if(isset($title)){?> }?> if(isset($author)){?> }?> |
Paper's Title:
Some properties of k-quasi class Q* operators
Shqipe Lohaj and Valdete Rexhëbeqaj Hamiti
Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina",
Prishtine 10000,
E-mail: shqipe.lohaj@uni-pr.edu
Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina",
Prishtine 10000,
E-mail: valdete.rexhebeqaj@uni-pr.edu
In this paper, we give some results of k-quasi class Q* operators. We proved that if T is an invertible operator and N be an operator such that N commutes with T*T, then N is k-quasi class Q* if and only if TNT-1 is of k-quasi class Q*. With example we proved that exist an operator k-quasi class Q* which is quasi nilpotent but it is not quasi hyponormal.
Paper's Title:
Some properties of quasinormal, paranormal and 2-k* paranormal operators
Shqipe Lohaj
Department of Mathematics,
University of Prishtina,
E-mail: shqipe.lohaj@uni-pr.edu
In the beginning of this paper some conditions under which an operator is partial isometry are given. Further, the class of 2-k* paranormal operators is defined and some properties of this class in Hilbert space are shown. It has been proved that an unitarily operator equivalent with an operator of a 2-k* paranormal operator is a 2-k* paranormal operator, and if is a 2-k* paranormal operator, that commutes with an isometric operator, then their product also is a $2-k^*$ paranormal operator.
Paper's Title:
Structural and Spectral Properties of k-Quasi Class Q Operators
Valdete Rexhëbeqaj Hamiti and Shqipe Lohaj
Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina",
Prishtine 10000,
E-mail: valdete.rexhebeqaj@uni-pr.edu
Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina",
Prishtine 10000,
E-mail: shqipe.lohaj@uni-pr.edu
An operator
is said to be k-quasi class Q
for all
where k is a natural number. In this paper, first we will prove some results for the matrix representation of k-quasi class Q operators. Then, we will give the inclusion of approximate point spectrum of k-quasi class Q operators. Also, we will give the equivalence between Aluthge transformation and
*-Aluthge transformation of k-quasi class Q operators.
Paper's Title:
Hyponormal and K-Quasi-Hyponormal Operators On Semi-Hilbertian Spaces
Ould Ahmed Mahmoud Sid Ahmed and Abdelkader Benali
Mathematics Department,
College of Science,
Aljouf University,
Aljouf 2014,
Saudi Arabia.
Mathematics Department, Faculty of
Hassiba Benbouali, University of Chlef,
B.P. 151 Hay Essalem, Chlef 02000,
Let H be a Hilbert space and let A be a positive bounded operator on H. The semi-inner product < u|v>A:=<Au|v>, u,v ∈ H induces a semi-norm || .||A on H. This makes H into a semi-Hilbertian space. In this paper we introduce the notions of hyponormalities and k-quasi-hyponormalities for operators on semi Hilbertian space (H,||.||A), based on the works that studied normal, isometry, unitary and partial isometries operators in these spaces. Also, we generalize some results which are already known for hyponormal and quasi-hyponormal operators. An operator T ∈ BA (H) is said to be (A, k)-quasi-hyponormal if
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