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Paper's Title:

Some Distortion and Other Properties Associated with a Family of the n-Fold Symmetric Koebe Type Functions


H. M. Srivastava, N. Tuneski and E. Georgieva-Celakoska

Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Victoria,
Victoria, British Columbia V8W 3R4,

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, St.
Cyril and Methodius University,
Karpo'v s II b.b., MK-1000 Skopje,
Republic of Macedonia


In a recent work by Kamali and Srivastava [5], a certain family of the n-fold symmetric Koebe type functions was introduced and studied systematically. In an earlier investigation, Eguchi and Owa [4] had considered its special case when n=1 (see also [10]). Here, in our present sequel to these earlier works, this general family of the n-fold symmetric Koebe type functions is studied further and several distortion theorems and such other properties as the radii of spirallikeness, the radii of starlikeness and the radii of convexity, which are associated with this family of the n-fold symmetric Koebe type functions, are obtained. We also provide certain criteria that embed this family of the n-fold symmetric Koebe type functions in a function class Gλ which was introduced and studied earlier by Silverman [7].

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