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Paper's Title:
Fractional Integral Inequalities of Hermite-Hadamard Type for P-convex and Quasi-Convex Stochastic Process
Oualid Rholam, Mohammed Barmaki and Driss Gretet
National School of Applied Sciences (ENSA),
University Ibn Tofail,
B.P 242 Kenitra 14000,
phone number : +212606257757,
E-mail: oualid.rholam@uit.ac.ma
Science Faculty Ben M'sik,
University Hassan II,
B.P 7955 Av Driss El Harti Sidi Othmane 20700,
phone number : +212 5 22 70 46 71 ,
E-mail: mohammed.barmaki@uit.ac.ma
National School of Applied Sciences (ENSA),
University Ibn Tofail,
B.P 242 Kenitra 14000,
phone number : +212661403557,
E-mail: driss.gretete@uit.ac.ma
In this paper we consider the class of P-convex and Quasi-convex stochastic processes on witch we apply a general class of generalized fractional integral operator in order to establish new integral inequalities of Hermite-Hadammard type. then we obtain some results for well known types of fractional integrals. Results obtained in this paper may be starting point as well as a useful source of inspiration for further research in convex analysis.
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