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Paper's Title:

On Some Remarkable Product of Theta-function


M. S. Mahadeva Naika, M. C. Maheshkumar and K. Sushan Bairy

Department of Mathematics,
Bangalore University, Central College Campus,
Bangalore-560 001,


On pages 338 and 339 in his first notebook, Ramanujan records eighteen values for a certain product of theta-function. All these have been proved by B. C. Berndt, H. H. Chan and L-C. Zhang [4]. Recently M. S. Mahadeva Naika and B. N. Dharmendra [7, 8] and Mahadeva Naika and M. C. Maheshkumar [9] have obtained general theorems to establish explicit evaluations of Ramanujan's remarkable product of theta-function. Following Ramanujan we define a new function bM,N as defined in (1.5). The main purpose of this paper is to establish some new general theorems for explicit evaluations of product of theta-function.

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