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Paper's Title:
Weakly Compact Composition Operators on Real Lipschitz Spaces of Complex-valued Functions on Compact Metric Spaces with Lipschitz Involutions
D. Alimohammadi and H. Alihoseini
Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Science,
Arak University
P. O. Box,38156-8-8349,
E-mail: d-alimohammadi@araku.ac.ir
URL: http://www.araku.ac.ir
We first show that a bounded linear operator T on a real Banach space E is weakly compact if and only if the complex linear operator T on the complex Banach space EC is weakly compact, where EC is a suitable complexification of E and iT' is the complex linear operator on EC associated with T. Next we show that every weakly compact composition operator on real Lipschitz spaces of complex-valued functions on compact metric spaces with Lipschitz involutions is compact.
Paper's Title:
Unital Compact Homomorphisms Between Extended Analytic Uniform Algebras
D. Alimohammadi and M. Mayghani
Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Science, Arak University,
PO Box 38156-8-8349, Arak,
Let X and K be compact plane sets with K⊆X. We denote by A(X,K) and A(X) the algebras of all continuous complex-valued functions on X which are analytic on int(K) and int(X), respectively. It is known that A(X,K) and A(X) are natural uniform algebras on X. A(X) and A(X,K) are called analytic uniform algebra and extended analytic uniform algebra on X, respectively. In this paper we study unital homomorphisms between extended analytic uniform algebras and investigate necessary and sufficient conditions for which these homomorphisms to be compact. We also determine the spectrum of unital compact endomorphisms of extended analytic uniform algebras.
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