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You searched for moosapoor
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4: Paper Source PDF document

Paper's Title:

Some criteria for Subspace-hypercyclicity of C0-semigroups


Mansooreh Moosapoor

Department of Mathematics,
Farhangian University, Tehran,


We research subspace-hypercyclic C0-semigroups in this paper. We present various types of subspace-hypercyclicity criteria for C0-semigroups. Some of them are stronger than the criteria introduced before. Also, we state that if a C0-semigroup (Tt}t 0 satisfies in any of them, then (Tt⊕Tt}t 0 is subspace-hypercyclic.

2: Paper Source PDF document

Paper's Title:

On Subspace-Supercyclic Operators


Mansooreh Moosapoor

Assistant Professor,
Department of Mathematics,
Farhangian University, Tehran,


In this paper, we prove that supercyclic operators are subspace-supercyclic and by this we give a positive answer to a question posed in ( L. Zhang, Z. H. Zhou, Notes about subspace-supercyclic operators, Ann. Funct. Anal., 6 (2015), pp. 60--68). We give examples of subspace-supercyclic operators that are not subspace-hypercyclic. We state that if T is an invertible supercyclic operator then Tn and T-n is subspace-supercyclic for any positive integer n. We give two subspace-supercyclicity criteria. Surprisingly, we show that subspace-supercyclic operators exist on finite-dimensional spaces.

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