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9: Paper Source PDF document

Paper's Title:

Some Convergence Results for  Jungck-Am Iterative Process In Hyperbolic Spaces


Akindele Adebayo Mebawondu and Oluwatosin Temitope Mewomo

School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban,
South Africa.


In this paper, we introduce a new three steps iterative process called Jungck-AM iterative process and show that the proposed iterative process can be used to approximate fixed points of Jungck-contractive type mappings and Jungck-Suzuki type mappings. In addition, we establish some strong and Δ-convergence results for the approximation of fixed points of Jungck-Suzuki type mappings in the frame work of uniformly convex hyperbolic space. Furthermore, we show that the newly proposed iterative process has a better rate of convergence compare to the Jungck-Noor, Jungck-SP, Jungck-CR and some existing iterative processes in the literature. Finally, stability, data dependency results for Jungck-AM iterative process is established and we present an analytical proof and numerical examples to validate our claim.

6: Paper Source PDF document

Paper's Title:

New Implicit Kirk-Type Schemes for General Class of Quasi-Contractive Operators in Generalized Convex Metric Spaces


K. Rauf, O. T. Wahab and A. Ali

Department of Mathematics,
University of Ilorin, Ilorin,

Department of Statistics and Mathematical Sciences,
Kwara State University, Malete,

Department of Mathematics,
Mirpur University of Science and Technology, Mirpur,


In this paper, we introduce some new implicit Kirk-type iterative schemes in generalized convex metric spaces in order to approximate fixed points for general class of quasi-contractive type operators. The strong convergence, T-stability, equivalency, data dependence and convergence rate of these results were explored. The iterative schemes are faster and better, in term of speed of convergence, than their corresponding results in the literature. These results also improve and generalize several existing iterative schemes in the literature and they provide analogues of the corresponding results of other spaces, namely: normed spaces, CAT(0) spaces and so on.

5: Paper Source PDF document

Paper's Title:

Some Stability Results For Fixed Point Iteration Processes


M. O. Olatinwo, O. O. Owojori, and C. O. Imoru

Department of Mathematics, Obafemi Awolowo University,


In this paper, we present some stability results for both the general Krasnoselskij and the Kirk's iteration processes. The method of Berinde \cite{VBE1} is employed but a more general contractive condition than those of Berinde \cite{VBE1}, Harder and Hicks \cite{HAM}, Rhoades \cite{RHO1} and Osilike \cite{OSI1} is considered.

3: Paper Source PDF document

Paper's Title:

Convergence Speed of Some Random Implicit-Kirk-type Iterations for Contractive-type Random Operators


H. Akewe, K.S. Eke

Department of Mathematics,
Covenant University, 
Canaanland, KM 10, Idiroko Road, P. M. B. 1023, Ota, Ogun State,


The main aim of this paper is to introduce a stochastic version of multistep type iterative scheme called a modified random implicit-Kirk multistep iterative scheme and prove strong convergence and stability results for a class of generalized contractive-type random operators. The rate of convergence of the random iterative schemes are also examined through an example. The results show that our new random implicit kirk multistep scheme perform better than other implicit iterative schemes in terms of convergence and thus have good potentials for further applications in equilibrium problems in computer science, physics and economics.

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