if(isset($title)){?> }?> if(isset($author)){?> }?> |
Paper's Title:
A new approach to the study of fixed point for simulation functions with application in G-metric spaces
Komi Afassinou and Ojen Kumar Narain
Department of Mathematical Sciences,
University of Zululand,
South Africa.
E-mail: komia@aims.ac.za
School of Mathematics, Statistics and
Computer Science,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban,
South Africa.
E-mail: naraino@ukzn.ac.za
The purpose of this work is to generalize the fixed point results of Kumar et al. [11] by introducing the concept of (α,β)-Z-contraction mapping, Suzuki generalized (α,β)-Z-contraction mapping, (α,β)-admissible mapping and triangular (α,β)-admissible mapping in the frame work of G-metric spaces. Fixed point theorems for these class of mappings are established in the frame work of a complete G-metric spaces and we establish a generalization of the fixed point result of Kumar et al. [11] and a host of others in the literature. Finally, we apply our fixed point result to solve an integral equation.
Paper's Title:
Existence of Solution of Differential and Riemann-Liouville Equation Via Fixed Point Approach in Complex Valued b-Metric Spaces
K. Afassinou, A. A. Mebawondu, H. A. Abass and O. K. Narain
Department of Science Access,
University of Zululand, KwaDlangezwa,
South Africa.
E-mail: komia@aims.ac.za
DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in
Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (CoE-MaSS),
South Africa.
E-mail: dele@aims.ac.za
DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in
Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (CoE-MaSS),
South Africa.
E-mail: hammedabass548@gmail.com
School of Mathematics, Statistics and
Computer Science,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban,
South Africa.
E-mail: naraino@ukzn.ac.za
In this paper, we establish some fixed point and common fixed point results for a new type of generalized contractive mapping using the notion of C-class function in the framework of complex valued b-metric spaces. As an application, we establish the existence and uniqueness of a solution for Riemann-Liouville integral and ordinary differential equation in the framework of a complete complex valued b-metric spaces. The obtained results generalize and improve some fixed point results in the literature.
Paper's Title:
Introducing the Picard-S3 Iteration for Fixed Points
Pravin Singh, Virath Singh and Shivani Singh
University of KwaZulu-Natal,
School of Mathematics Statistics and Computer Sciences,
Private Bag X54001,
Durban, 4000
South Africa.
Department of Decision Sciences,
PO Box 392,
Pretoria, 0003
South Africa.
E-mail: singhprook@gmail.com
In this paper we introduce a three step iteration method and show that it can be used to approximate the fixed point of a weak contraction mapping. Furthermore, we prove that this scheme is equivalent to the Mann iterative scheme. A comparison is made with other three step iterative methods by examining the speed of convergence. Results are presented in tables to support our conclusion.
Paper's Title:
Bounds for the Extremal Eigenvalues of Positive Definite Matrices
Shivani Singh and Pravin Singh
Unisa, Department of Decision Sciences,
PO Box 392,
South Africa.
E-mail: singhs2@unisa.ac.za
University of KwaZulu-Natal,
School of Mathematics Statistics and Computer Sciences
Private Bag X54001,
South Africa.
E-mail: singhprook@gmail.com
We use a projection to achieve bounds for a vector function of the eigenvalues of a positive definite matrix. For various choices of the monotonic function we are able to obtain bounds for the extremal eigenvalues in terms of the traces of the matrix and its powers. These bounds are relatively simple to compute.
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