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2: Paper Source PDF document

Paper's Title:

New Coincidence and Fixed Point Theorems for Strictly Contractive Hybrid Maps


S. L. Singh and Amal M. Hashim

21, Govind Nagar, Rishikesh 249201,
Ua, India

Dept. of Math., College of Science,
Univ. of Basarah,


The purpose of this paper is to study the (EA)-property and noncompatible maps of a hybrid pair of single-valued and multivalued maps in fixed point considerations. Such maps have the remarkable property that they need not be continuous at their common fixed points. We use this property to obtain some coincidence and fixed point theorems for strictly contractive hybrid maps without using their continuity and completeness or compactness of the space.

1: Paper Source PDF document

Paper's Title:

A Self-adaptive Subgradient Extragradient Algorithm for Variational Inequality Problems and Fixed Point Problems in Banach Spaces


F. U. Ogbuisi

School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban,
South Africa.

Department of Mathematics,
University of Nigeria, Nsukka,


In this paper, we propose and analyze a type of subgradient extragradient algorithm for the approximation of a solution of variational inequality problem which is also a common fixed point of an infinite family of relatively nonexpansive mappings in 2-uniformly convex Banach spaces which are uniformly smooth. By using the generalized projection operator, we prove a strong convergence theorem which does not require the prior knowledge of the Lipschitz constant of cost operator. We further applied our result to constrained convex minimization problem, convex feasibility problem and infinite family of equilibrium problems. Our results improve and complement related results in 2-uniformly convex and uniformly smooth Banach spaces and Hilbert spaces.

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