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You searched for krasniqi
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11: Paper Source PDF document

Paper's Title:

On Trigonometric Approximation of Continuous Functions by Deferred Matrix Means


Xhevat Zahir Krasniqi

Faculty of Education,
University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina",
Avenue "Mother Theresa " no. 5, Prishtin
ė 10000,
Republic of Kosovo.


In this paper, for the first time, we introduce the deferred matrix means which contain the well-known generalized deferred Nörlund, deferred Nörlund, deferred Riesz, deferred Cesąro means introduced earlier by others, and a new class of sequences (predominantly a wider class than the class of Head Bounded Variation Sequences). In addition, using the deferred matrix means of Fourier series of a continuous function, we determine the degree of approximation of such function via its modulus of continuity and a positive mediate function.

6: Paper Source PDF document

Paper's Title:

On A Conjecture of A Logarithmically Completely Monotonic Function


Valmir Krasniqi, Armend Sh. Shabani

Department of Mathematics,
University of Prishtina,
Republic of Kosova



In this short note we prove a conjecture, related to a logarithmically completely monotonic function, presented in [5]. Then, we extend by proving a more generalized theorem. At the end we pose an open problem on a logarithmically completely monotonic function involving q-Digamma function.

3: Paper Source PDF document

Paper's Title:

On Euler's First Transformation Formula for k-hypergeometric Function


Sungtae Jun and Insuk Kim

General Education Institute,
Konkuk University, Chungju 380-701,
Republic of Korea.

Department of Mathematics Education,
Wonkwang University, Iksan, 570-749,
Republic of Korea.


Mubeen et al. obtained Kummer's first transformation for the k-hypergeometric function. The aim of this note is to provide the Euler-type first transformation for the k-hypergeometric function. As a limiting case, we recover the results of Mubeen et al. In addition to this, an alternate and easy derivation of Kummer's first transformation for the k-hypergeometric function is also given.

2: Paper Source PDF document

Paper's Title:

On the Degree of Approximation of Continuous Functions that Pertains to the Sequence-To-Sequence Transformation


Xhevat Z. Krasniqi

University of Prishtina,
Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences,
5 Mother Teresa Avenue, Prishtinė, 10000,
Republic of Kosovo.


In this paper we prove analogous theorems like Leindler's 3 using the so-called A-transform of the B-transform of the partial sums of Fourier series. In addition, more than two such transforms are introduced and for them analogous results are showed as well.

2: Paper Source PDF document

Paper's Title:

On The Degree of Approximation of Periodic Functions from Lipschitz and Those from Generalized Lipschitz Classes


Xhevat Z. Krasniqi

Faculty of Education,
University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina",
Avenue "Mother Theresa " no. 5, Prishtin
ė 10000,
Republic of Kosovo.


In this paper we have introduced some new trigonometric polynomials. Using these polynomials, we have proved some theorems which determine the degree of approximation of periodic functions by a product of two special means of their Fourier series and the conjugate Fourier series. Many results proved previously by others are special case of ours.

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