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Paper's Title:

ψ(m,q)-Isometric Mappings on Metric Spaces


Sid Ahmed Ould Beinane, Sidi Hamidou Jah and Sid Ahmed Ould Ahmed Mahmoud

Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Mathematics Department, College of Science,
Jouf University,
Sakaka P.O.Box 2014,
Saudi Arabia.

Department of Mathematics, College of Science Qassim University,
P.O. Box 6640, Buraydah 51452,
Saudi Arabia.

Mathematical Analysis and Applications,
Mathematics Department, College of Science, Jouf University,
Sakaka P.O.Box 2014,
Saudi Arabia.


The concept of (m,p)-isometric operators on Banach space was extended to (m,q)-isometric mappings on general metric spaces in [6]. This paper is devoted to define the concept of ψ(m, q)-isometric, which is the extension of A(m, p)-isometric operators on Banach spaces introduced in [10]. Let T,ψ: (E,d) -> (E, d) be two mappings.
For some positive integer m and q (0,). T is said to be an ψ(m,q)-isometry, if for all  y,z E,

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