The Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications

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ISSN 1449-5910  


Paper Information

Paper Title:

On Euler's First Transformation Formula for k-hypergeometric Function


Sungtae Jun and Insuk Kim

General Education Institute,
Konkuk University, Chungju 380-701,
Republic of Korea.

Department of Mathematics Education,
Wonkwang University, Iksan, 570-749,
Republic of Korea.


Mubeen et al. obtained Kummer's first transformation for the k-hypergeometric function. The aim of this note is to provide the Euler-type first transformation for the k-hypergeometric function. As a limiting case, we recover the results of Mubeen et al. In addition to this, an alternate and easy derivation of Kummer's first transformation for the k-hypergeometric function is also given.

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