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7: Paper Source PDF document

Paper's Title:

Reduced Generalized Combination Synchronization Between Two n-Dimensional Integer-Order Hyperchaotic Systems and One m-Dimensional Fractional-Order Chaotic System


Smail Kaouache, Mohammed Salah Abdelouahab and Rabah Bououden

Laboratory of Mathematics and their interactions,
Abdelhafid Boussouf University Center, Mila.


This paper is devoted to investigate the problem of reduced generalized combination synchronization (RGCS) between two n-dimensional integer-order hyperchaotic drive systems and one m-dimensional fractional-order chaotic response system. According to the stability theorem of fractional-order linear system, an active mode controller is proposed to accomplish this end. Moreover, the proposed synchronization scheme is applied to synchronize three different chaotic systems, which are the Danca hyperchaotic system, the modified hyperchaotic Rossler system, and the fractional-order Rabinovich-Fabrikant chaotic system. Finally, numerical results are presented to fit our theoretical analysis.

4: Paper Source PDF document

Paper's Title:

Coexisting Attractors and Bubbling Route to Chaos in Modified Coupled Duffing Oscillators


B. Deruni1, A. S. Hacinliyan1,2, E. Kandiran3, A. C. Keles2, S. Kaouache4, M.-S. Abdelouahab4, N.-E. Hamri4

1Department of Physics,
University of Yeditepe,

2Department of Information Systems and Technologies,
University of Yeditepe,

3Department of Software Development,
University of Yeditepe,

4Laboratory of Mathematics and their interactions,
University Center of Abdelhafid Boussouf,
Mila 43000,



In this article dynamical behavior of coupled Duffing oscillators is analyzed under a small modification. The oscillators have cubic damping instead of linear one. Although single duffing oscillator has complex dynamics, coupled duffing systems possess a much more complex structure. The dynamical behavior of the system is investigated both numerically and analytically. Numerical results indicate that the system has double scroll attractor with suitable parameter values. On the other hand, bifurcation diagrams illustrate rich behavior of the system, and it is seen that, system enters into chaos with different routes. Beside classical bifurcations, bubbling route to chaos is observed for suitable parameter settings. On the other hand, Multistability of the system is indicated with the coexisting attractors, such that under same parameter setting the system shows different periodic and chaotic attractors. Moreover, chaotic synchronization of coupled oscillators is illustrated in final section.

4: Paper Source PDF document

Paper's Title:

A General Fractional Control Scheme for Compound Combination Synchronization Between Different Fractional-Order Identical Chaotic Systems


Soumia Bensimessaoud and Smail Kaouache

Laboratory of Mathematics and their interactions, Abdelhafid Boussouf University Center, Mila, Algeria.


In this paper, we aim to investigate the problem of compound combination synchronization (CCS) between four different fractional-order identical chaotic systems. Based on Laplace transformation and stability theory of linear dynamical systems, a new control law is proposed to assure the achievement of this kind of synchronization. Secondly, this control scheme is applied to realised CCS between four identical unified chaotic systems. Recall, that the proposed control scheme can be applied to wide classes of chaotic and hyperchaotic systems. Numerical simulations are given to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

2: Paper Source PDF document

Paper's Title:

Some interesting properties of finite continuous Cesàro operators


Abdelouahab Mansour and Abderrazak Hechifa

Operator theory laboratory (LABTHOP),
Eloued University,

Mathematics Department,
Faculty of Science,
Badji Mokhtar University, -Annaba,


A complex scalar λ is called an extended eigenvalue of a bounded linear operator T on a complex Banach space if there is a nonzero operator X such that TX = λ XT, the operator X is called extended eigenoperator of T corresponding to the extended eigenvalue λ.

In this paper we prove some properties of extended eigenvalue and extended eigenoperator for C1 on Lp([0,1]), where C1 is the Cesàro operator defined on the complex Banach spaces Lp([0 , 1])  for 1<p<∞ by the expression

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