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Paper's Title:

The Bernoulli Inequality in Uniformly Complete f-algebras with Identity


Adel Toumi and Mohamed Ali Toumi

Laboratoire de Physique des Liquides Critiques, Département de Physique, Faculté des Sciences de Bizerte, 7021, Zarzouna, Bizerte, TUNISIA

Département de Mathématiques, Faculté des Sciences de Bizerte, 7021, Zarzouna, Bizerte, TUNISIA


The main purpose of this paper is to establish with a constructive proof the Bernoulli inequality: let A be a uniformly complete f-algebra with e as unit element, let 1<p<∞, then


for all a∈A+. As an application we prove the Hölder inequality for positive linear functionals on a uniformly complete f-algebra with identity by using the Minkowski inequality.

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