel Abbès 22000, Algérie
Belkaid, B.P. 119 Tlemcen 13000, Algérie
2: Paper Source
PDF document
Palacky University
771 46 Olomouc, Czech Republic.
URL: http://phoenix.inf.upol.cz/~rachunekl/mathair/matha-en.htm
The University of New South Wales
Sydney 2052, Australia.
URL: http://www.maths.unsw.edu.au/~cct
1: Paper Source
PDF document
Concordia College
Moorhead, MN 56562 USA
URL: http://www.cord.edu/faculty/andersod/
Clemson University
Clemson, SC 29634 USA
URL: http://www.math.clemson.edu/facstaff/johoff.htm
Paper's Title:
Positive Solutions to a System of Boundary Value Problems for Higher-Dimensional Dynamic Equations on Time Scales
I. Y. Karaca
Department of Mathematics,
Ege University,
35100 Bornova, Izmir,
In this paper, we consider the system of boundary value problems for higher-dimensional dynamic equations on time scales. We establish criteria for the existence of at least one or two positive solutions. We shall also obtain criteria which lead to nonexistence of positive solutions. Examples applying our results are also given.
Paper's Title:
Applications of the Structure Theorem of (w1,w2)-Tempered
Hamed M. Obiedat and Lloyd E. Moyo
Department of Mathematics,
Hashemite University,
P.O.Box 150459, Zarqa13115,
E-mail: hobiedat@hu.edu.j
Department of Mathematics, Computer
Science & Statistics,
Henderson State University,
1100 Henderson Street, Arkadelphia, AR 71999,
E-mail: moyol@hsu.edu
Using a previously obtained structure theorem for (w1, w2)-tempered ultradistributions, we prove that these ultradistributions can be represented as initial values of solutions of the heat equation.
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