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4: Paper Source PDF document

Paper's Title:

Polynomial Dichotomy of C0-Quasi Semigroups in Banach Spaces


Sutrima1,2, Christiana Rini Indrati2, Lina Aryati2

1Department of Mathematics,
Universitas Sebelas Maret,
PO Box 57126, Surakarta,

2Department of Mathematics,
Universitas Gadjah Mada,
PO Box 55281, Yogyakarta,


Stability of solutions of the problems is an important aspect for application purposes. Since its introduction by Datko [7], the concept of exponential stability has been developed in various types of stability by various approaches. The existing conditions use evolution operator, evolution semigroup, and quasi semigroup approach for the non-autonomous problems and a semigroup approach for the autonomous cases. However, the polynomial stability based on C0-quasi semigroups has not been discussed in the references. In this paper we propose a new stability for C0-quasi semigroups on Banach spaces i.e the polynomial stability and polynomial dichotomy. As the results, the sufficient and necessary conditions for the polynomial and uniform polynomial stability are established as well as the sufficiency for the polynomial dichotomy. The results are also confirmed by the examples.

1: Paper Source PDF document

Paper's Title:

Lebesgue Absolutely Continuous Functions Taking Values on C[a,b]


Andrew Felix IV Suarez Cunanan

North Eastern Mindanao State University


In this paper a version of absolutely continuous function using Lebesgue partition instead of Riemann partition over the field of C[a,b] will be introduced and we call this function as Lebesgue absolutely continuous function on [f,g]. Moreover, some properties of Lebesgue absolutely continuous function on [f,g] will be presented together with its relationship with the other continuous functions.

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