if(isset($title)){?> }?> if(isset($author)){?> }?> |
Paper's Title:
MSplit Equality for Monotone Inclusion Problem and Fixed Point Problem in
Real Banach Spaces
1,2Christian Chibueze Okeke, 3Abdumalik Usman Bello, 1Chinedu Izuchukwu, and 1Oluwatosin Temitope Mewomo
of Mathematics,
Statistics and Computer Science,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban,
South Africa.
E-mail: okekec@ukzn.ac.za
E-mail: izuchukwuc@ukzn.ac.za
E-mail: mewomoo@ukzn.ac.za
Center of Excellence in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (CoE-Mass)
South Africa.
Dutsin-Ma, Katsina State,
In this paper a new iterative algorithm for approximating a common solution of split equality monotone inclusion problem and split equality fixed point problem is introduced. Using our algorithm, we state and prove a strong convergence theorem for approximating an element in the intersection of the set of solutions of a split equality monotone inclusion problem and the set of solutions of a split equality fixed point problem for right Bregman strongly nonexpansive mappings in the setting of p-uniformly convex Banach spaces which are also uniformly smooth. We also give some applications.
Paper's Title:
Some Convergence Results for Jungck-Am Iterative Process In Hyperbolic Spaces
Akindele Adebayo Mebawondu and Oluwatosin Temitope Mewomo
School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban,
South Africa.
In this paper, we introduce a new three steps iterative process called Jungck-AM iterative process and show that the proposed iterative process can be used to approximate fixed points of Jungck-contractive type mappings and Jungck-Suzuki type mappings. In addition, we establish some strong and Δ-convergence results for the approximation of fixed points of Jungck-Suzuki type mappings in the frame work of uniformly convex hyperbolic space. Furthermore, we show that the newly proposed iterative process has a better rate of convergence compare to the Jungck-Noor, Jungck-SP, Jungck-CR and some existing iterative processes in the literature. Finally, stability, data dependency results for Jungck-AM iterative process is established and we present an analytical proof and numerical examples to validate our claim.
Paper's Title:
A Self-adaptive Subgradient Extragradient Algorithm for Variational Inequality Problems and Fixed Point Problems in Banach Spaces
F. U. Ogbuisi
School of Mathematics, Statistics and
Computer Science,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban,
South Africa.
Department of Mathematics,
University of Nigeria, Nsukka,
E-mail: ferdinard.ogbuisi@unn.edu.ng
In this paper, we propose and analyze a type of subgradient extragradient algorithm for the approximation of a solution of variational inequality problem which is also a common fixed point of an infinite family of relatively nonexpansive mappings in 2-uniformly convex Banach spaces which are uniformly smooth. By using the generalized projection operator, we prove a strong convergence theorem which does not require the prior knowledge of the Lipschitz constant of cost operator. We further applied our result to constrained convex minimization problem, convex feasibility problem and infinite family of equilibrium problems. Our results improve and complement related results in 2-uniformly convex and uniformly smooth Banach spaces and Hilbert spaces.
Paper's Title:
A New Iterative Approximation of a Split Fixed Point Constraint Equilibrium Problem
Musa Adewale Olona1, Adhir Maharaj2 and Ojen Kumar Narain3
of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban,
South Africa.
E-mail: 219095783@stu.ukzn.ac.za
of Mathematics,
Durban University of Technology, Durban,
South Africa.
E-mail: adhirm@dut.ac.za
of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban,
South Africa.
E-mail: naraino@ukzn.ac.za
The purpose of this paper is to introduce an iterative algorithm for approximating an element in the solution set of the common split feasibility problem for fixed points of demimetric mappings and equilibrium problem for monotone mapping in real Hilbert spaces. Motivated by self-adaptive step size method, we incorporate the inertial technique to accelerate the convergence of the proposed method and establish a strong convergence of the sequence generated by the proposed algorithm. Finally, we present a numerical example to illustrate the significant performance of our method. Our results extend and improve some existing results in the literature.
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