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1: Paper Source PDF document

Paper's Title:

Antiderivatives and Integrals Involving Incomplete Beta Functions with Applications


R. AlAhmad1,2 and H. Almefleh1

Mathematics Department,
Yarmouk University,
Irbid 21163,

Faculty of Engineering,
Higher Colleges of Technology,
Ras Alkhaimah,


In this paper, we prove that incomplete beta functions are antiderivatives of several products and powers of trigonometric functions, we give formulas for antiderivatives for products and powers of trigonometric functions in term of incomplete beta functions, and we evaluate integrals involving trigonometric functions using incomplete beta functions. Also, we extend some properties of the beta functions to the incomplete beta functions. As an application for the above results, we find the moments for certain probability distributions.

1: Paper Source PDF document

Paper's Title:

Estimation for Bounded Solutions of Some Nonlinear Integral Inequalities with Delay in Several Variables


Smakdji Mohamed Elhadi, Denche Mouhamed and Khellaf Hassane

Department of Mathematics
University of Frères Mentouri
PO Box 25000, Ain Elbay,


In this paper, some new nonlinear retarded integral inequalities of Gronwall-Bellman type for functions of two and n-independents variables are investigated. The derived results can be applied in the study of differential-integral equations with time delay. An example is given to illustrate the application of our results.

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