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4: Paper Source PDF document

Paper's Title:

On Commutator of Aluthge Transforms and Fuglede-Putnam Property


(Manzar Maleki, Ali Reza Janfada and Seyed Mohammad Sadegh Nabavi Sales

International Campus, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences,
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad,

Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics, Department of Mathematics,
University of Birjand,
P. O. Box 414, Birjand 9717851367,

Department of Pure Mathematics, Hakim Sabzevari University,
P.O. Box 397, Sabzevar,


We deal with the well-known Fuglede-Putnam theorem and related FP-property. We show that if (A,B) has the FP-property, then so has where 0 t1,t21 are arbitrary. We first prove that if and only if AX=XB for all X, whenever (A,B) has the FP-property. We prove some similar results for instead of $ as well. Also we introduce the sequence of generalized iterations of Aluthge transform of operators and express some results for this notion associated to the FP-property.

2: Paper Source PDF document

Paper's Title:

Long Correlations Applied to the Study of Agricultural Indices in Comparison with the S&P500 index


M. C. Mariani, J. Libbin, M.P. Beccar Varela,
V. Kumar Mani, C. Erickson, D.J. Valles Rosales

Department of Mathematical Sciences,
Science Hall 236, New Mexico State University,
Las Cruces, NM 88003-8001,


Long-time correlations in agricultural indices are studied and their behavior is compared to the well-established S&P500 index. Hurst exponent and Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) techniques are used in this analysis. We detected long-correlations in the agricultural indices and briefly discussed some features specific in comparison to the S&P500 index.

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