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Paper's Title:

Expected Utility with Subjective Events


Jacob Gyntelberg and Frank Hansen

Bank for International Settlements,

Tohoku University, Institute for International Education,


We provide a new theory of expected utility with subjective events modeled by a lattice of projections. This approach allows us to capture the notion of a ``small world'' as a context dependent or local state space embedded into a subjective set of events, the ``grand world''. For each situation the decision makers' subjective ``small world'' reflects the events perceived to be relevant for the act under consideration. The subjective set of events need not be representable by a classical state space. Maintaining preference axioms similar in spirit to the classical axioms, we obtain an expected utility representation which is consistent across local state spaces and separates subjective probability and utility. An added benefit is that this alternative expected utility representation allows for an intuitive distinction between risk and uncertainty.

2: Paper Source PDF document

Paper's Title:

A Fuzzy Soft Quotient Topology and Its Properties


Haripamyu, Riri Alfakhriati, Monika Rianti Helmi, Jenizon

Department of Mathematics and Data Science, Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia.


This research is to construct a new topology on fuzzy soft set by using the concept of quotient topology. Then we study the concept of quotient map to define the fuzzy soft quotient map and provide some relevant properties of fuzzy soft quotient map. Furthermore, we give some examples related to fuzzy soft quotient topology and fuzzy soft quotient map to apply some properties of fuzzy soft quotient map.

1: Paper Source PDF document

Paper's Title:

Generalized Efficient Solutions to One Class of Vector Optimization Problems in Banach Space


Peter I. Kogut, Rosanna Manzo, and Igor V. Nechay

Department of Differential Equations,
Dnipropetrovsk National University,
Naukova str., 13, 49050 Dnipropetrovsk,

 Dipartimento di Ingegneria Dell’informazione e Matematica Applicata,
Università di Salerno,
Via Ponte Don Melillo, 84084 Fisciano (Sa),

 Department of Technical Cybernetics,
Dnipropetrovsk Technical University,
Acad. Lazarjan str., 2, 49010


In this paper, we study vector optimization problems in Banach spaces for essentially nonlinear operator equations with additional control and state constraints. We assume that an objective mapping possesses a weakened property of lower semicontinuity and make no assumptions on the interior of the ordering cone. Using the penalization approach we derive both sufficient and necessary conditions for the existence of efficient solutions of the above problems. We also prove the existence of the so-called generalized efficient solutions via the scalarization of some penalized vector optimization problem.

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